NR - Nerf Gun War

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"Okay folks, choose your weapon!" Tony shouts at the group of his fellow Avengers.

We all step up to the kitchen table where there are enough Nerf guns and accessories for each of us. The guns range from small pistols to big rifles. I choose a semi-automatic rifle.

"Ready to lose?" I mock my girlfriend, Natasha, as we're getting ready to go outside to the course Tony set up.

"Oh babe, stop being so cocky. It'll be embarrassing when you have to take the walk of shame. But don't worry, I'll be there to laugh at you," she teases me back as she loads her pistol and stuffs a few extra bullets into her waist pouches.

I roll my eyes and fill my vest with bullets of my own before turning my attention back to Tony for this war's instructions.

"Okay, this game's simple. Every man for himself, no alliances. If you get hit, honor system. Of course, when you do get hit, gather back here in the living room and watch the rest of the war on the TV. Any questions?" Tony explains.

We all look at each other wearing our vests and "armor" gripping our guns but say nothing.

"Alright then. Let the games begin!" he announces, throwing his hands in the air, one of them gripping his huge, industrial-looking Nerf gun.

We file out the back door one by one and quickly run around in an attempt to find our perfect spots. In the backyard of the compound, Stark set up an intricate course with plenty of hiding spots and obstacles, perfect for a Nerf gun war. I split from everyone to hurry towards the rear of the course, laying under a lifted fake piece of ground. I make sure nothing is showing from under my shelter, not even the muzzle of my rifle. I watch a few of my friends run from one spot to another in the final 20 seconds of prep time we have left.

"You may begin in 3... 2... 1..." We hear FRIDAY's voice over the loudspeakers in the back.

"Thanks, FRIDAY," I instinctively whisper under my breath as I scan the large grassy area in search of any movement.

The suspense builds up as I don't see any.

Suddenly, I hear laughter following a high-pitched shriek. Closer to the compound, I watch Bucky sprinting after Sam trying to shoot at him. I so badly want to burst out in laughter but I can't or I'll be discovered. Bucky eventually hits Sam with one of his bullets and Sam calls out his defeat with a dramatic "death".

"Oh! I've been hit! It was nice knowing you all!" he fake cries as he crumbles to the ground before scrambling up to go inside where the 'dead' go.

I smirk and stay put. My strategy has always been to wait it out, watch everyone attack each other, and then reveal myself at the end, or only when necessary. For the most part, it's worked wonderfully, except the few times I fell asleep from waiting so long laying in the same position. No one lets me forget those times.

"Just admit you got hit, Tony!" I turn my attention to see Steve yelling at Tony.

"I would if you hit me."

"Why do you have to be so difficult? Fine though, have it your way."

"Better luck next time, Capsicle!" Tony calls after Steve as he's running away.

I watch Steve sprint to a hiding spot but without warning, he dramatically collapses to the ground, similar to Sam.

"Goodbye, cruel world!" He 'dies' and runs into the compound.

I look around in confusion but when I see absolutely no one, my heart begins to pound.

"Ohh shit," I mumble to myself.

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