🔞 NR - Callie Parker Pt. 4

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It's been two months since I've been away from home. I miss my family and especially my girlfriend, Natasha. We've been dating long-distance for a while now. It sucks but I'm excited to see her in two more short months. I have some time away from work this week but sadly, not enough time to visit home. So I'm just cleaning my small home. I live with two other people. My roommates are great. They have work this week so I've had a lot of alone time.

As I'm picking up the last article of clothing from my room's floor, there's a knock on the front door. I tiredly trudge to the door to see who it is. I open the wooden door and the face on the other side is not who I was expecting. It takes me a moment but I immediately throw myself into her arms.

"Oh my god! Nat! What're you doing here?" I ask into the tight hug.

"I missed you and had to see you!"

I smile like an idiot when we release from the hug. I grab either side of her jaw and pull her lips to mine. Not seeing or touching each other for two months is finally being satisfied at this moment. Keeping our lips pressed together, we make out as I back up into the house, dragging her with me. She pushes the door closed behind her as I back up all the way to my room.

"What about your roommates?" Nat breathes between motions.

"They won't be home until late," I assure her, pulling her shirt over her head.

Nat smiles against my lips while we take off our clothes. Now naked, we tangle ourselves in my sheets and express how much we've missed each other. With Nat on top of me, I grip her waist as she gently grinds between my bent legs and her tongue explores my mouth. God, she feels so good on top of me. She quickly removes her lips from mine and presses them to my neck. I tilt my head to give her more access as she leaves hickeys in places only she and I can see. She knows I have work so we can't be that rough. I let out a moan when she reaches my chest, not hesitating to take one breast in her hand and flicking my other nipple with her tongue. My hands slide opposite directions, one going into her hair, the other grabbing her ass. She groans against my skin, sending shivers through my body.

The hand that was caressing my tit slides down my bare body slowly, her fingers like feathers. She stops her hand on my gut and looks up at me. I quickly give permission by nodding frantically with a needy whimper. She smirks and slides her fingers in. I let out a long, loud almost scream as she lovingly pumps into me. She knows I won't be able to kiss her back with all of this moaning I'm doing so she doesn't kiss me, exploring my body with her lips instead. As time goes by, she speeds up her pace, moving faster and harder by the second. My moans get closer and closer to screams the faster she goes. She really knows how to make me feel amazing. When she finds the right time, she curls her fingers inside of me to hit my g-spot and I lose it. With her lips on my neck, I let out a scream of pleasure next to her ear.

Once her arm goes tired a while later, I flip us over and hover over her. "How you feelin'?"

"God, I've missed you," Nat breathes, stroking down my hair to my cheek and bringing me in by my jaw.

"I've missed you too," I mumble between the sloppy kissing.

I shove my tongue into her mouth and we both let out deep hums as our tongues swirl around one another. She grips my hair, gently pulling. I quickly rub a hand down her body. She instantly gives permission by pushing my hand into her for me. We go at it until we're too tired and the alarm I set for a half-hour before my roommates get home goes off.

Nat and I collapse side by side, only half covered in sheets. Smiles are left on both of our faces and we're breathing heavily.

"You should show up like this more often," I say.

"I think I might."

I roll to my side and put a hand on her chest. She turns her head to me with a smile. We don't talk, just admire each other.

"We should get dressed," I whisper as I rub her chest with my thumb. "My roommates will be home soon."

"Fine." Nat leans up to peck my lips.

We get dressed together and just on time, my first roommate Mia walks through the front door. I bring Nat out of my room to greet my friend.

"Hey, Cal," Mia says.

"Hey, how was work?" I ask.

"God, I hate it more every day," she starts, slamming her bag on the kitchen counter. "I can't take my boss anymore! He's such a prick and I think he wants to fire me but he has no probable cause to do so- Oh, hi Natasha, it's great to see you. And then remember that guy I was talking to you about?"

"The flirty one?" I ask.

"Yeah! He got transferred to my section. If I didn't hate my section so much, I think I would be fine with it."

I turn to Nat with an embarrassed smirk as Mia rants about her day at work. Nat just smiles to tell me she's fine.

"It only gets worse from here," I lean over to whisper to Nat as Mia continues to talk way too fast.

Nat gets out a little giggle and I lead her into the u-shaped kitchen and lean us against the counter to listen to Mia. Soon enough, my second roommate, Simon, walks through the door.

"Fuck the world! Fuck the government! Fuck it all!" he booms, throwing his duffle bag to the side of him. "Oh! Natasha! I-Sorry. I-" Simon bursts out into laughter. "I had a shitty day."

"We could tell," Mia butts in. "Now can you shut up? We were listening to my problems. You can have your turn."

"Excuse you!" Simon yells with a smile.

"I'm sorry," I laugh quietly to Natasha as Simon and Mia yell over each other. Nat giggles of course. I can tell she's enjoying my friends' fighting.

"Why don't we ask Callie who she wants to listen to?" Simon tries.

"No! You will not bring me into this!" I immediately shout.

"I hate this. I'm going to eat the rest of the cake that I bought, drink my wine, and go to bed. If anyone wants to bother me, don't." Mia abruptly takes her bag and storms out of the room.

There's silence for a moment as we watch Mia leave and a second later, her door is being slammed.

"Lucky you've been here before or else you'd probably never come back," Simon jokes to Natasha.

"Oh, it's no different from the team fighting." Nat drapes her arm around my neck and I lean into her.

"It was great to see you but I think I need to punch my wall." Simon shoots Nat a smile and turns to leave.

"Please don't leave another hole!" I call after him.

"Another?" Nat turns to me when his door closes behind him.

"You'd be surprised at the number of times Simon punches his wall. It's definitely not good. For him or for the wall," I chuckle, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm glad I came over today. I wouldn't miss a chance to see you or your hectic roomies." Nat kisses my head.

"I'm glad you came too. In two-" I'm cut off by Nat kicking my foot really hard. "Sorry," I laugh under my breath.

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