🔞 Hooking Up Pt. 1

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"Never have I ever hooked up with someone I work with. Not for work!" Lizzie Olsen announces when it's her turn in our game of Never Have I Ever.

I watch a couple of my colleagues put down a finger and immediately they all get questioned. When people are busy freaking out over someone else, I slowly put my own finger down, hoping no one saw it. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

"Callie! You? Oh my god! Who?!" Liz yells, turning everyone's heads to me.

I awkwardly smile and scan the circle of my friends, my eyes lock with Scarlett's. She gives me a look so I quickly tear them away from her and back to Lizzie.

"Well, I can't tell you who. I don't want to get anyone in trouble!" I nervously laugh.

"Aw, come on! You know we would never say anything. Especially with something like this." Robert tries to pry the answer out of me.

"Seriously, I can't. I guess the unknown will just have to bug you for the rest of your lives." I smirk.

They all groan but we continue our game. We play until most people run out of fingers to put down. Right after the game, I head to my trailer while the rest of my friends stay in the circle to do whatever they do.

The second Callie left the room, I got needy. I want attention. But a little more attention than these guys can give me.

"Hey guys, I'm getting a bit tired. I'm going to head back," I finally announce after waiting too long for an opening.

They all say bye and let me leave, thinking I'm just too tired to stay with them. Instead of going to mine, I make my way to Callie's trailer.

I try to be quick when outside of her door because I don't really want anyone to know what I'm doing. I know she almost never locks her door, something I've always yelled at her for, so I walk right in.

She's rummaging through her pantry in her little kitchen so I don't think she knows I'm here.

"Hey Scar," she greets me without turning around.

I guess she knows I'm here.

"What's up?" She finally spins around to ask.

"Oh, nothin'," I sigh, walking past her to her bedroom.

"Yeah?" She comes in after me seconds later and leans in the narrow doorway.

"Yeah," I whisper, stepping up to her.

Scarlett gets up close to me and slides her hand up my chest, grabbing a tight hold of my shirt collar. I stand up from leaning on the doorframe and place my hands on her hips, pulling her body into mine. She slowly walks backward, dragging me with her by my collar to the side of my bed. Dragging me between her legs, she gets herself on her back.

I now hover over her body, her hands resting on either side of my face. I rock gently, lightly grinding on her, earning quiet hums. After staring at her for a few minutes, she finally pulls my lips to hers, interlocking them softly. Her hands move to the back of my neck and into my hair. I continue to grind as we make out. Her hums become whimpers when I slide a hand under her shirt and bra to grab a breast and flick her nipple.

Running out of breath, I break the kiss to sit up, bringing her with me and pulling her shirt off over her head. She does the same to me then I push down on her shoulders, getting myself back on top of her. Her hands go to my upper back and pull me down to her neck, telling me she wants me to start there, so I do. I connect my lips to her soft skin and slowly kiss down her neck and slide my hand back up her body to her breast where it was before. I kiss down her stomach slowly, playing with her breast with one hand and rubbing her thigh with the other.

I stop my hand on her upper thigh and look up at her.

"Go ahead," she says with a smirk, knowing what I'm thinking.

I smile at her.

I lick up the center of her stomach to kiss her lips again. The hand on her thigh glides into her leggings and I slam two fingers into her. She instantly closes her eyes and moans loudly.

"Oh yes."

She drags her nails down my back, stopping at my pant's waistline with her nails in my skin. The pain makes me love it even more. I pump into her faster and harder, curling to hit her g-spot. Her body rocks underneath me with my motions. She brings her hands back to my face, resting on either side of it.

"Faster, Callie," she demands between breaths.

With her instruction, I pull out then slam my fingers back in hard, continuing to pump in and out as fast as my arm will let me. She arches her back and grips the back of my neck, digging her nails into my skin. I fuck her for a few more minutes then I feel her tighten around my hand so when I slam my fingers in, I rub her clit with my thumb. This sends her over the edge. She lets out part of a scream but I quickly cut it off by kissing her and shoving my tongue down her throat. My trailer isn't soundproof so we can't be that loud. Not another second goes by before she cums hard all over my hand.

"Holy fuck," she breathes as I'm slowing down.

I pull out of her with a smirk and hold myself above her. I stare directly into her eyes and she does the same. I bring the hand I just fucked her with to my mouth and suck my fingers clean of her. Her breathing hitches ever so slightly so I just smirk at her, lean down to give her one last slow peck on the lips, and climb off of her. She stays laying on my bed for a few moments before getting up and getting dressed with me.

I walk her out of my room to the door of my trailer.

"Until next time, Miss Johansson," I smirk.

"Until next time."

She gives me a quick kiss before leaving my trailer for the night.

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