🔞 NR - In Charge

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⚠️Warning: Callie g!p

Lounging on a living room couch, I catch myself staring at my girlfriend as she does normal house things. She's doing something in the kitchen. To be honest, I have no idea what she's doing, I'm too busy watching her body move. She's in gray sweatpants and a baggy white t-shirt with no bra underneath. Fuck, she looks so good. Finally, she takes a break to lean back against the counter and scroll through her phone. I take my chance.

I walk casually into the kitchen and lean against the opposite counter.

"Hey," she greets me with her nose in her phone.

"Whatcha up to?"

"Just checking texts."

"Anything interesting?"

"My friends want to go drinking this weekend." She finally puts her phone down, crossing her arms, pushing her breasts up.

"Sounds fun." My eyes bounce to her chest.

"Yeah. What's up with you?"

"Nothing," I smirk.

"Am I crazy to not believe you?" She uncrosses her arms to lean them on the counter next to her.

Instead of talking, I step up to her, fully knowing she'll accept me into her arms without question. When I'm pressed against her, she wraps her arms around me lightly. One hand rests on my lower back while the other gently grips the nape of my neck. I get my face into the crook of her neck and place loving kisses on her skin.

"What're you doing, hun?" Cal lightly chuckles, her breathing hitched.

"Absolutely nothing," I smirk against her neck.

Without warning, I use my teeth on her neck, nipping and earning a small hum from Callie. The hand on my lower back discretely slides down, moving the hand on my neck down as well. With a handful of ass in both hands, she pulls me further into her, spreading my cheeks as she does. I let out a deep groan and move to her lips, instantly locking her mouth to mine. As we make out, tongues swirling around each other, my hand slides from her waist to her abs. Even from just standing against her, I can feel her junk harden.

To help the process, I slip my hand into her boxers, lightly groaning at the feeling of her huge dick in my hand. I toy with her member until she's had enough. All of a sudden, she's pushing me off of her and walking us backward until my back hits the wall. She pins me against it as her tongue forces its way down my throat, both of us moaning into the other's mouth. She only breaks the kiss to rip off her sweatpants, leaving her in her white Calvin Klein boxers. I let out a whimper when her erect dick hits my already wet center.

"Get on your knees," she instructs through the motions.

I smirk against her lips, kissing her for another minute before sliding down her body. She backs up just enough so my head won't smack the wall behind me. When I'm kneeling in front of her, she tugs on the collar of my shirt.

"I want this off," she groans.

I oblige by ripping my top off then turn my attention back to Callie's junk. Callie lets me slip off her boxers. Once exposed, I hold the bottom of her dick while I wrap my lips around the tip. Following a moan, Cal tangles her hand in my hair, using the other one to hold herself up as I tongue at the tip of her dick. When she tightens her grip on my hair, I prepare to suck. The next thing I know, Callie is pushing my head towards her, her junk sliding across my tongue as it enters my mouth.

"Oh god," Cal groans as she pushes my head as far as I can go, which isn't even down her whole dick.

Now that I've warmed up, she assists in bobbing my head while I also use my hand to add more pleasure for her. I give her the best head I possibly can. I know she likes it so, without warning, I deepthroat her until I can't breathe.

"Fucking hell Nat," Cal pants when she hears me choke.

I bob my head against her until she's had enough and wants more. Because she's the one with the dick that has the ability to rearrange my guts, I will happily do anything she wants, she's in charge. She pulls me back up by my bra straps and slams me against the wall once again. With one of her hands, she holds herself up next to my head while the other drags down my body. There, she rubs my throbbing pussy from outside my leggings.

"Oh god, you're so wet," she groans against my cheek, earning a moan from me as she rubs circles on my clit.

"Please. I need you so bad," I plead, already ripping off my leggings and red lacy underwear.

"Almost there," Cal smirks. With a needy roll of my eyes, I tear my bra off and throw it across the room. "That's better."

"Your turn."

Callie seductively pulls her shirt over her head, exposing her perfect skin and hard nipples. In one smooth move, Callie grabs me by the backs of my thighs and hoists me into her arms. I wrap my legs around her waist to hold on as she connects her lips to my neck. I whimper as she travels down my body with her lips, leaving thumping red hickeys as she goes. Finally, after what feels like ages, she drops me just enough so her dick is pressed up against my folds.

Natasha's pleading eyes make it impossible to tease her, also the fact that she almost screamed when my cock barely touched her cunt. Her craving for me makes me crave it too.

"Ready baby?" I ask to make sure.

"Yes, please." Her legs drop open so she's only loosely holding on and I have more access.

With a smirk, I carefully stick my massive dick into her dripping wet pussy. The fact that her juices are rolling down her inner thighs, she accepts my cock without a problem. She lets out a long, loud moan as I push myself as far as her body will let me. I start gentle, as always, fucking her against the wall slowly and passionately to let her warm up to me. Luckily, there's no need for a condom.

"Faster baby," Nat breathes.

With one more slow thrust, I pull out before slamming back into her. I pound her in my arms against the wall hard and fast, earning near screams from my girlfriend. She bucks her hips towards me as I rail her into the wall at a great speed, holding the top of her ass to assist in each thrust. The only sounds in our house now are Nat hitting the wall, cursing, moaning and screaming, and our skin slapping together with each rough thrust.

"Oh, I'm so close," Nat moans into my ear.

"Rub your clit for me," I instruct.

Following a whimper, she uses one of the hands that were on the back of my neck to slip in between our two sweaty bodies. As I jackhammer into her, she plays with her clit just like I told her to. Her moans become impossibly louder and more high-pitched as she works with me to bring out her orgasm. I press my lips against her throat, applying some pressure for added pleasure, and she loses it.

"FUCK!" she screams, a stream of cum squirting all over my dick simultaneously.

Her legs shake violently so I slow my pace, going back to fucking her slow and passionate. As her body goes weaker, I pull out of her. After pecking her lips lovingly, I sit her on the counter so she doesn't have to stand. I find my boxers in the living room since Nat literally threw them away from us and slip them on. I come back into the room without a shirt but with all of Nat's clothes. She refuses pants so I just slip her oversized t-shirt over her head since it'll still cover her enough.

"Where did my shirt go?" I ask half to myself, half to Nat.

"I don't know but you don't need it."

I furrow my eyebrows but she just holds her arms out like a child. I grant her gesture by carrying her into the living room.

"Cuddle time," Nat yawns into my neck.

"I still don't have a shirt."

"That's okay. Just lay down."

I oblige and lay myself down first, opening my legs so she can crawl between them. She gets herself comfortable between my bent legs, her body and oversized t-shirt covering my fully exposed breasts. I think Nat just likes having me half-naked under her, even if we're just cuddling. Nat falls asleep before me so I turn on the living room TV and play it quietly until I eventually pass out too.

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