⚠️ NR - I got you.

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Warning: angst
"She's just a kid, Steve!" My dad, Tony Stark, yells at Steve during an argument.

I'm listening undercover in my room. They're screaming at each other so I could be anywhere on the compound and hear them. I hate when they fight.

"No Tony, she isn't! She's an adult. You let Fury recruit her so why the hell are you acting like this?!" Steve refutes.

-2 years earlier-

"Dad, where are we going?" I laugh as my dad drags me to the car.

"I have a surprise. Now get in the damn car and close your eyes!" He giggles, shoving me into my seat.

Once I'm seated, I cover my eyes with my hands and let him take me wherever he's taking me. It's not a super long drive but he's taking a bunch of turns. I think to throw me off. Soon enough, his car jolts to a stop and turns off.

"Okay, keep your eyes closed! We're here," he instructs, coming around to my side and leading me out.

We walk for a couple of minutes, walking up steps and into an elevator at some point until he pulls me to a stop.

"Okay, open!" He happily sings.

I open my eyes to a room of people I know all too well. They're all staring at me. I furrow my eyebrows at my dad so he starts talking.

"Okay so I know how badly you want to use your skills but I don't know any other job that would even deserve your abilities. So... Cal..." He gestures to the room of people staring at us and I know exactly what he means.

"Holy shit. Yes! Dad oh my god, yes!" I practically yell.

"Yay!" He squeals. He then steps aside and Nick Fury takes his place next to me.

"Avengers, meet your new recruit. Callie Stark!" He announces.

They all smile and I look at each one of them briefly with a polite smile. My scan of the room is put on hold when I lock eyes with the redhead. Natasha Romanoff.

-Present Time-

"Because this particular mission happens to be extra dangerous! And I don't feel like losing my daughter!" Dad screams.

"You've sent her on plenty of missions just as dangerous! There's no reason she wouldn't be able to handle it!" Steve objects.

"Why do you even want her on this mission?"

"We need her, Tony! She's a part of the team and you can't just take her out of missions whenever you feel like it! That's not how this works!"

As I listen, I let a couple of anxious tears fall. My dad and Steve argue all the time about me. They argue about everything and it really upsets me. I can't get away from it so I just have to listen in my room.

The second I open the front door of the compound, I'm greeted by the screams of Steve and Tony. I just got home so I have no idea what the issue is... this time. They fight all the time so it's almost normal. It's usually about Callie.


The second I realize the situation, I book it to Callie's room. I know she'll be there because that's where she always listens undercover. I burst through Cal's door to her sitting in a ball in the far corner of her room. Her head is between her knees and her hands are firmly pressed against the sides of her head. Covering her ears like a kid.

I drop to my knees in front of her, immediately wrapping my arms around her. She's shaking profusely and her breathing is deep and heavy. All of this has been going on even before we started dating a year ago so we have a process for taking care of her anxiety. I swiftly cross my legs to sit on the floor fully, gently pulling her to me. Without taking her hands off of her ears, she climbs onto my lap, facing me and wrapping her legs around my waist tightly. I carefully place my hands on the sides of her neck, rubbing my thumbs along her jaw. We lean into each other, resting our foreheads together.

Even though she probably can't hear me, I talk to her anyway.

"It's okay, baby. I got you. You're okay."

She cries against me, pressing her hands harder against her ears when her dad's yelling becomes impossibly louder and a loud bang can be heard. I hold her closer to me and continue talking to her, telling her soothing and loving things. Even though she can't hear me.

The two men yell and slam things in the kitchen for what feels like hours longer. I hold Callie in my lap until she's ready, which is not for a while after they finish fighting.

"Thank you," Callie weakly whispers, finally taking her hands off her ears and to the back of my neck.

I move my arms to wrap around her waist and rub her lower back gently. "Sweetheart, you know you don't have to thank me."

She stares at me with loving eyes, examining every inch of my face.

"I love you, Nat." She slides her hands to my collarbones and leans into me, pressing our lips together softly.

"I love you more."

Inspiration: La La La by Naughty Boy

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