Best Kiss

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"Can you hurry up? I kind of don't want to be late to the awards," I urge June out of the fancy hotel suite in LA.

"Christ, I'm almost done! I still don't understand how you got ready before me," June calls back from the bedroom.

"Because I have a sense of time."

"You also have managers and shit to tell you all of this! I don't have that," she laughs.

"Yeah but you have me to tell you these things so get out-" I'm cut off by June walking out in her gorgeous white dress.

"Okay, ready?" She smiles big at me.

"Been ready since we got here," I tease. She playfully rolls her eyes and we head to the car waiting for us.

"So what all did you get nominated for?" June asks on the way to the MTV Movie and TV Awards.

"If I remember correctly, Best Kiss, Best Performance in a Movie, Best Fight, and the movie itself got nominated for Best Movie," I explain with rosy cheeks and a huge smile fighting to form.

"Damn, I still can't believe it. My best friend getting the golden popcorn. Cal, this was our whole childhood."

"I know! But I still don't know if I won so don't jinx it please."

She smiles and nods since we're now at the awards. I bring her to the back where we're greeted by a bunch of celebrities and creators and whatnot. We walk around until we run into a few friends of mine. I really didn't need to bring June but I felt like the emotional support if I win or if I don't win would be great, even though I will have other people here. Suddenly, whoever's hosting starts, well, hosting.

Another celebrity steps out and starts a new category, Best Performance in a Movie. June and I anxiously wait in the back as the nominees are announced along with a clip of them acting in their movie. Of course, my clip is from Vertigo and honestly, it might be one of my favorite clips.

"And the winner of 'Best Performance in a Movie' is..." It takes a second for them to open the card with a name. "Callie Atwood!" The crowd blows up and I freeze for a moment, honestly, a bit dumbstruck, until June starts shoving me to walk out, so I do.

I walk out smiling big even though my anxiety is so high. "Oh my goodness. I honestly can't believe it," I start when I reach the microphone. I glance at the golden popcorn on the table next to me. "This is so surreal. Thank you to everyone who voted for me! I-A huge thank you to all my Vertigo fans out there!" I keep it short because my social anxiety doesn't let me make a long speech so I pick up the popcorn award and walk back down the stage to see June.

"Holy crap! I'm so proud of you!" She squeals, hugging me tightly.

I can't respond because another celebrity is coming out to announce the next category, Best Fight. I don't expect to win every one of the categories I was nominated for. There are some amazing people being nominated alongside me and my character. I would even vote for them over me, that's how good they are. I don't win Best Fight, but I saw that coming.

It feels like these awards are going by extremely quickly because yet another celebrity is announcing the next category, Best Kiss. "And the winner of 'best kiss' is... Callie Atwood and..." The cheering cuts off the name of my friend and coworker, Mack, who plays the part of my love interest before the Avengers in my movie. But obviously, I don't need to hear her name to know I won. I immediately walk back out on stage and to the mic... alone.

I immediately laugh out of nervousness. "Well, clearly Mack isn't here. We had this whole plan for if she were. Just to redo the kiss that won this award but I guess that kiss will remain a treat for the silver screen." The crowd and host jokingly aw's which makes me nervously chuckle. I'm about to continue my speech and thank the fans again when the host starts.

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