NR - New Nails

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Request: rihaya
It's always when I'm trying to focus on something Nat feels the need to bother me.

"What color should I do?" she asks from the bed.

I sigh under my breath then say, "For what?"

"My nails."

"I don't know."

"I'm thinking red. Or maybe black. Oh, maybe I can do both."

"Sure, hun," I mumble, putting my fingertips on my forehead to try to focus back on my paperwork.

"I think I'll do red."

I don't respond, just focus back on my work now that she's gone silent. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent as well as an Avenger. It just adds more work to my workload. I love my job though, I wouldn't change it for the world. 15 minutes later, my peace is interrupted again.

"Babe, look!"

"What?" I ask with my nose still in my papers.

"My nails!" she urgers, extending the "a".

I spin in my chair to her holding up her hands to me. "Looks good," I smile, going back to my work.

"I did my feet too." I hear her get up from the bed and seconds later, her fucking foot is on my papers.

"Nat, we talked about this. No putting your feet on my work."

"Look at my toes. They match," she smirks down at me.

"That's great. They look great."

"Appreciate them," she complains, extending the "m" and shoving her foot into my face.

I gently push her foot out of my face and say, "I am. I just have a lot of work."

"Take a break."

"Can't. I'm going to D.C. tomorrow so I need to bring completed paperwork."

"You're no fun." When I think she's going to walk away, she shoves me back so my chair's wheels roll backward. When I'm far enough, she straddles my lap, leaning back onto the desk. "I'm proud of them," she smiles, admiring her nails.

"They're great. But Nat, please. I have work to do."

"Fine." She abruptly gets off my lap. "I'll go show someone who will appreciate me."

I roll my eyes but allow her to walk out of the room.

I strut into Clint's room where he's just laying in bed. When he hears me come in, he perks up.

"Hey, Nat," he smiles. "What's up?"

"I did my nails!"

"Really? Lemme see!"

With a huge smile, I plop down on Clint's bed, cross-legged in front of him. I put my hands out in front of me to show off my fresh new nails. He takes my hands in his to take a look.

"They look great!" he compliments.

"Thank you! Callie didn't care for them."


"She was too busy with her paperwork to appreciate me," I pout.

"I'm sure she loved your nails. Paperwork is important."

"But I should be more important."

"I agree. But when Callie is in work mode, you know better than anyone how she gets."

"Yeah, I guess. Oh! Look, I did my feet too! They match!"

"OO!" he squeals, allowing me to put my foot on his chest.

I stay with Clint for a while, just talking and laughing with him. During a conversation about Avengers gossip, my phone vibrates on the bed next to me. I pull it out to see Callie's name on the screen.

Baby ❤️: done w work, come back

"Should I go back to Callie?" I ask Clint, not sure what I should do.

"I think you should."

"Okay," I sigh. "Thank you for hanging out."


I head back to my and Callie's room. I find Callie packing up her paperwork. When she hears me come in, she looks over and smiles. I ignore her smile and lay on the bed. She finishes putting away her work then comes over to the bed, lying next to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"Show me your nails," she offers.

"You didn't care before so why would you care now?" I roll away from her, out of her arms.

"Hey, I do care." She scoots up behind me and spoons me. "I'm sorry baby. I was busy. You know how I get when I'm working. I do care. I want to see those gorgeous nails of yours."

I fight a smile as I show her my nails. She looks over my shoulder from behind to look at my nails. "Honey, they look so good! I know you did your feet too. Show me."

I finally let the smile come through as I get up to show her my feet. She kisses my cheek and says, "I love them so much. You're a very talented woman."

"Thanks, babe," I whisper.

"Do you... want to do mine?"

I instantly perk up. God, why does she have to know how to cheer me up so well? I scramble out of the bed to collect my nail polish stuff.

"What color?" I ask.

"Surprise me."

I smile then pick a stunning blue, to match her Vertigo powers, of course. I come back to the bed and sit cross-legged in front of her so she repositions to sit the same as me. She rests her hand on my knee and I paint her nails. I know she's doing this just for me and I love that about her so much. That she's willing to do something she doesn't like just because it makes me happy. Many minutes later, I finish.

"All done!" I squeal.

"Am I pretty yet?"

"You're stunning." I peck her lips as I get up to put the nail stuff away. "Next, I'm doing your makeup."

"Yeah, we'll have to see about that one."

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