NR - Scary Moms

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"Hun, can you grab that for me?" I ask my wife in the kitchen, pointing to the object I need on top of the cabinets, out of my reach.

"If it's out of your reach, it's out of mine," she says.

"No..." I turn around to face her at the table and hold my hands up.

She sighs and looks around the room to make sure the kids aren't around. Seeing no one, she uses her wisps to get what I need.

"You should've climbed up. You know I don't like using them." Cal shakes her head.

"Thank you." I blow her a kiss.

"Are you making dinner tonight? Dallas is having someone over."

"I'm not the cook of the house."

"And I don't feel like cooking."

"Okay, so we'll order?"


"Who's she having over?" I lean back on the counter, now invested in the conversation.

"Don't know," Cal shrugs. "She doesn't tell me things anymore."

Before we can walk into my house, I pull us to a stop. My girlfriend of five months is meeting my mothers for the very first time and I am so nervous. I don't have a reason to be because well, I have two moms. They'll be accepting.

"What is it, Dal?" Lexi questions my paralysis.

"I should probably warn you."

"About your parents?"

"My moms... they can be... I don't know. Intimidating?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine." She takes my hands in hers to comfort me.

"I'm just sorry in advance. And my brother, he's just a crazy crackhead at times. So be prepared," I nervously chuckle.

"I'm sure I'll love your family. I'm really excited to meet them."

"Okay." I peck her lips then lead her through the front door.

"Mom? Momma?" I call through the house.

"We're in the kitchen."

With a shaky deep breath, I lead Lexi into the kitchen, stopping us at the entrance. Of course, my moms look scary even just doing normal human things. Mom (Callie) is sitting at the kitchen table, arms crossed with a straight face while Momma (Natasha) is leaning back on the counter with her arms crossed, a neutral facial expression.

"Who's this?" Momma asks, raising an eyebrow, making her intimidation worse.

I glance at Lexi next to me whose hands are anxiously crossed in front of her. "Mom, Momma. I want you to meet Lexi. My-My girlfriend..."

Both of my moms stay frozen in place. Finally, Mom breaks the silence, keeping her tough front. "How long have you two been together?"

"Five months," I tell her.

Mom nods in acknowledgment.

"Dallas told us you're staying for dinner. Is that still the plan?" Momma asks Lexi next.

"Yes, if that is okay with you," Lexi politely smiles.

Finally, Mom and Momma's smiles grow. I hate when they do that, act all tough and scary when they first meet literally anyone I bring over, friends or relationships (not like I've been in that many relationships). I'm just glad their intimidation fell through quicker than normal. Usually, they'd keep it up until halfway through dinner.

"That's perfectly okay with us," Mom smiles at my girlfriend, warming my heart.

I quickly lead Lexi out of there and to my room to spend some alone time together before dinner.

"She was sweet," I comment when our daughter and her girlfriend leave the room.

"I like her," Nat agrees.

"Do you think we scared her enough?"

"She looked pretty intimidated," Nat chuckles.

"Should we try again at dinner?"

"I think drilling her with questions is enough stress for one night so let's start with that."

"Yes ma'am."


"So, Lexi, do you work at all?" I ask after we're all settled at the table.

"Yeah, I work at a local coffee shop."

"Sounds nice. Do you like your job?"

"I do. My coworkers are great and the job is low-stress so it's just my environment," Lexi tells me.

"Are you going to college?" Nat asks next.

"I don't really know. I thought I had it all figured out during high school but due to the circumstances, I don't anymore."

"It's okay not to know," I assure her nicely. "I thought I had my life planned out but things took a big turn. Clearly, a turn for the better. You'll figure it out."

"Thanks, I try to stay positive."

"That's good. Dallas, take notes," I tease my daughter.

"Mom," Dallas tries, hiding a blush.

"So how did you two meet?" Nat asks.

"Mutual friends," Dal answers for them.

"A good way to meet people," I comment.

The rest of dinner is filled with Nat and me grilling the couple with questions. Lexi seems good for our daughter and clearly makes her happy. If Dallas is happy, then we are too.


"Have a safe drive home," I tell Lexi as she's heading out the door.

She leaves and Nat and I immediately turn to Dallas.

"What?" Dallas questions our looks.

"No, nothing. I like her," I admit to Dal.

"Did you guys have to go all 'scary moms' on her?" Dal looks away to hide her smile.

"I think that's the most important part of meeting us. If your partner can't handle our intimidation, then how will she handle us being normal?" Nat smirks.

"I'm glad you like her," Dallas blushes.

"We love her."

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