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You had twins fraternal of course because they are a boy and a girl. They had turned four a week ago. They are very mischievous just like their father Louis Tomlinson. Problem was you and Louis had broken up, he said directly to you face that he never wanted to see you again. That was four years ago and you had no idea you were pregnant. The twins were being particularly hyper today. They ran at you with nerf guns screaming. "Fire at will!" You pretend fell to the ground as they pounced on you. Gatlin was on your back she had Louis' eyes and of course the same cheeky personality just like her brother Garret except Garret's eyes were the same as yours but he had Louis' hair. You decided it was time to get rid of some of this crazy energy. There were many bottles of silly string left from the party you decided to take the twins and all the silly string to the park near your flat were you could have a battle. They ran like their was no tomorrow down to the park as you reached the park they were not around. You knew they must be planning something so you played along walking right into it. You heard "Pull" being yelled as you tripped over a rope the twins were holding. As you stumbled forward they bombarded you with silly string and the fight was on. Soon enough it was time to grab the rest of the bottles from the car. You told them to "stay were they were and you would be right back." You quickly ran to the car and back but of course they hadn't listened and they were gone. You figured this was another prank but minutes passed and they didn't jump out at you or anything. Fearing the worst you ran around the wooded park yelling for your children "Gatlin! Garret!" That's when you heard laughter and saw your kids spraying down a group of guys with silly string. As you got closer you were saying "I am so sorry they just get carried away." You grabbed them each by an arm as you looked up to find the boys of One Direction including your ex Louis.

"y/n?!" They all exclaimed surprised to see you.

"Yeah it's me and this is Gatlin and Garret."

"They are so cute!" Liam said.

"What do you say?" You chastised them.

"Thank you." Both of them said in unison breaking free of your grasp attacking Liam. He picked up Gatlin yelling "help Niall" so Niall grabbed Garret and they went running off.

"We will get the silly string." Zayn called out as he and Harry ran after the other boys. Nice you thought they all totally just left you alone on purpose with Louis who you were still completely pissed at.

"So uh... You babysitting or something?" Louis questioned looking at the ground avoiding your eyes.

"No their mine." You quickly responded. Louis automatically looked up shocked but he hid it, you saw hurt come across his face as he said.

"Oh I didn't know you were with someone."

"I am not. Their father doesn't even know they exist." Louis looked into your eyes and you could tell he was realizing what this meant.

"Wait their about four. That means, oh my god y/n are they mine?!"

"Yes Louis they are yours." You retorted.

"How come you never told me I can't believe you..." Louis was starting to yell.

"No Louis Tomlinson I can't believe you. You broke my heart and never even thought to check up on me or anything. The last thing you said to me was that you never wanted to see my face again! So yeah I didn't call you going hey by the way you have a son and a daughter cause if you didn't want me I was sure you would want to little kids." You spat at him.

"Y/n I am so sorry. I didn't even mean it. You were getting so much hate; I was finding your crying all the time. I couldn't stand it anymore. I knew the only way you would leave is if I said something horrible. It broke me to pieces after saying it I cried for days. I thought I was doing something for your own good. Clearly it was foolish." Louis finished his explanation exasperated and look to you with pleading eyes.

"Well it was overly foolish Louis I knew what I was signing up for when I met you. And I cried for months having no idea why you were so cruel."

"Listen to me (your full name) I want to see your face ever day all day. If you can find it in your heart to take me back. I love you so much and I want the chance to love my children."

You thought for a moment finally shedding a tear and you hugged him. "Yes, yes of course I have dreamed of this for years." You saw the twins running towards you and Gatlin yelled

"Group hug!" You felt them collide into you and Louis soon enough all the boys were in on it too.

"It's about time you two got back together." Harry declared and everyone laughed.

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