NR - Mario Kart

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"You're going down," I tease my girlfriend, Natasha, as our engines rev at the start line.

"You said that the last five rounds," Nat giggles in response.

"Okay, but this time... this time. This is the one. I can feel it." I smirk at her and the little Koopa in a cloud starts counting down from 3.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeep.

The final high-pitched beep sounds and we both immediately slam our thumbs on the number 2 button on the Wii controllers, launching our characters forward in their buggies. I chose Yoshi in his car that looks like a Ford Mustang and Nat chose to be Mario on his motorcycle. The race is so intense that we aren't talking and the only sounds we make are little grunts here and there when we get close to falling over an edge or getting hit by a shell or other dangerous object. For the first whole lap of Rainbow Road, Nat stays ahead of me but I stay close behind her so by the time we reach the second lap, I pass her.

"Yes! Ha! Suck on that!" I celebrate as I pass her character.

"I will after this."

Her comment catches me off guard and makes me fall off the side of the road and the Koopa drops me from 1st to 3rd place behind Nat. I see a smug smirk grow on Nat's face.

"Fffffuuuck. That's not fair. Don't do that to me."

"Do what?" she asks innocently, squeezing my upper thigh, making me run over a banana.

"Natasha, I swear to god." I grip my controller tighter, any tighter and I could break it.

"I'm not doing anything. Just beating you in Mario Kart," she evilly smiles then goes back to our race.

By the third and final lap, I'm back to trailing her again, right up her ass in 2nd place.

"Ohhh I gotcha now," I smirk at the screen as I come up behind her motorcycle.

I'm about to pass her when I see on her screen that she collected one of those rainbow dice.

"No," I choke and I can see her wicked smile in my peripheral vision.

I watch the dice slow down on the black bullet.


The die officially stops on the black bullet.

"NO! NO! NO!"

Her Mario turns into the big black bullet and it takes her all the way past the finish line where she finishes the race in the first place. Less than 20 seconds later, I roll past the finish line in second place. I stare at nothing but the screen while the credits and accomplishments play out showing the winners.

"WOO! Ha! You really felt it this time, huh?" She pokes my side playfully and giggles.

"You know what?" I finally turn my head to her and put the controller down on the bed next to me.


"You, my dear..." I lean in close to her, putting my hand on her knee and sliding it up her leg.

I hear a gasp escape her lips and I watch her close her eyes slowly.

"Mhm?" She leans in closer to my face, her lips grazing mine.

"Are sleeping on the couch."

She freezes her movements. I pull away slowly, dragging my hand back down her thigh to tease her again.

"What? Seriously?" She lets out a chuckle like I made a joke but I'm being dead serious.

"Seriously." I get off the bed quickly with a mean smile to turn off the TV for the night and to get Nat's new bed set up.

I can hear her footsteps follow me around our house as I collect her blankets and pillows. I'm nice enough to make her bed for her so she doesn't have to do all the work. I lay the pillow and blanket down on the couch.

"Here ya go! All set up!" I ruffle her hair, which I knew was a mistake before I did it.

She gives me a death stare and before I can process in my head that I should run, she throws me on the couch and starts tickling me.

"No Nat stop please I'm sorry!" I yell through my laughter.

I wiggle and squirm in her grip, which I cannot get out of because she has a very strong one. Just when I think I'm going to pee from laughing too hard, Nat's phone starts ringing so she's forced to stop tickling me to answer it. I silently celebrate from under her, she's still straddling my lap, and she answers her phone. She talks into it for a few minutes, I assume it's our friend and old workmate, Clint Barton because I hear Laura's name and the mention of kids.

"Barton?" I mouth up to Nat.

She nods her head.

"Hi, bird brain!!" I scream unnecessarily loud, earning a chuckle from my girlfriend.

"He says hi and he misses you."

"I miss you too!" I scream in response to Nat's middleman work in Clint and I's conversation.

"Alright Barton, I gotta go sleep on the couch now... Yeah, she's making me sleep on the couch... Because I beat her in Mario Kart... Okay... See you soon... Love you too... Bye." Nat finally ends the call and puts her phone down.

I cross my arms, still laying on my back under my girlfriend.

"Okay, well, I'll see you in the morning, you big baby," she grunts as she starts to climb off of me but I grab her waist to stop her.

"Woah, hold on now." I try to look as offended as I can.


"I said you're sleeping on the couch tonight, I didn't say we're skipping our nightly make-out. Now get back here."

I pull her body back on mine before she can respond, smashing her lips into mine. Little moans leave our mouths as we kiss. I don't take long to get tired so I gently push up on Nat's shoulders before our time together gets too intense.

"I'm getting sleepy. I'm gonna head to bed, my love," I whisper, too tired to use my whole voice.

"Ugh, fine. So, I'll see you in the morning."

She gets off so I slip off the couch and get changed for sleep, getting into the now-empty bed.


Somehow I managed to fall asleep but I wake up and it's still dark so I assume it's the middle of the night. I reach for my phone and check the time. 3:28 AM. I groan softly and roll over to cuddle Nat only to find she isn't there because of the banishment. Suddenly I get a wave of sadness and feel cold, even under all the blankets. I lay flat on my back and stare at the darkness above my head.

"Ugh," I groan loudly then fling my legs over the side of the bed.

I make my way to the couch where Nat is curled up on. Not wanting to disturb her, I silently parkour my way over the back of the couch behind her and place one arm over her waist and shove the other under her to hold her close. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up, which makes me smile because she's just so cute. I pull the blanket over us and fall asleep almost immediately.


I try to stretch my body as I wake up but I can't. I look down to see Cal's arms around me and I can't help but smile but I know I have to tease her about this.

"Mmm good morning baby." I rub her arms gently.

"Good morning."

"Couch banishment?"

"Shut it. Got cold. Couldn't sleep."

"Uh-huh. I think you missed me. I don't blame you."

"Ohh that's it. I'm going back to bed." She releases her arms but I grab them.

"No, don't. I'm glad you're here. I missed you."

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