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Parenting Series (Baby) - Late Nights

Louis: "I don't get how you're wide awake Quincy...You got up earlier than Grayson, you ate an hour ago, your diaper is changed, you only took one nap today..." Louis continues to ramble to your three week old daughter that was laying on his chest while he laid in bed. "You've got to get sleep tonight honey so you won't sleep all day tomorrow and you won't sleep tomorrow night." He sighs. You smile as you reach your hand up and run it down Quincy's back as she stares at you. "She just wants to cuddle with her daddy." You whisper. "I guess so." Louis mumbles as he presses his lips to her forehead.

Niall: You stood in the kitchen in front of the bottle warmer, swaying back and forth with Sophie in your arms as you waited for the bottle to be done. She opened her mouth, chewing at the air as she started to fuss agin. "I promise it's almost done, baby." You say softly as you try to stop her from crying so she wouldn't wake up Niall. She opened her mouth loudly and her cries begin to ring through the whole house. Niall stumbled out of bed and found you in the kitchen. "Hey, hey...there's no need for crying." He says, taking her from you. "No need for crying, happy faces." He smiles tiredly down at the little girl who calmed at her fathers voice.

Liam: "Li...what if something is wrong? He hasn't stopped fussing for an hour." You say as you continued to rock Ben in his chair. Liam rubbed his eyes to keep himself from falling asleep. "He may have a tummy ache, (Y/N). He ate pretty fast when he got up at one." He yawns as he stares down at the tiny baby in your arms. "Here...let me see him." He says, holding his arms out. You passed the little boy to him and got up, letting Liam take your place. He carefully lays Ben face down in his arms, supporting his head in his large hands and began rubbing his back. Within a few seconds, Ben started to calm down and he let out a small burp. "There we go big man," Liam grins, sitting him up. "All we had was some gas bubbles." "How in the world did you...?" You ask, staring at him. "Mum used to do it do me." He explains as he laid Ben back in his crib. "She told me about it right before he was born."

Zayn: "Alright...give it up." You say as Zayn walks into your bedroom. "Hmm?" He asked, looking at you as he crawled into bed beside you. "What's wrong? You seem upset about something." You mumble as he curls back up to your side. "It's feels like you had her just yesterday and now she's going to be a month old in a week." He sighs, "I don't want her to get older and grow up having to face the world and everything bad in it." He sighs. You smile sweetly and run a hand through his hair. "Z, we've got a few years before we have to worry about that." You whisper. "I know...I just...I don't want her to be hurt." He whispers. "I don't either, but we can't learn if we don't make mistakes." You whisper as he begins to drift back off to sleep.

Harry: You sigh as you lay back down and Olivia begins to cry again. "Why won't she stop crying?" You groan, near tears yourself. "I've got an stay put." Harry mumbles as he gets up for nearly the tenth time to retrieve your daughter. A few seconds later her cries stopped and you heard his large feet padding towards your room. "Alright littlle miss, since you don't want to be separated from mummy and daddy, you're going to sleep with us." He says, laying a supporting pillow down on the bed between you two and gently placing her in it. "See, now you'll be with mummy and daddy." He says, sliding back into bed, forming himself around the pillow. "Why didn't we think of this before?" You whisper as you rest your head against the side of it as Olivia grabbed your finger. "Don't know, but now we can sleep." He whispers.

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