Your child dies and he sees their ghost.

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Your child dies and he sees their ghost.

a/n: i found this on wattpad . not sure who's the writer but its not mine
btw this one is soooo sad 😭

Louis- Louis was driving your five year old son home from soccer practice when a car hit them and unfortunately your son died.

"It's all my fault." He sobbed in the night.


"I can still hear him." He gripped the pillow tighter.

"Daddy, why are you crying?" He looked up and saw your little boy standing in the doorway but, he was glowing,

"Tommy?" Louis said getting up.

"Dad, why are you upset." Louis kneeled down in front if your sons spirit.

"Well.. Uhh."

"Dad, I know I'm dead. But it's not your fault."

"Little man, why are you still here." Louis questioned.

"I wanted to say bye to you and mommy." He said.

"And... I'm scared." He said.

"Don't be scared Buddy, it's a beautiful place where you can play soccer on a huge field! And you can finally get that dog you've always wanted." He said.

"But... You and mommy won't be there." He said and cried.

"Don't worry big guy go... Mommy and I will see you soon." Louis said as tears fell.

"Bye daddy." Your son hugged him and he hugged back actually being able to feel him.

"I love you. Be good." Louis said and your son faded away.

Harry- your daughter had committed suicide. 15 years old and dead. Harry was devastated because he never saw it coming.

"Harry, at least she's happy now." You said trying to be strong for your crying husband.

"I could've stopped it." He sobbed. You left the room to make him tea.

"Don't cry." He heard a voice say and he looked up to see your daughters spirit sitting next to him.

"Dad, I did this for me. It had nothing to do with you." She said.

"But why?" He asked.

"Honestly, it was an accident. Well not entirely but I didn't mean to cut deep enough to kill me. Not yet but... Dad I'm so happy now. I'm free." She smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"Baby girl, I miss you." He sobbed.

"Dad, I don't want to go just yet. I'm so scared. What if there's bad people?" She said terrified.

"I need you." She sobbed.

"I wish I could help. But I don't know what to do." He said and she nodded.

"Or maybe I do, go baby I'll see you soon." He said and she faded away as Harry planned out his own suicide little did he know, you had the same plan wanting to reunite your family.

Niall- Niall couldn't take it your daughter 10 years old died of cancer. He was a wreck and finally couldn't fight. He went to the bar and got into a fight with the biggest guy. The man killed him. Niall opened his eyes and saw white. Almost like a fantasy land.

"Hello?" He called.

"Dad?" He turned around and saw your little girl.

"Baby." He said relieved.

"Daddy!" She screamed and ran and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I missed you baby girl, I needed you." He said hugging her tight.

"But... What about mommy?"

"She's... Still down there."

"Oh no daddy, no no no. You can't leave her." She said.

"But... I miss you so much princess." He sobbed.

"I only have one shot at this." She mumbled and threw glitter on Niall. He gasped for air and woke up in the bar.

"Go back home dad, I'll be fine. I'll see you soon." He looked over and saw your daughter running towards him.

"Take care of mommy." She said and kissed his cheek before she disappeared.

Liam- Liam was devastated when your 8 year old son died of heart disease. He barely moved and hardly slept. He was distant and so were you. Liam was sitting on the couch clutching a pillow to his chest when he felt a cold air. He looked up and and your son was standing there.


"Dad, where's my train?" He asked as if it were just a normal day.

"Uhhh," Liam looked over and saw his train moving and lighting up,

"Found it!! Thanks!" Ethan said and ran over to play with it.



"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Ethan asked and Liam chuckled.

"Because I believe I have." He smiled.

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