DDM: You Wet the Bed While the Boys Are There(Age 3-5)

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DDM: You Wet the Bed While the Boys Are There(Age 3-5)

Liam (Age 3): I had put (y/n) to bed right before the boys got here. They were coming around 9 so we could watch the game that we missed earlier. After tucking her in, I slightly closed her door and waited for the boys. When they showed, up, we all began to watch the game. It was just a little bit into the game, when I thought I heard soft crying. I wasn't sure, so I just let it go thinking it was my mind playing with me. It was about ten minutes later when I noticed a shadow by the stairs. Zayn was sitting next to me, so I asked him. "Do you see that?" I pointed to the stairs. He nodded "What is it?" I shrugged and stood up. I made my way to the stairs when the figure was gone. I wanted to make sure that (y/n) was still asleep and didn't need anything so I walked up to her room. When I opened the door she wasn't in there. I creased my eyebrows, when I noticed in the corner there was another figure. I flipped her light on and she was the figure in the corner, but she was crying. "Baby what happened? Why aren't you in bed?" I asked kneeling down in front of her. "I sorry daddy!" She cried. "Why are you sorry? Baby talk to me you're scaring me." She pointed to her bed. I stood up and walked over to her bed and noticed she had had an accident. "Oh baby, why didn't you just tell me? I'm not mad." I smiled and went to her dresser and got out some new clothes. I changed her clothes and threw the wet ones in the hallway to put in the washer. "Here's your blanket, it's dry. Go downstairs and lay on the couch while I dry your bed okay?" She nodded and hugged my leg, too short to reach any higher. She ran downstairs and I stripped her bed and took them and her clothes to the washer. When I walked back into the living room, (y/n) had cuddled up to Zayn and was intently tracing his tattoos before she fell asleep. I smiled and sat back down to enjoy the rest of the game.

Louis (Age 4): It was about one in the morning before I finally went to bed. The boys and I were up working on things for (y/n)'s fifth birthday party next week. We all laid down and finally fell asleep. I woke up again to someone poking me. I thought it was one of the boys trying to be funny so I rolled over, but the poking didn't stop. I heard Niall wake up and talk to someone but I was hit in the face with a pillow. "Guys really? The poking wasn't enough?" I asked moody from just waking up. "Shut up dork, it was your daughter trying to wake you up." I immediately jumped up and saw (y/n) standing by Niall looking upset. "Bug, what happened?" Niall nudged her closer as I held my hands out. "I pee" She whispered. I couldn't quite hear her right, so I looked up at Niall. He bent down to her level and whispered things I couldn't quite make out. "I peed" She said louder this time. "Baby where?" I asked more concerned. "My bed" She started tearing up. "Come 'ere" I whispered. She walked towards me and sat in my lap. "Did you already change your clothes by yourself?" I smiled. She nodded. "Good girl" "How about I tuck you into my bed, and we can deal with your bed in the morning?" She shook her head. "I stay with you?" I smiled. She would never leave my side when something happened. I nodded. "Come on then." I laid her down and I laid down beside her bringing her close. I pulled a blanket over the both of us and hummed quietly until we were both out and asleep for the night.

Niall (Age 5): (y/n) had been having a lot of nightmares lately. It honestly scared me. I had put her to bed a little earlier, so I could stay up and make sure nothing happened. The boys had come over just to hang out and relax. We were watching Liam's choice of a movie when I heard a scream. I jumped up and ran into (y/n)'s room. She wasn't in there though. I turned around and she came running out of my room. "Daddy!" She cried. "It's alright, princess." I picked her up but quickly held her by her waist. "Princess, did you have an accident in your bed too?" She nodded slowly. "Was it the nightmare that caused it?" She nodded again. I kissed her forehead and took her into her room. I sat down on the floor and got some new pj's out for her. I helped her out of her wet ones, realizing there was pee all over her. "Come on, baby. We have to give you a bath." I started the water and quickly ran downstairs to tell the boys what happened. They all nodded understanding completely. I walked back into the bathroom and cleaned her up. I walked back into her room to get her clothes. When I walked back in, Harry walked in and had taken her out of the tub. He was sitting with his back to the wall with her curled up in a towel on his lap. He managed to get her to tell him what the nightmare was about. Something about how there were dragons that wanted to eat her and none of us would save her. Harry explained that dragons weren't real and we would always save her. I smiled and dressed her quickly. I thanked Harry and took her to the living room to cuddle while she was getting over her fear.

Harry (Age 4): We were on tour and currently leaving the arena. Paul had taken (y/n) back to the bus to put her to bed, seeing it was way past her bedtime. We got back on the bus and I walked to (y/n)'s bunk and looked at her. I noticed a strange odor and I searched the bunk. I then realized she had had an accident in her sleep. I sighed and walked to my bag. I always carried extra clothes when we stayed a hotel and were at the arena, just in case something like this happened. Louis walked by and immediately noticed. "God, what is that horrible smell?" I laughed. "(y/n) had an accident in her sleep, I'm going to change her and fix it now." He just laughed and nodded. "Good luck with that" I walked back to her and took her out of the bunk hoping she would wake up. When she didn't, I decided to just change her asleep, hoping that it would be less of a problem. Right when I laid her down, her eyes fluttered open. "Hi baby" I cooed. "daddy, I sowie!" She cried trying to stand up. "No baby, it's okay, I'm not mad. But you need to lie down and stay still for me." She wiped her nose with her hand and nodded. I quickly changed her and handed her tissues. I stood her up and she latched onto me. I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder. I walked and cleaned up her bunk and put new sheets on it. I put her wet clothes on the counter not wanting them to spoil in the bag. I laid her on the couch next to Louis. "Hi bug, what are you doing?" She just shrugged "I pee" "I know baby, but it's okay daddy fixed it?" She nodded smiling. She laid back down and soon fell asleep again.

Zayn (Age 3): I had been having problems lately with (y/n). First off, she never wanted to go to bed. Secondly, when I would finally get her to sleep, she would always wake up and wander the house until I woke up and found her. I don't exactly know what's up with her. It was happening again, it was 9 and I had the boys over to try and help me. We had given her warm milk, sang to her, and tried rocking her. A three year old should definitely not be up this late. It was now my turn to try and get her down. I took her into her room and laid her on her bed. I sat down beside her and slowly sang Little Things. I watched as her eyes fluttered closed. I sighed and quietly walked out. "She's out" We all sighed in relief. We were joking around and laughing when I heard a door squeak. We all stopped and looked at each other. We watched as she came out of the hallway and to me. "I sowie, I tried not too. I promise daddy!" I shook my head. "What happened?" "I tried not to I swear!" "Baby it's okay, you just have to tell me what happened." She motioned me closer and whispered in my ear "I pee bed" My eyes widened. "Oh is that why you never wanted to go to sleep?" She nodded. "You no mad at me anymore" "Baby girl, I will never be mad. It's not your fault." I picked her up nodding to the boys and changed her. I let her run into the living room and lay down while I fixed her bed. When I walked back in, she's was out like a light. "Problem solved" I whispered smirking.

THANKK YOUUUUU FOR THE 24 K ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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