NR - On the Run Pt. 1

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Aftermath of Civil War. Simple as that. Not following the Black Widow plot though (that'll be its own thing). Maybe this will have multiple parts, it depends on how fun this is. Or maybe this'll be a fun little separate series if I like it enough. We'll have to see:)

Small A/N at the bottom.
"Where are we supposed to go?" I ask Natasha in a shitty hotel bathroom.

"Anywhere S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't."

"Nat, they'll follow us anywhere we go."

"Not if we go far enough."

"You sound confident about that."

"I am. Let's go. We can't stay here." She throws on her hood as I'm putting my dyed hair up and under a baseball cap with shades.

"I'm assuming you have something arranged?" I question her fast walk.


She leads us to a shitty back parking lot and to a shitty car.

"Where we off to?" I ask while she's driving us somewhere.

"A little cabin in Iceland."

"How are we even getting there?"

"I have my ways," she smirks, taking my hand in hers as she drives.

-Kirkjufell, Iceland-

In a new crappy car, Natasha drives up to an adorable little log cabin in the literal middle of nowhere. I help her unpack the full car of our supplies into our new temporary home.

"How long do we have here?" I ask when we stand in our cute wooden kitchen lit by golden light.

"Hopefully a while. I purposefully put us in the middle of unmarked land so no one would find us"

"Smart." I peek out the window at the vast green fields with a few humungous mountains scattered around us. I turn back to face my girlfriend. "So why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" She furrows her eyebrows at me.

I begin walking towards the front door. "Help Steve when you knew you'd become a criminal."

She spins in her bar stool at the counter. "I knew I was on the wrong side. I couldn't stay on it."

"Well, look at you now. On the run."

"And it's not so bad." She joins me as I'm walking out the front door.

"No? What makes you say that?" I drape my arm over her and she wraps one arm around my waist, the other hand rests on my stomach. We gaze out at the beautiful scenery of Iceland.

"I'm on the run with you."

I tighten my grip on her, rubbing her shoulder lovingly. She rests her head on mine. We listen to the peaceful nature sounds until the sun officially sets below the horizon.

"Dinner?" Nat finally asks me.

The mention of food makes my stomach growl. "Yeah, please."

She kisses my cheek then goes inside. I linger in the cold for a little while more, just taking everything in. Our cabin is close enough to a nearby water source that I can hear the distant splashing and trickling of it.

"Honey, dinner's ready," Nat calls softly from the front door behind me.

"Be right in," I say over my shoulder, taking a refreshing, deep breath before joining her inside.

I find Nat already sitting at our kitchen table. I plop down on the opposite side as her on my bench seat.

"How are we planning on getting more supplies if we happen to run out?" I ask during dinner.

"Supply runs. One or both of us can go east to a town. It's a bit of a drive but it's there."

"I'll go if we need it. I need you safe."

"Callie, I can protect myself."

"I know you can. But if I get caught, at least I have better chances of escaping," I smirk.

"Fine. We'll talk about that when the time comes."

"Do we even have money?" I almost laugh.

"I can't believe you're questioning me. Yes, we do. I arranged everything. Stop worrying."

"Okay, but if something goes wrong, you'll wish I asked every single question I could think of," I tease her.

"You're cute. But no," she smiles as she gets up from the table to clear her plate.

I follow her into the U-shaped kitchen area. Setting my plate on the side of the sink, I press myself against her from behind as she's washing her dish. She puts the plate she was just washing into the sink and rests her hands on the edge of the counter. I take over for her from around her waist, washing the two dishes for her. When they're on the drying rack to the side, I dry my hands and Nat spins in my arms. Her arms snake around my neck, resting on my shoulders.

"Your blonde roots are coming in," she points out.

"Yeah? I'm glad. I miss my normal hair."

"Me too. But I do love the brown."

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can still have blonde hair. Until things blow over, I might have to keep with brown," I frown.

"Well, I really like it." She pulls me in by the back of my neck, my lips falling into hers.

I pull away with a smile. "Let's go outside."

"Why?" She asks, maybe annoyed that I pulled away from the kiss.

"Just come."

I take her hand and bring her out to the back patio where there's a small wooden deck with two cushioned lounge chairs.

"Holy shit," Nat whispers in awe as she stares up at the sky.

Because of the timing of the Sokovia Accord situation, our trip to Iceland is timed perfectly. Above our heads, a beautiful mix of green and purple lights slowly dance across the sky.

"When you told me we were going to Iceland, I looked up when the northern lights were. Turns out we timed it perfectly," I smile.

"That's my Callie, coming prepared. I love that about you."

"I thought I was asking too many questions earlier so I couldn't be prepared?" I tease. "Weird how that works."

"Maybe I'll leave you here. You'll wake up one day and I'll be in a different country." She moves to face her body to mine. "You don't know how I arranged this so you'll be left in the dust for Ross to arrest you for obstruction of justice."

"Ideas ideas. Too bad you're in love with me."

"Love is for children," Nat smirks.

"So what is this then?"

Natasha slips her fingers in the hairline of my messy bun, slowly bringing me closer. "Mmm, lust maybe?"

"In the mood to act on it?" I smirk down at her.

She doesn't respond, just slides her hands down my body, taking my hand and leading me into our bedroom to start our long night.

Woah. Thank you for 200k reads. Unreal. Thank you. I appreciate all of you, especially those of you who keep coming back (yes, I recognize usernames).

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