NR - Coming Out Pt. 2

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My wife and I hang out in the kitchen while Dallas is picking up a friend and Grey is at a friend's house. It's rare we get alone time so we spend it wisely.

I lean against the kitchen counter while Nat stands against me with her arms on either side. We're giggling at each other but we don't know why we're laughing. Every now and then, one of us will lean in and peck the other's lips quickly before giggling again.

In between the laughing and talking, we hear footsteps walking into the kitchen. Nat uses my upper chest to push off from leaning on me. We turn to our daughter and her "friend", Paige.

"Hi girls," Nat greets them.

"Hi Mrs. Romanova-Atwood," Paige smiles.

Dallas pulls Paige away before we can grill them with questions. The second we hear Dallas's bedroom door close, I turn to Nat with a smirk.

"Should we give her 'the talk'?" I ask.

"She's not having sex."

"Nat, you don't know that."

"Think about it. Our daughter doesn't seem like the type to... do it."

"I think you're misjudging our daughter. It's like when I first joined the Avengers, I thought you were this child of God who never did anything that sexual. But boy was I wrong."

"Callie!" Nat smacks my arm decently hard causing me to have to hold back my laughter. "That is not a conversation for a common area of the house."

"Fine. I'll save it for the bedroom," I smirk.

"Good girl." Before I can process, she walks out of the room. I chuckle to myself. Nat just proved my point so I'll bother her about it later.

"Your moms are so cute," Paige says as we're laying next to each other.

"I've never thought about them like that but sure."

"I mean. I wish I could find a love like theirs. True love." She turns her head on the pillow to look at me. "Have they ever told you how they met? Their love story?"

"All I know is they met when Mom joined the Avengers and they slowly fell in love. The little things like catching each other's eyes. But Mom was with someone when they met so it was complicated."

"And look at them now. I want their love. And I mean, you and I have amazing love and I'm in love with our love. But-"

"Paige, I know. My parents are... perfect for each other."

We turn in bed so we're facing each other. I get lost in her eyes and before I know it, I'm kissing her. I told Paige how I felt about her a while ago and, to my surprise, she felt the same and we started secretly dating. I've been weird with my family since I came out so I'm not sure how I'll be able to handle telling them Paige and I are in a gay relationship.

One thing leads to another and most of our clothes are making a mess of the floor with Paige on top of me.


"When's dinner going to be ready?" Nat bugs me again as I make baked ziti.

"Stop asking."

"Okayyyy." Nat wraps her arms around my neck from the side, kissing my cheek. "But when?"

I smirk. "Dallas! Dinner!" I call directed towards the stairs.

"Rude," Nat pouts angrily.

We wait a few minutes but get no response. We even set the table for Dallas and Paige as we wait. But, after many minutes, we still get no response.

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