NR - Undercover Pt. 2

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"Hardly," I blush. I want to slap myself for letting myself blush over a convict. Her hand under the table slides a little further up my thigh.

"Focus, Romanoff," Tony scolds and I snap myself back into reality.

"It was really no big deal," I say softly. "But I'm just curious..."

"There's no room for curiosity," Callie cuts me off. She's quite busy at the moment. One of her hands is on my thigh while the other is touching my hand on the table.

50%...51%... 52%... 53%....54%...

"So you won't even tell me why you need these so bad?"

"I figured you'd already know... Agent Romanoff."

"Shit, she knows. She knows!" Steve shouts quietly into coms.

"No fucking shit, Rogers! She called Nat by her name. No shit she knows," Tony retorts.

"Guys, shut up. We're missing the interaction," Clint scolds.

"I–How–" I start, a little taken aback.

Callie leans close. "I know more than you think. I know your Avenger friends are surrounding this whole place. I know you're here to arrest me."

"Her bracelet," Tony says suddenly. Before he can say anything further, Callie starts.

"I know those files you brought are fake."

"So, if you knew all of this, why meet me and put yourself in harm's way?"

Callie scoots next to me smoothly. She grazes her lips over my ear.

"Her coms are disabled," Cam tells me.

"Because I knew you were the one I was meeting," I whisper into her ear knowing her friends can't talk to her or hear us. Cam really is a treasure to have on the team. He's too good.

I watch her fumble with her words as I pull away from her. I take a slow long sip from the white wine on the table. I smile warmly.

"Looks like it's just you and me," I tease. I trace the rim of the wine glass with my middle finger. "Now. Tell me something, Natasha. What's your plan now? You can't send the signal to arrest me. I think... I have the upper hand here."

"Files are a no-go. Make your escape, Callie. Stop fucking around," June instructs.

"Well, sweetheart. This was a lovely date." I collect myself and prepare to stand. "I really do hope we can do this again. Maybe next time with the real files and a better restaurant. And let's not bring any friends."

"She's trying to get away," I say confidently.

"Why the hell can't we reach Nat?" Steve asks.

"She cut off coms," Clint responds.


"I don't know everything."

"Well, she does. We need to make the arrest. It's now or never," I say worriedly.

The team prepares to call SHIELD for the arrest and enter the restaurant before our target can get away. Unfortunately, she's already on her feet. The good thing about this restaurant is it's connected to a mall so we don't have to arrest her in the actual restaurant. We can do it in the lobby of the mall. Less people in one place, less commotion.

Callie stands from the table, winks at me, and begins her escape. I go to follow her but I can't.

"Fuck," I curse when I realize I've been handcuffed to the table. All I can do is watch her. I now find myself not able to do anything else.

"I got eyes. She's heading for the lobby," I tell the crew.

On my casual strut out of the restaurant, I pass a clothing store. I rip off my overcoat on the way and toss it into a trashcan. As I pass the store's rack outside their business, I snatch a dark maroon skirt and wrap it around my waist over the current one. The next thing I do is quickly rip off my blouse—don't worry, I have a small tank top on underneath—and eye a stray grey jacket on a chair. As I strut by, I grab it and throw it on.

"You got a tail," June announces.

I walk just a little faster as I tear off my brown-haired wig to expose my real hair. I ruffle my gentle blonde curls and toss the wig into another trashcan. I take a quick glance around and find SHIELD agents slowly coming up on all sides of me. Except the front. Before they even have the chance, I slip into a small crowd leaving the mall.

"Come on!" Cam shouts as Beck pulls up out front. I take Cam's hand and he pulls me into the SUV as Beck speeds off.

I lightly bang my fist on the table. "Damnit. Why'd she have to be so hot?" I mumble to myself.

Just then, a small beep fills my ear then a voice. "Until next time. See you around, Romanoff."

"She got away," Tony says.

Looks like I have coms again. "I'm cuffed to the table," I admit.

"Well, that was exciting," I smile on the drive home.

"We should've seen that coming," Beck says.

"We did. That was just the distraction," Cam adds.

"Did you guys make a whole explicit plan and not include me?" I ask.

"Kinda. That whole dinner date was just for giving us enough time to hack into SHIELD's databases while they were all focused on you," Cam explains.

"So, what? We got the files?"

"We got the files."

"We should celebrate. A drink for my amazing work in there. And let's not forget my successful date with Agent Romanoff."

"Well, nice work, Cal," Beck praises.

"Agreed," Cam adds.

I look expectantly at June. She stays silent, crossing her arms.

"Aw, is someone jealous?" I tease.

"You're pathetic." June tries so hard to fight back a smile.

"Yet I'm the only one of us who actually goes on missions. I don't think you should call me pathetic if you want me to keep working with you."

"For me."


"You technically work for me," she smirks. "I make the plans and you just execute them. For me."


In our apartment above the bakery, we all snack on baked goods in the kitchen. I'm sitting sideways on my swivel chair, Cam's working on his computer at the counter, Beck is laying across the bench, and June's playing with her hologram table.

"What if we just made up a mission?" I ask.

"No," June mutters, trying to focus on her work.

Cam takes his glasses off to rub his eyes. "Please, Callie. Stop. You're giving me a headache."

"What's so wrong about it?" I hiss.

"Making up a mission just so you can see her? That's what's so wrong about it."

"Fine. I'll do it myself then," I shrug, shoving the rest of my buttered croissant into my mouth and leaving the room for bed.

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