#04 - Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness

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#04 - Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness

Louis: Lately it seemed like you hadn't left the bathroom at all. Your morning sickness was over the top. Some days you'd get going for a good hour. Just when you thought it was over, you'd double over and throw up twice as long as you did the first time. Louis never left your side. He's sit next to you and hold your hair back. After you calmed down you would lay down, resting your head in his lap, trying to keep from moving to keep the small contents of your stomach from coming up. Most times you would end up crying because your body was weak and you couldn't take it anymore. Louis would let you complain until you stopped before he would whisper encouraging words to you, helping you realize that it was all worth it in the end.

Niall: You couldn't keep anything down. Every morning, afternoon, night, and times inbetween that you ate you would always throw it right back up. Niall would always sit with you, helping you through it. He would hold your hair back and rub your back. After you were done, he would sit you up on the bathroom counter and clean you up, giving you a little bit of water to help your dry throat. He'd lay down with you and rub your stomach, helping you calm down and eventually take a small nap. He treated you so well, making sure you had everything you needed. He'd feed you small portions of crackers and sprite to help your stomach calm down, careful not to give you too much so you wouldn't get sick again. He hated seeing you like this.

Liam: It's safe to say that you lucked out on morning sickness. You never felt like you were going to throw up. You never even had a wave of nausea...ever. Liam was concerned because he had read somewhere that morning sickness was a good thing; it showed the baby was developing. Even though the doctor assured you both that the baby was fine, he was always on watch. The only thing that you had that even hinted at the fact you were pregnant was dissiness. A wave of dissiness and confusion would hit you wherever it wanted to, whenever it wanted to. You could be out shopping with Liam and you'd get so dissy you'd have to lay down and gather yourself before getting up. Even though you skipped the morning sickness, you were replaced with something that may have been worse.

Zayn: Zayn had dragged you onto the short promotion tour with them because he didn't want you alone at home. You two still hadn't shared the news of your pregnancy with anyone. Every night while the bus traveled to a new town for the next day, you were hit with a wave of sickness. You extricated yourself from Zayn in your tiny bunk and stumbled out to the little seating area. You would lay down on the floor and close your eyes, trying to keep your breathing even. You never actually threw up, although you came close. The boys just thought it was motion sickness, not knowing about the baby growing inside you. Zayn would eventually wake up and find you out on the floor, trying to fall asleep. He was grab a blanket and a large pillow and lay down with you, rubbing your stomach to ease the nausea.

Harry: Every morning as you rolled over to snuggle closer to Harry, the wave of nausea hit you and you flew up from bed, rushing to the bathroom. You tried to be quiet enough so you wouldn't wake Harry, but it never worked. You were be leaning over the toilet, throwing up the small contents you had consumed the night before while Harry rubbed your back. You would catch your breath and be done within five minutes and get your day going earlier than you had wanted. The rest of the day would go fine, a little wave of nausea hitting every few hours, but nothing would happen...until after dinner. You knew that you'd throw everything up just a few minutes later, but that didn't stop you from eating. You needed nutrients for you and the baby to stay healthy. Let's just say...you weren't a fan of morning sickness.

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