NR - One Year Interruption

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"Nat!" I run up to my girlfriend excitedly in the kitchen.

"Hey, what-"

Before she can finish her questioning, I jump into her arms, wrapping my arms and legs around her. She supports me as I kiss her passionately, holding a little gift I have for her in my hand behind her.

"Why so excited?" She giggles when I finally pull away.

"Don't tell me you forgot." I fake pout, still in her arms.

"'Course not. It's our one year. I have something planned for tonight."

"Phew, I'm relieved. And I'm excited about whatever you have planned. But I have something for you!" I squeal and bounce in her arms lightly.

"Okay, let's see it." She brings me to the island counter and sits me on top of it, standing between my legs so I can still wrap them around her waist.

I bring the framed picture of us around from behind her and hold it out between us. She slowly takes my gift and I watch the biggest smile form on her lips. She scans every inch of the picture. It's a beautiful photo we took of ourselves during golden hour in Central Park. There was no one around so we sat in the grass together, facing each other. I'm between her bent legs, my legs are on either side of her waist, and I'm cupping her face while she wraps her arms around my waist. The photo only shows our dark silhouettes of us kissing in front of the gorgeous red-orange sunset. It was from one of our earlier dates.

"Oh my..." Nat whispers, wiping a tear from her eye.

"There's more to it but I'll reveal that later." I gently grab her face and kiss her.

"I love you. Thank you."

"I love you more."


Nat and I lay in bed and I'm about to drift off when suddenly, Nat jumps up and scares the crap out of me.

"Oh my god!"

"What, Nat?" I whip up after her.

"It's almost five."

"Um. Yes, honey. It is."

"I have to do something. I'll be right back." She pecks my lips before scrambling out of the room, leaving me confused and alone.

Now that I'm alone, I guess it's a good time to finish up the rest of Nat's gift. I trudge to the desk to do so and I'm only sitting for ten minutes when suddenly the door is being swung open. I spin in the desk chair to Wanda storming in.

"What the hell, Callie?!" She yells at me.

"I could ask the same thing. What the hell, Wanda?" I ask calmly.

"What is this?" She holds up the frame of me and Nat.

"Uh... A picture of me and Nat?"

"Can you maybe not keep this shit in the middle of the kitchen?!"

"Jesus, relax! We accidentally left it there!" I start to yell back. "We didn't even know anyone else was home."

"Well I am so can you just stop rubbing it in?!"

I stand up in anger. "Rubbing it in?! Wanda, what? How the hell-"

"You guys are always together-"

"Because we're fucking dating! What? Do you expect me to just not be near my girlfriend for your fucking sake?!"

"No, just stop being all over each other!"

"So basically stop being a fucking couple? Stop doing the things a normal couple would do? You're so delusional if you think that's going to happen!"

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now