NR - Holiday Family

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"You're the– the– the–" Callie spins to get in my face as I walk past her. "The– the– the–The Grinch," she growls along with the Grinch playing in How The Grinch Stole Christmas on our living room TV.

I take care when hanging up the stockings above the fireplace. Callie finishes putting up her ornament and then I feel her strong arms wrap around me. She waits until all four stockings are hung up—one for each of us: Callie, me, Dallas, and Greyson—before pulling me away from the fireplace and spinning me in her arms.

"Oh, honey, we can't do that," I giggle as her lips search for mine.

"Why not?" she whispers, pulling me closer to where it's just about impossible to avoid kissing her.

"Because our kids are gonna be home any minute!" I exclaim, gently pushing her off.

Just then, we hear the low rumble of Dallas's Porche. Callie manages to steal a kiss before Dallas and her little brother come in.

"Hi, Momma," Dallas greets me. I rush upstairs to meet her while Greyson runs off to find his mom. "I got it," she says when we're in her room.

"Oh, let me see!" I grin, being sure to stay quiet. I sent Dallas and Greyson out shopping for gifts and made a special request for Callie. That's where our kids went this evening.

"Grey was so happy," Dallas chuckles as she digs through the many bags she has on her bedroom floor. "We got to see Aunt Maria."

"Mar– Aunt Maria was there? At the compound?"

"Yup." Finally, Dal pulls out the black metal box I requested.

"Thank you Dallas," I say sweetly. "Can you keep this in here for me? Mom is too good at finding shit and she doesn't go into your room."

"Can I see them?"

"Fine. Just don't touch," I smirk. I unlock the box and show Dallas what's inside.


After dinner, Callie clears the front porch with her abilities (she only agreed to use them if I kept the kids inside). It doesn't take long for our kids to get changed into super warm clothes under their snowsuits. It warms my heart to see Dallas release her inner child for the sake of her little brother. Callie and I stay in warm clothes and stand on the porch while our kids run into the 12 feet of snow outside. Callie wraps an arm around me and I snuggle into her.

After a few minutes, I casually glance up. "Oh, would you look at that." I gesture with my head to above us.


I glance at our kids who are deep into playing in the snow together. Looking back at my wife, I nod. She too takes a quick look at our kids to make sure they're busy. Seeing that they are, she faces me, cups my face with her gloved hands, and presses her lips to mine. The cold kiss only lasts less than a minute because we're hit with a snowball. We rip apart and look at our kids, Dallas trying so hard not to laugh about breaking apart our kiss.

"That's it," I joke, bending down and grabbing a handful of snow. I chuck it at Dallas and it hits her stomach.

"Momma's strong," Greyson giggles watching his sister nearly topple over from the impact of the snow.

"That's right. Momma is very strong," Callie flirts with me.

"You're stronger," I refute.

She dramatically gasps with a hand over her heart. "How dare you underestimate your strength."

"Hey, we're heading inside. Don't stay out too long," I call to our kids before leading Callie into the house.

The moment the door is closed, the warmth hits us like a truck. It feels so good.

"Want cocoa?" Callie asks as she leaves me to walk to the living room.

"Yeah, thank you."

With my alone time, I get comfortable in the living room. The fire keeps me toasty. Minutes later, Callie appears behind me. She wraps her arms around me, one holding the mug of hot chocolate with a perfect spiral of whipped cream on top. She places a kiss on my head then comes around to sit with me. I readjust so I'm snuggling under her arm.

While I'm distracted, she discretely sneaks a finger dip on the side of my whipped cream mountain.

"Yo!" I snap my mug away. "Go get your own."

"Oh, did you want it back? Come get it." She wipes the whipped cream on her bottom lip.

I smirk and put my mug down on the coffee table in front of us. After a quick check to make sure the kids are still outside, I lean in close to my wife. I swipe my tongue along her bottom lip, the sweet cream melting on my tongue instantly. She lets out a heavy breath so I take that as my "you're playing a dangerous game" warning. But who listens to warnings? Not me. I ignore it and smash my lips to hers.

Just as we start practically eating each other's faces, our front door opens. We rip apart before our kids can see us. Looking over the sofa, we stifle our giggles. Grey's messy snow-covered hair is already starting to melt but he looks a little like Jack Frost.

"Woah, don't track water through the house!" I shout when Grey starts walking in. "Take everything off first."

They do as they're told, leaving everything wet at the door for me or Callie to clean later. Our two kids join us in the living room. I've always found it amusing how the kids clearly have a favorite parent. Greyson is almost always attached to my wife's arm while Dallas tends to be more on my side. Grey forces himself between me and Callie so we're forced to scoot away from each other. Grey snuggles into Callie. I look around for Dallas but all I find is a sad view of her sitting alone on a separate couch. Not wanting her to be alone, I get up and join her on her sofa. After getting settled, Dallas gently leans on me and lets me put my arm around her.

"So, what're we watching tonight?" Callie asks the family.

"Oh! What about that really old Rudolph movie?" Dallas suggests.

"It's not that old," I argue. "1965 or something."

"Close. 1964," Callie smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, whatever. I was one year off."

"Guys, can we...?" Dallas interjects in our bickering.

"Yes, we can." I gesture for Callie to do it.

After Callie puts the disk in, she sits back down with Greyson. We're both at the end of our sofas, there's only a lamp table in the corner, so Callie reaches her free hand across the table and I do the same. Our fingers intertwine perfectly. She mouths my favorite three words then turns her attention to the TV. I take a moment to gaze at her, completely drowning in my love for this woman. Finally, I turn my attention to the TV and join the rest of my happy holiday family watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

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