🔞 Cravings Pt. 1

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It's been an odd day today. When I woke up, I started craving, well, my wife. We haven't had sex in weeks. I'm starting to really need her. This morning, she kissed me goodbye like she always does, and something in me wanted to say "Don't go to work. Stay here and fuck me." but I didn't. I let her go to work. Now, she's been at work all day and I'm left irritable in our mansion.

Callie should be home within the next few hours. I have been doing everything I can to ignore my thoughts and keep moving around. If I sit or lay down, I won't be able to stay still.

In our bedroom, I change out of my t-shirt and into a tank top. All this moving around got me too hot. As I'm pulling off my shirt, I close my eyes and imagine my wife standing behind me with her hands on my body. This does it.

I picture Callie in my head and imagine her on top of me. I keep myself shirtless, connect my phone to our speakers, play some music, and lay down on the bed. I strip myself to leave myself in just undergarments. Without another thought, I reach down between my bent legs and start.


After a decently long day at work, I finally get home. I'm not immediately greeted by Scarlett so I assume she might just be sleeping. I lay my bag next to the door and head into the kitchen. As I'm filling a glass with water and downing it, I pause due to a sound. I pause to listen.

I almost spit out my water when I hear a loud moan coming from upstairs. I place my cup on the counter and make my way upstairs. I can't help but wonder what is going on. She isn't cheating on me... right? She wouldn't. I hear our sex playlist playing in the room. It would suck if she was cheating on me to our sex playlist.

I gently push open the door to our bedroom and freeze in the doorway. Watching my wife masturbate does something to me. I step in further. She doesn't see me since her eyes are glued shut and she can't hear me because she's practically screaming.

"Babe," I start but she doesn't hear me. "Scar," I call a little louder. "Scarlett!" I almost start laughing but I force myself to stop.

She jumps, probably because I scared her. She scrambles off of the bed and wraps a blanket around her almost naked body.

"Oh! Honey, hi! You're home early," she greets me quickly.

"Yeah, got let off early. You having fun in here?" I smirk.

Her face grows a deep red. "I-I just-"

I raise my eyebrows with a smirk. "You just..."

"I-I didn't want to wait..."

My eyes slowly scan her. I then step up to her and slide the blanket off of her. She lets my hands roam. I've missed touching her like this. I slide my hands to her back and unclip her bra. She waits patiently as I undress. When we're fully naked, Scarlett sits on the edge of the bed, pulling me between her legs against the bed. With me still standing, she holds my waist as she places soft, warm kisses on my abs.

As she touches and kisses me, I take my time to climb on the bed and straddle her lap. Since she's forced to stop kissing my abdomen, I lean forward and she takes a tit in her mouth. I let out a quiet moan and grab the back of her head, pushing her head towards me. She sucks on me hard, tonguing at my nipple. When we both want more, I push her down on the bed and we scoot to be comfortable. I stay on top of her but lean down and instantly press our lips together. She hums against my lips when I slip my tongue into her mouth. Her hands slide down my bare body and take a handful of ass in each hand. I moan into her mouth.

"Is there..." I start between the sloppy kisses. "A reason I came home to you like that?"

"We haven't had sex in weeks. I started craving it," she whispers before intensifying the make-out session. We're practically eating each other's faces.

"Crave no more then," I smirk against her lips before readjusting my position, spreading her legs, and pushing my fingers into her.

Her mouth gapes open even more and she lets out a breathy scream that fills our whole mansion.

"It feels..." she starts between moans. "So much better when you do it."

I pump into her hard and fast and deep. She's been moaning so much already that her sounds are basically non-existent but her mouth continues to gape with her eyes in the back of her head. Her hands stay on my ass, gripping pretty hard due to the pleasure. Our naked bodies rub against each other as hers rocks underneath me with my force.

"M-More," she whimpers.

"More?" I smile against her neck.


I happily oblige by adding another finger to fucking her. My added finger earns higher pitched screams and moans, a tighter grip on my body, and her back arching. I slow down my pace but continue slamming into her. With my let-up pace, I use this time to toy with her clit with my thumb. Her hands release my body to grab the sheets of the bed. With a final scream, she goes completely mute and seconds later, she releases all over my hand.

"Fuck baby," I moan when I pull out of her to suck my hand clean of her.

"I've missed our sex," she breathes.

"I know," I tease.

I collapse to the side of her and catch my breath.

"Can we do this every day?" Scar laughs under her breath.

"How about every weekend? I'd die if we did this every day."

"I can live with that."

I smile and crawl to reposition us once more with my head on the pillow and Scarlett between my legs on top of me. Our body heat keeps us warm enough that we don't need blankets even though we're naked.

"I still can't believe I walked in on you-" I'm cut off by Scar slapping my cheek lightly.

"I just got irritable. I needed something to satisfy it."

"If you waited..." I tease with a high-pitched voice and a smile.

"There is no waiting, my dear."

"Well, I've had my rest. Up for a round two?"

"My turn," Scar smirks.

She lifts from resting on me and leans down to my lips. The slow, soft kiss doesn't last before it's heated and passionate. Here starts the much-needed round two.

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