DDM: Paps/Fans Freak You Out (Ages 3-9)

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DDM: Paps/Fans Freak You Out (Ages 3-9)

Liam (Age 3): You were currently standing in the hotel playing with Harry's hair. You were the only who could so you used every opportunity you could get. You were waiting to leave and head to the venue for their concert that night. Paul announced that it was time to go out so you walked over to Liam and held your hands out. He picked you up "Alright baby, keep your face hidden and don't say anything kapeesh?" You giggled and nodded. As you began the trek out, you heard the yelling of the paps and fans. You didn't like the noise but could get used to it. You held on tight but when paps started grabbing, you freaked. "daddy!!!!" You screamed. "It's okay we're almost there." He cooed. One you got in the bus, he held close until you stopped crying and slowly fell asleep.

Louis (Age5): Louis promised if you were good he would take you and let you pick out a toy. So hearing that, you were the perfect little angel. "(Y/n), come on bug we're going to the store!" "Coming daddy!" You were jumping with excitement. He buckled you in and you talked all the way there about what you wanted. He listened as he parked the car, got you out and walked you in. It took about 20 minutes before you decided on a new doll. As you were walking out Louis noticed the crowd forming. He kneeled down and called you over. "Okay bug, you see those people out there?" You nodded eagerly "Well, we have to go through them and I want you to stay close and don't listen to a word that say got it?" You looked but nodded slowly. Louis picked you up and began making his way out. "Louis! (Y/n)! Over here" "Louis will you sign this" Things were being thrown and someone grabbed your doll! "daddy!" You cried. He looked and noticed and grabbed It not so nicely from the pap and gave it back. "It's alright bug." He said kissing your cheek. You knew you were in safe hands.

Niall (age 6) You were playing with a ball in the parking lot where the boys were performing that night. You were kicking it back and forth between the six of you when you heard screaming. You turned around and saw a bunch of girls yelling for you and Niall. "daddy?" "Yes baby?" He asked walking over to you and kneeling down. "Why are they yelling at me?" "They just want you to notice them." "Well I don't like it. They're freaking me out." He nodded his head and took you by the hand. "Okay we're going to go over there,say hi, and ask them to stop yelling okay squirt?" You nodded laughing and walked. The screaming got louder and you hid behind Niall. You said hi and asked them nicely to stop yelling, which they said they would just for you.

Harry (Age 7): Nobody ever thought you were a Styles'. You ate like a Horan on crack. So Harry wasn't surprised when you wanted food. He decided to take you out. You got ready and took his hand walking out the door. The restaurant wasn't far so Harry decided to walk. "Daddy, who's walking behind us?" Harry turned around noticing it was the paps. "Here baby, hop on." You jumped on his back and started walking. You kept turning around seeing the same person. "Daddy, THEY'RE STILL THERE!" You were in a full blown panic attack. Harry had enough. He put you down and turned around yelling,"Seriously, you're freaking out my daughter, can you not stalk me right now!?" The guy snapped a picture and ran off. Harry smiled took your hand and you were off to eat again, paparazzi-less.

Zayn(Age 4): "daddy, I talk to them?" You asked pointing to the girls following you. He was carrying you through the mall because he needed to buy you new shoes. "No, baby." You pouted "But pwese?" "No (y/n)" He said more strnly. You sighed and laid your head on his shoulder. You could clearly see the girls so you smiled and waved at them. Bad idea. They started screaming and that scared you to the point where you screamed. Zayn immediately stopped and turned around. The girls stopped and smiled. "(Y/n) what happened baby?" He asked in a panic. "I so-r-r-ry Daddy, I just smiled and waved." You managed to get out. Zayn let out a breath hugging you and kissing your forehead. "It's alright baby just no more like I said kapeesh?" You nodded laying you head back down and ready to go home.

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