⚠️ The Fire Pt. 1

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Warning: angst

———————————————————————Callie:"How do I look?" My wife asks, spinning around to show off her outfit

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"How do I look?" My wife asks, spinning around to show off her outfit.

"Like a million bucks," I flirt.

"You're too much," she giggles, stepping up to me and placing a kiss on my lips.

"I know," I smirk. "Ready to go then?"


"Great, I'll collect Rose and meet you in the car," I tell her as I'm rushing out of the bedroom.

I walk downstairs to find Rose sitting on the floor of our living room. "Honey, don't wrinkle your dress," I say as I walk up to her.

She immediately jumps up and runs past me with a giggle. I spin on my heels and follow her out the front door. I'm driving us to our award ceremony since I'm wearing a suit rather than a dress and it's easier for me to drive than my wife. When we're settled in our Alfa Romeo Stelvio, I start the half-hour drive to the Golden Globes.


At one of the many round tables, I sit with Rose in between me and Scarlett. We watch as actors and actresses get called up for various awards, enjoying light drinking in between. My arm is draped over Rose's chair, gently rubbing her shoulder with my hand.

"The award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama goes to-" The announcer is cut off by the electric wall behind her sparking and suddenly blowing up in flames.

Everyone around us starts screaming and getting out of their seats. I try to stay as calm as I possibly can, standing up and ushering my family out of the building through the crowds. Scarlett grips my hand as tight as she can as we follow the frantic people.

We finally make it outside so I stop briefly to check on my family. "Is everyone okay? Are we safe-" I stop my questioning short when I notice we're one member short. "Rose?" I ask, now panicking.

"Rose?" Scarlett joins me, looking all around her.

"Rose, baby?" I frantically call out.

"Oh my god." Scarlett tightens her grip on my hand and I grab a hold of her arm with my other hand. "She's still inside," Scarlett cries.

Before I can get a word in, the whole building goes up in flames. The firefighters that arrived a few minutes ago stop attempting to go inside because of the severity of the fire.

"Oh my god! Rose!" Scarlett sobs.

I place my hand on her cheek. "Stay here. I'll be right back. I love you so much," I tell her as I release my grip on her hand.

I go running off towards the building but she grabs me. "You can't go in there!"

"I'm not leaving our kid inside!" I refute, ripping out of her grip and sprinting towards the burning building.

Firefighters yell for me to stop but I ignore all of them. I rush back into the main room that's now filled with smoke and flames. I can barely breathe but I push past that.

"Rose?!" I scream out for my child.

I run to where I think our table was, even though I can't tell because everything is on fire. The roof is already starting to crumble so the rubble is covering the floors. When I think I'm where we were sitting, I search every inch of the area. Finally, I get a glimpse of blonde.

"Holy shit! Rose!" I cough.

She's curled into a ball under a table that has yet to collapse or burn. I run to her and embrace her in a hug.

"Mommy!" She cries.

"Hey, babygirl. Let's get you out of here." She wraps her little arms around my neck and I lift her in front of me to carry her out.

I run as fast as I can through the fires, protecting Rose's head into my chest. I'm close to the exit of the room when there's an ear-piercing crash and suddenly, the building is coming down on top of us. A piece of roof falls in front of me, blocking me in. In complete panic, and having nowhere to go, I twist and duck, shielding Rose with my body as heavy rubble hits me. I do everything I can to keep myself above her so she doesn't get hurt.

After many long minutes of getting hit with a building, everything stops. I wait a few extra minutes, just to make sure it's truly over before slowly lifting myself. I try not to scream out in pain. Every movement hurts like hell.

"Are you okay?" I croak to Rose.

She just nods with tears streaming down her face. I weakly lift her back up despite my bruised and bloody body. She clings to me as I walk us through the maze of rubble to the outside world.

The whole building comes collapsing down with Callie and Rose still inside. I burst into tears. Firefighters and cops surround the entrance, refusing to let me get closer.

"Please, my wife and kid are inside!" I plead.

"I'm sorry. We can't let anyone get closer. It's too dangerous."

I'm about to argue more when through the dust, smoke, and fire, a silhouette appears. Every pair of eyes watches the person come into view. I almost pass out when I see the figure is my wife carrying our daughter in her arms.

"CALLIE! ROSE!" I scream, pushing past the firefighter to run up to them.

Callie puts down Rose and she immediately sits on the ground. Before I reach them, Callie collapses. Cops run to her, one breaking her fall so she doesn't hit her head on the ground.

"Momma," Rose cries as I come up to them.

"Oh baby," I coo, taking her in my arms and kneeling on the ground next to Callie.

A cop orders an ambulance for my wife and less than two minutes later, Cal is being put on a stretcher and driven to the hospital. Not wanting Rose to see anything else that would upset her more, I drive us separately to meet Cal at the hospital.


"Is she going to be okay?" Rose asks after a couple of hours in the waiting room of the hospital.

I take a shaky deep breath. "I- I don't know, baby." I pull her closer to me and she snuggles further into my side.

-3:30 AM-

Rose has been passed out across the small hospital couch with her head in my lap and I'm fighting to stay awake. My eyelids are falling heavy when a nurse comes into the waiting room.

"Mrs. Johansson-Atwood?"

I tiredly perk up. "Yes?"

"She's ready."

My body suddenly doesn't feel tired anymore. I turn to Rose who's fast asleep and carefully lift her in my arms. Following the nurse to Callie's room, my heart beats out of my chest.

"Right in here."

"Thank you," I whisper, quietly entering.

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