⚠️ Problems Pt. 1

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Warning: angst
"I'm so tired of your shit!" Callie yells at me from across the kitchen in the middle of a heated fight.

"You're tired? I have to come home to a wife who somehow always finds a fucking problem!"

"I'm not pulling problems out of my ass, Scarlett!"

"So where'd this one come from?"

"You! You don't fucking listen to me when I have an issue! Like right now! You're not listening-"

"Callie, I am listening! Why do you think I'm standing here fighting with you?"

"You seem to like fighting," Cal mumbles, setting me off.

"You're a piece of shit, Callie!" I accidentally insult her, instantly regretting it. "I- No, I-"

"You're right," she cuts me off. "So if that's how you feel, I'm leaving."


She steps past me, intentionally brushing past me forcefully. I try to grab her but she rips out of my grip and runs upstairs. When she disappears, I smack my hand on the kitchen table out of anger and frustration. When I manage to calm myself, I follow her upstairs. When I reach our bedroom, I find Callie angrily shoving clothes into her duffle bag.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Leaving. Just like I said I would," she responds without looking at me.

"You're not being serious," I deadpan.

She finally looks up from her bag and we lock eyes. "Yes. I'm being serious. If I'm such a piece of shit, I'm leaving."

"Callie, I didn't mean that."

"You still said it. The truth tends to come out with anger."

"That wasn't the truth!"

"It's a bit late to take it back." She grabs her bag and pushes past me again, leaving the room.

I follow her as she almost runs down the steps. I grab her arm before she has the chance to open the front door.

"Stop it, Callie!"

She spins around to face me. "We can get divorce papers."

A sharp pain shoots through me. "Woah, what? A divorce?" I choke.

She takes a shaky deep breath. "We aren't a happy couple anymore."

"So we fix it."

"We're too far gone to fix this on our own."

Tears fill my eyes. "No. We can go to therapy."

"I don't think it'd work. We fight every other fucking day. We say all this shit we can't take back. Both of us."

She turns to open the front door and the tears in my eyes stream down my face. I don't know what to do but I don't want to lose my wife.

"Let us build a home," I start before the door opens.


"A life and a family," I continue as I cry.


"From our bonds of true love."

"Please." Her voice cracks so I know she's crying even though I can't see her face.

"And our vows to stick together through all life's challenges," I sob.

Callie pushes the door closed but continues to face away.

"I vow patience, honesty, and adoring love as long as we both shall live..."

Callie rests her forehead on the front door. I can't tell what she's thinking. I don't know if it worked. Finally, she starts talking and I can't help but sob harder at her words.

"To promise," she starts softly following a sniffle. "To love you in sickness and in health, in good and in bad is the easiest promise I've ever made because vowing to love you was something I decided when I first met you."

"Today you will be my wife, but we will be soulmates forever," I finish through my heavy sobs.

Cal drops her duffle bag to the floor and turns around to face me. Both of us sobbing.

"I am so sorry," I heave.

"We need help."

"So there's still a 'we'?"

Callie steps up to me and, without another word, wraps her arms around my neck and holds me into her. I melt into the hug and hold her tight.

"Those promises we made in our vows... I don't intend on breaking them," she whispers.

"Neither do I. I am so sorry. I didn't mean any of what I said."

"I know."

"Will we be okay? Can we survive this?"

"I hope so. But we need help."

"So we go to couples therapy."

"Yeah. I think we need to." Cal steps away from me and brings her bag back upstairs.

This time, I don't follow her. I don't want to push it. I sit on the living room sofa with my head in my hands. I'm numb. Many minutes later, I feel soft hands on my knees. I look up to see Callie crouching in front of me. She takes my hands in hers and gently rubs them with her thumbs.

"I'm sorry too," she starts.

"You're not a piece of shit. You're anything but. I'm just an idiot for letting my feelings take over and saying that."

"You're not an idiot."

"I almost lost you. You almost walked out because of my stupidity."

"I wouldn't have gone far. Maybe to the end of the driveway." She cracks a small smile and I can't help but let the corner of my lips curl up.

"Did you really want a divorce?"

"No, of course not. I was pissed." She gets up and sits next to me on the sofa. "Walking out would be dumb."

"I'll look into the therapy tomorrow if that's okay."

"Yeah. That's good, baby."

The nickname causes tears to fill my eyes once more. But this time, the tears are more happy than sad. As a tear falls, Callie places a hand on my cheek and wipes it away. I lean into her touch.

"The fight's over. Why are you crying?" she asks softly.

"I almost lost you."

"I'm not going anywhere."

Once again, Callie takes me in her arms. I melt into the side hug and let her reposition us so she's leaning back against the arm of the sofa with me between her legs. I rest my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat. Now starts the long process of healing.

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