NR - Callie Parker Pt. 3

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"So we'll see you in another few months?" Peter asks sadly as we stand by the door of Aunt May's house.

I look past my brother at May standing behind us with her arms crossed and the same look she always has when I leave. I can't help but let a huge smile grow across my face. Confusion covers their faces quickly.

"Why are you smiling?" Peter asks.

"Oh, I'm not leaving. At least not yet." I let out a chuckle.

"What? What do you mean?" May jumps in, a hint of excitement in her words.

"I'm staying another week! I arranged to stay here for two weeks instead of one. Only if that's okay of course."

"Oh my god! Yes! YES!" Peter squeals, jumping up and down and hugging me tightly.

I laugh as Aunt May, Peter, and I all hug each other.


"Callie? What're you doing here? I thought you left," Steve greets me as I walk into the Avengers' facility with Peter.

Peter wanted to surprise the team with my extra week the second I told him so here we are. I'm really happy though. I really want to tell Natasha.

"Nope! I'm here for another week!" I happily explain to Steve and a few other Avengers who happened to walk in right on time.

"What's going on guys?" We all turn our heads to see Natasha walking through the doors to the living room.

"Callie? What the hell are you doing here? I thought you went home today." She grins when she sees me sitting on a couch.

"Well, hate to break it to you but you're stuck with me for another week," I smirk at her.

She comes over to my couch and sits on the other side of me, opposite my brother. We all talk amongst ourselves, the Avengers and I, laughing and telling stories. In the midst of voices and laughter, I pick up Natasha's soft voice next to me followed by a little tap on my upper arm.

"Hey, want to get out of here?"

"Yes, I do."

I tell Pete I'm going to hang out with Nat and leave the room to be alone with her. She takes me to her room. When we make it, she pulls me in, locking the door behind us. She drags me to her bed and pushes me on it.

"Oh imagine what Peter would say if he saw us now," Nat breathes into my ear.

"God, why'd you have to mention him? Now I'm going to be thinking about my brother while being with you," I chuckle out of breath while Nat kisses my neck.

"Sorry, I'll make it up to you," she whispers, trailing her fingers down the center of my stomach.


Nat and I are laying naked in her sheets. She lays on top of me so I trace patterns on her back. Nat did all the hard work so she's pretty worn out, probably close to falling asleep. I think she's about to when I hear a light knock on Nat's door followed by the soft voice of my little brother.

"Callie? You in there? May said she's making dinner tonight so we should go."

When I realize what's going on, I start to panic.

"Nat. Natasha." I gently cup her face in my hands and she stirs awake.

"Mhm" is all she can respond with.

"Um..." I start but Peter starts talking again.

"Cal?" He calls.

Natasha whips up from on top of me when she hears Peter's voice and we exchange 'oh shit' looks.

"Yeah. Yes, Peter. I'll be ready in a few!" I call as calm as possible.

Nat scrambles off of me and we get dressed, rushing out of her room as quickly as we can. We meet Peter in the kitchen of the compound.

"Okay! I'm all ready!" I tell Peter.

I drive us home to May's house and spend the rest of the week balancing my time between home and the Avengers, well, Natasha.


When I wake up, I'm immediately hit with a wave of sadness. I know I have to leave today. The only good thing about today is seeing Nat, even if it is to say goodbye for another few months. My plan today is to say goodbye to Peter and May this morning and on my way out of New York, I'll stop by the facility to say bye to Nat.

"Morning Pete," I greet my brother when he walks into May's kitchen.


"Hey May," I say when our aunt walks into the room a few seconds later.

We stare at each other for a little bit, just processing that I'll be gone for a few months and trying to remember my presence here. Soon enough, I have to pack up my car.

"I love you guys. So much," I say sadly into the hug with Aunt May, then Peter.

"I love you, sweetie," May whispers back.

"I love you too Cal," Peter mumbles when I hug him.

I leave May's house and head for the facility.


"Hey, I just wanted to say bye. I'm leaving today," I sadly announce to a group of Avengers who came to greet me when they heard FRIDAY greet me.

"Damn, we're going to miss you. Come visit real soon!" Clint says for the group and they all agree with him.

"Hey, has anyone seen Natasha?" I question anyone who has the answer.

"She's right here." I whip around to see the redhead standing behind me.

"What's up?" She asks when she sees the sadness on my face and the group of her friends standing around me.

"I came to say goodbye. I'm leaving."

She stares at me for a few long seconds.

"O-oh okay. Can we walk?"

"Yeah sure." I accept her offer and she leads me out of the compound.

"I'm going to miss you," she finally says.

"Yeah, I'm really going to miss you too. But hey, I'll be back in like another four short months then we'll be back together again."

"You better see me the second you come home. And text me every day. Call me as much as possible. I'll be waiting right here when you come back." Nat stops in her tracks and turns to face me.

She takes my hands in hers and rubs the backs of them with her thumbs. We lock eyes for a good 10 seconds then Nat starts leaning in and, of course, I do the same. For the first time, Natasha kisses me passionately in public. When we pull away, huge smiles are on both of our faces.

"I thought we were hooking up in secret?" I chuckle but I'm truly confused.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that."


"Well, two things really. One, I don't want to hook up anymore."

"Oh..." I can't help but get a little sad at that but her response changes everything.

"I want to be official. And I don't want to hide it."

I grin at her, overjoyed that Natasha Romanoff wants to do more than just hook up.

"I would be honored."

With that, she kisses me again and we walk back to my car at the compound to officially begin our long-distance relationship.

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