NR - Stood Up Pt. 2

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Natasha and I have been hanging out a lot recently and we've gotten really close after I "saved" her from the restaurant. I've also been hanging out with the Avengers almost as much.

I'm hanging out at the tower in Nat's room, we're just laying next to each other on her bed watching a movie.

"Hey, so I've been thinking," I break the silence finally.

"Oh no, that's never good."

I dramatically gasp and playfully shove her arm.

"I'm serious." I roll to my side to face her and she does the same.

"I know. So what's going on?"

I break eye contact to look down at my twidling fingers. I open my mouth to say something but close it out of fear. She furrows her eyebrows and I think to myself  "it's now or never".

"Okay, shit. I don't know how to say this, I haven't done this in so long. Okay, fuck it. I like you, Nat. Like a lot." I glance up from my fingers to see her reaction, which is just her staring at me.

"I'm sorry. I probably just fucked all this up. I should go. I'll see you around, Nat." My voice cracks at the last words and I fight back tears. I climb out of her bed and head for the door but when I reach for the doorknob, I'm stopped by a firm grip on my wrist.

"No, don't." I continue staring at the door, trying not to turn around, even with her tugging on my arm lightly.

"Why? I seem to have messed up pretty badly. I knew I should've kept this to myself." I pull out of her grip and start to open her door just for Nat to slam it shut from behind me, her body right against my back and her hand staying on the door.

"Nat I-"

"Don't leave," she cuts me off strictly.

I want to turn around to face her but the feeling of her body pressed against mine is a feeling I want to feel for as long as I can, in case it doesn't happen again. At this moment, I feel like she can read my mind because she takes her hand off the door and wraps it around my waist, pulling me closer to her, the other hand on my hip. A slight gasp escapes my lips when I'm jerked backward into her. Going against my secret wishes, she turns me around in her arms, our faces so close, our noses are barely grazing each other. I instinctively wrap my arms around her neck and put one hand in her hair, gently toying with some strands in my fingers.

"What are you doing, Natasha?"

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, I don't."

With my words, she slowly leans in, stopping just before my lips as to look for permission, which I give her. Her lips connect with mine in a warm, gentle kiss. We press our lips together for a few seconds before she pulls away with a smirk.

"I like you too." I smile at her words and pull her back down to me by the back of her neck.


"So word got out that we're dating," I mention to Callie as I flip through the TV channels trying to find something to watch.

"Really? It's only been like..."

"8 months?" I finish the sentence for her.

"Yes. 8 months. But I guess people were bound to find out eventually. It's not necessarily a bad thing." She gets up from her spot next to me and walks into the kitchen after giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"It's just the publicity that's hard sometimes," I call to her from the living room.

"No, I get that. But it'd be much worse if we were both Avengers but lucky you, you were smart enough to choose a lowlife."

"You're not a lowlife." I follow her into the kitchen and sit at the island on a stool as she fills a glass with water.

"Yeah okay," she chuckles, walking around the island to stand behind me.

She wraps her arms around my chest and hugs me tightly.

"I love you," she whispers in my ear before kissing my neck lightly.

I hum in pleasure and reach up behind my head to tangle my fingers in her hair.

"I love you too."

In the middle of kissing my girl's neck, I feel my back pocket buzzing so I pull out my phone to the side of me and see my ex-girlfriend's name on the screen. I pull away from Nat's neck and stand up behind her, confusing her enough for her to turn around in her seat. I sigh heavily but pick up the call.

"Hello?" I answer with my annoyance shining through.

"Baby, who is it?" Nat asks but I just hold up my pointer finger to tell her to hold on.

"Who's that?" Piper asks, sounding almost offended.

"What do you want?"

"I miss you," Piper says.

As I listen to Piper talk to me, I stare at Nat and push myself between her legs, bringing her into a light hug and her legs wrap around me.

"I know it's been a while. And that's on me. I'm sorry. Can we try us again?"

"Are you kidding?"

"No? So, what do you say? I want you back."

"No. You dumped me almost a year ago and now that I've moved on to someone else- someone better, you want me back? Not to mention, you dumped me at our one-year anniversary dinner but that's a different fight. I guarantee you're only here begging for me back because you saw who I'm with. Black Widow. Go fuck yourself, Piper." I don't wait for her response before hanging up and slamming my phone on the counter.

"Wow. You're dating Black Widow," Nat clearly teases me.

I roll my eyes and step out of her legs. I walk back to the other side of the island and dig through the food pantry for a snack.

"I'm sorry," she attempts.

"No. I'm sorry. That was Piper, as you probably heard. God, she's so irritating."

"What did she want?"

"The simple answer: me. I know she only wants me back because it's all over the news that I'm with you." I grab a bag of chips and angrily rip it open.

"Well, you don't want her back. Right?"

"No, absolutely not. God, she's the devil. I've moved on to someone much better anyway. 8 months strong with the woman of my dreams." I walk back over to her once again and wrap my arms around her, embracing her in a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much," she pulls away long enough to say.

"Mhm," I hum in response, not wanting to break the kiss.

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