NR - Thanksgiving Dinner Pt. 2

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The sun is almost under the horizon. Laura turned on the fairy lights for the tents that illuminate the area very well. The majority of us have already finished eating but no one wants to get up because we're all enjoying conversation and laughter.

I'm interrupted by a tugging on my sleeve. I turn to Greyson. "Where's my jacket? I'm cold," he whines.

I excuse myself from the table, bringing Dallas's, Nat's, and my trash with me to throw out since I'm going inside anyway. After tossing the trash, I bring Grey upstairs where everyone's jackets are laying on the bed in the master bedroom. I dig through the pile and find Grey's little dinosaur winter jacket.

"I made a friend," Grey happily tells me on the way downstairs.

"That's great! Who?"

"His name is Tommy."

"That's Aunt Wanda's son. Your cousin. I'm glad you two are friends. I'll be out in a minute. Go back to the table."

He runs off outside while I stay behind. I grab two beers from the fridge. When I turn around, I'm caught off guard by Clint staring at me.

"Stealing my beers?"

"That's me. A thief," I smirk in response.

"Your wife's looking for you."

"Ah, let her look." I shrug. "I'm taking a break from being a wife and mother right now."

"Everyone keeps saying it but it really is nice to have everyone together," he says on his way to stand opposite of me at the counter.

"You know what I like?"

"What's that?"

"All the kids." I smile at the thought. "Their laughter and happiness just being with other kids."

"I like that too."

Outside the house, some people blow up in laughter. That's my call to go back to my wife. "Well, I should go be a wife now."

"I'm right behind you."

Clint and I head back to the tent where everyone's still mostly sitting at the tables. I take my rightful place between Dallas and Nat, placing a kiss on Nat's lips as I sit.

"Beer?" I ask, holding out a bottle to her.

"Thank you." She accepts it and we join the conversation.


"Oh, come on! It's just a dance!" Peter Quill urges happily.

Clint sets up a speaker for slow dances. We've moved the tables out to make the tent a dance floor. I smile like an idiot as my friends urge me to slow dance with my wife.

"You want to dance with us?" I laugh back.

"Yeah! Gamora and I will happily dance!"

"Then okay." I smile at Nat whose cheeks have flushed in a soft pink under the golden fairy lights.

I stand and hold my hand out to my wife. She places her warm hand in mine. I lead her to the middle of the dance floor, Quill and Gamora following.

3rd Person POV:
Clint presses play on the slow dance music and Callie and Natasha get into position. Natasha snakes her arms around Callie's neck and Callie holds Natasha's waist. They sway slowly to the soft music. Peter Quill and Gamora match the Romanova-Atwood couple.

Watching two in love couples dance, Steve and Sharon share a look, silently agreeing to join their friends on the dance floor. One by one, couple by couple, the grass dance floor fills up. Tony and Pepper, Scott and Hope, MJ and Peter, Wanda and Vision, Clint and Laura, May and Happy, Jane and Thor.

Nat slides her hands to my collar and rests her head on my chest. I wrap my arms tighter around her waist and rest my head gently on top of hers. My eyes fall closed. Nat and I have been married nearly twenty years yet we don't slow dance like this very often. I honestly think the last time we danced together like this was at Wanda and Vision's wedding quite a few years ago.

When I open my eyes, I scan the area of all the couples dancing together. It melts my heart. I catch Dallas watching us with admiration but I don't want to weird her out so I just look away and focus on my wife in my arms. We don't speak, just enjoy the time we have together.

Nat lifts her head from my chest. I look down to find her staring at me. Her hands slide up a little to the sides of my neck. Without saying anything, she pulls me in. I allow us to keep our lips pressed together for a bit. It's no time to make out but we're not shy to express our love a little in front of everyone.


I run back to the car to grab the seven small wrapped presents we brought with us for the kids. We know we won't see everyone at once at Christmas so we brought the kids presents on Thanksgiving so we don't miss a chance. I hand each of the children their gift from us and they take no time to rip them open. Grey and Dallas just watch because they know we didn't bring anything for them. We're a family so they get presents on the actual holiday.

For the most part, we just gave the kids a toy that their parents said they would want. After opening the gifts, each says thank you and hugs me and Nat then runs off to show everyone what they got. By the time gift-giving is over, it's already time to leave. Dallas and Greyson go around and hug and say bye to each person still here while Nat and I do the same.

"I hope we have this chance again soon. Thank you for being our host," I say to Laura.

"Of course. It was lovely," she smiles in response.

I hug her goodbye. She was my last so I join my family in the car. Barely ten minutes into the drive home, Greyson is passed out with his dragon and Dallas is close to the same with Arlo's head in her lap. We drive home in silence. Not a bad silence. A sleepy silence.

I carry Grey into the house with Arlo on my heel. I have a feeling he pretended to be asleep so he could be carried but I wasn't about to be the bad cop tonight. He had a long, tiring day. When the kids are put to bed, Nat and I get changed into better clothes and crawl into bed together.

"Today was so good," I mutter sleepily.

"Agreed," Nat yawns into the crook of my neck.

"I didn't realize how bad I missed dancing with you."

"Me too."

"I love you," I manage right before my eyes shut.

"I love you too," Nat squeezes as she falls asleep.

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