Coach Callie Pt. 2

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5:00 AM, my alarm goes off. My eyes flutter open and I release my grip on my wife to turn off my phone. Scarlett groans as I get out of bed but doesn't fully wake up. I let her stay in bed as I take my shower and wake myself up.

"Good morning sleepyhead," I smile at my wife when I step out of the bathroom after my shower and see her sitting up in bed.

"You took a shower without me?"

"I wanted you to sleep."

"When do we have to leave?"

"About an hour and a half. I'm about to go downstairs and practice before we go. Feel free to sleep for a bit more." I peck her lips before skipping downstairs to the backyard to practice before my big soccer game later today.

As much as I want to sleep, I follow Callie downstairs and watch her practice. I admire her every move. The way her body looks when she plays is so attractive to me. I watch for about 20 minutes before deciding to go inside and make us breakfast. A little while later, a tired Callie joins me at the kitchen table.

"How do you feel? Are you ready for the game?" I ask.

"I feel good. I think we have a good chance of winning. The team we're going up against has a record of wins but this season has been in our favor."

"I'll be rooting for you. I don't want to jinx it so I'm not going to say anything else," I chuckle.

"Good idea," she smiles.

Throughout breakfast, Callie walks me through her gameplay and strategies. I know it helps her so I happily listen and engage, even though I don't always know what she's talking about. The second we're done with breakfast, we get ready to go. Of course, I throw on my Callie Johansson-Atwood jersey before we leave.


"You're going to do great. Stay focused, stay present, and breathe. You got this," I tell Callie as we're walking up to the stadium.

"I got this," she agrees, bouncing as she walks.

We walk into the back of the stadium where we're met by the rest of Callie's team. They all greet me and Callie. It melts my heart to watch her smile grow from ear to ear when she's surrounded by her team doing what she loves.

"I got to go. I'll find you after the game. I love you." She embraces me in a sweet kiss then parts ways with me.

I make my way to the huge area of seats surrounding the field and find mine. I, of course, got a seat that I can see everything. Throughout the 45 minutes before the actual game, I switch between scrolling through my phone and watching Callie's team practice on the field. Soon enough, the game is called to start.


I sprint down the field when the ball is passed to one of my teammates. I get myself open and the ball is immediately passed to me. I accept it and run towards the penalty area. Before I reach it, I pass the ball hard to another teammate and continue to dodge the defenders. Just as I'm reaching the corner of the penalty area, my teammate punts the ball through the air towards me. I back up just enough and, timing it perfectly, leap up and strike the ball with my forehead. It goes soaring straight into the goal. The crowd on our side blows up for my amazing goal. My teammates run up to me and congratulate me briefly until we're called to continue.

As I'm jogging back to my starting place as a midfielder, I scan the seats and point out my Scarlett. I smile and blow her a kiss then turn my attention back to the game being called to action.


I meet my wife where we parted ways when we got here after her game is over. She walks out with some of her teammates, talking and laughing. When she notices me, she instantly says bye to her friends and comes up to me.

"I knew you'd win," I smile as she comes up to me.

"You're my lucky charm," she coos, making me blush. "Let's go home, I'm exhausted."

I lead us back out to the car and the whole car ride, Callie looks like she's sleeping. She weakly holds my hand as I drive us home. When we get there, she goes straight to our room and collapses on the bed.

"No shower?" I question her.

"Babe, I think I'd pass out if I took a shower right now. I feel like death."

"Well, you were amazing on the field today. I'll let you sleep."

"I'm assuming you won't want to join me because I'm sweaty?" She teases.

"I have some things I have to do around the house. I'll wake you up for dinner if you're still sleeping." Despite her nastiness, I peck her lips and leave the room, letting her pass out.


My body naturally wakes me up a few hours later. Feeling somewhat refreshed, I roll out of bed and take a quick shower. As I'm bringing down the dirty sheets after my shower, I'm greeted by my wife cooking dinner.

"I'm surprised you're up so soon," she smiles as I walk by.

"Me too."

"Dinner? You're just on time. I made steak. Your favorite."

"Oh, I love you so much," I call from the laundry room.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired," I groan as I trudge back into the kitchen, plopping down at the table.

"That headbutt was quite the move."

"It hurt like a bitch though. I'm glad it looked cool," I smile, instinctively rubbing my forehead.

"Tough skin," Scar smirks, kissing the top of my head as she hands me a plate of dinner.

"It's sad that the season is over. I never know what to do with myself until it starts up again," I mention after a little bit of silence.

"You'll live. This just means more you and me time."

"You're right. That's always the best part."

"I'll give you tonight to prepare."

"Only one night to get ready for five weeks of nightly-"

"One night," she cuts me off with an attractive smirk.

"You'll be the death of me, hun," I jest.

"That's the plan."

I let out a huff of laughter as she gets up to clear her plate. She returns with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine for us to share.

"Movie night?" she asks.

"Sounds lovely."

I follow her into the home theater where Scarlett fills the wine glasses and snuggles into me, her legs off to the side on the large gray theater seats. We set up a supposed scary movie called In the Tall Grass. By the time the end of the movie comes, Scarlett and I find ourselves way too comfortable, wine glasses in the cupholders, and falling asleep in each other's arms.

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