NR - Civil War Pt. 3

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Steve, Sam, T'Challa, and I sit in an SUV since we got arrested for Obstruction of Justice. Nat isn't going to be happy. We're brought to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building. When let out of the car, we approach Sharon who's standing with some older man.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asks about Bucky.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition," the older man responds.

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander," Sharon introduces us.

"What about our lawyer?" Steve asks.

"Lawyer. That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt," Everett says.

"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that," Sam adds.


"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?" Everett mentions to us as we walk across a covered skywalk.

"I don't intend on going anywhere," T'Challa agrees with him.

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like." Natasha appears next to me and looks me dead in the eyes.

"He's alive," I try.

"Try not to break anything while we fix this," Nat scolds.

"Nat-" I try.

"No," she cuts me off strictly, pulling me off to the side away from the group. "What went through your head? You're a criminal now!" She quietly yells at me.

"I know. If you must know, I was thinking about how my friend needed my help."

"You help him by staying out of it."

"No, Nat. I don't regret helping him."

"Cal, I love you but you're on the wrong side." She then walks away, leaving me to be forced to go back to the main group.

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously, you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir," Tony says into his phone.

"'Consequences'?" I ask as I'm making my way over to them.

"Secretary Ross wants you guys prosecuted. Had to give him something."

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve wonders.

"Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too," Nat jumps in.

"That's cold," Sam thinks out loud.

"Warmer than jail," Tony objects.


All of a sudden, red flashing lights fill the building. Sam, Steve, and I book it to Bucky's chambers where he's being held. All over the floor, there are agents that Buck must have knocked out.

"Help me. Help," a man pleads.

"Get up," Steve spits. Steve steps up to him, lifting him and shoving him against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"To see an empire fall."

As I enter the room, Bucky swings his fist, smashing into the wall next to me. I duck out of the way. Bucky then grabs me by the jaw and throws me at the open pod. Steve steps in, throwing a punch at Bucky. It looks like Bucky barely felt it. The two go at it, Bucky backing Steve out of the chamber. Another punch throws Steve through the elevator doors. Steve blocks the next but Bucky's strength sends Steve tumbling into the dark elevator shaft.

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