Your kids first day of school

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Liam- "Good morning beautiful!" You said as you turned the light on in your daughter Taylors room. "It's your first day of kindergarten!" You said as you sat down on the edge of her bed and Taylor rubbed her eyes. "Are you excited?" You asked as she sat up from underneath the covers. "Yeah." She said getting out of the bed. "Well daddy is downstairs making you breakfast so hurry down there then you will have to put on your outfit we picked out last night!" You said as Taylor began to walk downstairs in excitement for her first day of school. You couldn't help but get a little emotional about your little girl going to kindergarten for the first time. You followed downstairs to the kitchen where Liam was making Taylor toast and some fruit in his pajamas. "Are you ready for school!" Liam asked serving Taylor at the table. "Yup! As soon as I am done I have to go get my clothes on, then catch the bus!" Taylor said, but she wasn't taking the bus to school and you and Liam looked at each other nervously. "Honey you're not taking the bus to school though.." You began as you sat down at the table with her. "Mommy is going to take you instead." Liam said as he walked over to the table. "But I want to ride the bus." Taylor said sadly. "I know honey but you will still get to ride the bus on field trips and things." You said with a smile. "Really?" She asked. "Really!" You sad back. "Ok well that's good!" Taylor said getting up from the table, "Well I have to go get my outfit on!" She said happily again as she ran up the stairs. "Wanna bet how long this lasts for?" Liam asked, "Not long enough." You said as you got up from the table to get ready too.

Niall- "Good morning Zac.." You said quietly as you sat down on his bed. "Morning." He said flatly. "You ready for your first day of High-school?" You asked trying to be positive, being last year Zac was subjected to bullying. "No." He said miserably. "Zac I know you don't like to talk about what happened last year but you never know this year could be different. You never know, people change; you did." You said softly. Zac was always bullied about his weight, he was never fat but he was just chubby compared to the rest of his peers, and he just needed to grow a little bit to loose the extra weight which he did over the summer. "Mom I don't want to go." He said with tears in his eyes. "I know honey but you have to ok, Dad is in the shower and he will drive you and pick you up so you don't have to worry about the bus, alright?" He said. "Ok." he said as you left him to get ready. But you couldn't hold back your emotions either, it was your sons first day of high-school and you knew he wouldn't even enjoy it. "Niall." You said walking into the bathroom where he was standing with a towel wrapped around him. "Its not good?" He asked knowing why you were upset. "Come here, don't cry (YN) he's going to be alright. He's playing soccer this year he can make new friends there." Niall said hugging you. "I just don't want to seem him hurting anymore." You said as the tears fell down your face. "He's going to be okay, Liam taught him self defense, he's not one to mess with anymore." Niall said as he went to put on his clothes. "I will talk with him over breakfast, you stay here and relax ok." Niall said as he went to go put some pep in your son.

Louis- "Brielle get your ass up!" Louis yelled through your house in his loudest stage voice. "LOUIS!" You said with a chuckle as you two sat drinking coffee. Brielle was not a morning person and you knew things were not going to change on her senior year. "Jesus dad." She yelled from the stairs as she moped down them. "C'mon Bri." You said, "Your breakfast was warm 3 minuets ago when your alarm was supposed to be set for. "Well I forget things sometimes." She said sitting down to eat her breakfast. "Brielle please tell me your car has gas in it." Louis asked. "I think so." She said. "Brielle go out there and check you can't just think your car has gas in it." You said tired of her attitude already. "Mom It is fine." she said. "I will go see." Louis said getting up from the living room. "Louis no, she can do I." You said really getting pissed at her. "Brielle what are you going to do in college if you can't even set an alarm clock, make your own breakfast and see if your car has gas, because I really want to know." You asked. "Mom I don't know ok, can't you just let me enjoy my senior year, I am supposed to have fun this year." She said. "Bri senior year isn't all about fun, you have to have good grades, get into a good college, and graduate." Louis said. "I get that ok." She said. "Go get ready." you said as she stomped up the stairs. "She is exactly like you." You said. to Louis. "I know..." he said. "I know."

Harry- "Ohh look at this handsome boy." You id as your son Jake marched down the stairs looking just like his father. "Look at those GENES." Harry said cracking himself up. "Dad I'm not weari.... Dad!" Jake said catching on the joke as you shook your head at your weird husband. "It was funny!" Harry said still laughing. "No it wasn't." Jake said as he sat down for breakfast. Jake was going into 8th grade and he was very excited for his last year of middle school. "So are you excited?" You asked as you brought over a pile of pancakes for the three of you. "Yeah I'm gonna get all the girls." Jake said winking at his father. "Harry what have you taught him?" You asked not sure if you should laugh or be concerned. "Ohh just what I did to get you." Harry said winking at you now. "And what was that all your stupid ass jokes?" You asked firing back at him. "Excuse me but I must say my amazing sex must have had something to do with it." Harry said loosing his filter. "Harry!" You yelled "Our son is at the table!" You said embarrassed. "wow." Jake said with a laugh. "Jake no sex until your 50." you said seriously. "But I will be so horny." He said causing you to nearly spit out your coffee. "Ok you are to much like your father." You said trying to hold back laughter as Jake and Harry high fived. "Harry stop it! you're teaching our son bad things!" You said as you shook your head at the two boys.

Zayn- You were away on a business trip and you were going to miss your daughter Nia's first day of 1st grade so you had to leave her in Zayn's hands. "Nia did you get your pretty outfit on alright?" Zayn asked from the bathroom where he was doing his hair in nothing but his underwear. "Yeah daddy but can you do my hair and make-up?" She asked walking into the bathroom In a outfit Zayn had picked out for her. "Make-up?" Zayn questioned. "Yeah make-up." Nia said sassily. "No make-up till you're thirty." Zayn said as he picked her up and put her on the counter. "What!?" She said shocked. "Why thirty?" She asked. "Because that's when you can actually have a boyfriend." Zayn said. "But even then you won't need make-up because you are so beautiful!" He said causing Nia to giggle. "SO what do you want me to do to your hair. "Braids!" She said excitedly. "Braids?" He questioned, concerned it would not look very good. "You sure you don' want just a pony tail?" He asked. "No I want braids daddy." Nia said. "alright I will try. He said nervously. After 3 attempts Zayn finally got a semi good braid and Nia was going to have to deal because she still needed breakfast and Zayn was still in his underwear. "All done!" Zayn said lifting Nia off of the counter. "Here go run down to the kitchen and get to bowls out and I will get us some cereal he said. "Alright." Nia said as she ran down to the kitchen leaving Zayn a little time to get ready himself.

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