⚠️ NR - Panic Attack

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Warning: angst

———————————————————————Callie:"Knives," Natasha reminds me as I get ready in our room at the compound

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"Knives," Natasha reminds me as I get ready in our room at the compound.

I turn around to her holding out a few of my throwing knives. "Thanks." I accept them and shove them in the built-in pocket of my light combat boots.

"Are you sure you're up to this particular mission?" She asks as she sets up her own suit.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell her quickly.

"You know, it's kind of funny that you still carry your knives."

"How so?"

"Well, you have... other ways of protecting yourself now."

"I guess my knives are a part of me that I can't let go of."

"Cute," Nat smiles, kissing my cheek before leading us to meet the rest of the team at the hangar.

We're greeted by the rest of the team on the jet already. As we fly, Steve instructs. "As always, this is in and out. Coms stay on, no exceptions."

Nat stays next to me the whole flight, lightly holding the nape of my neck as I practice my wisps. Soon enough, we're hovering over the Hydra base and we're instructed to jump out of the plane. Nat and the rest of the team besides me, Steve, and Tony all get their parachutes on.

"No parachute?" Nat questions me.

"You know I don't need one."

"But I know a jump from this height can do damage if you don't land right. Why don't you take a chute anyway?"

"Nat, stop. I'm fine," I accidentally snap.

I watch Callie walk off the jet's platform and disappear into the dark sky.

"What's her deal?" Tony asks me.

"No idea. She's just tense."

"I take it that it's due to where this mission is," Clint butts in.

"I asked her if she was up for this and she said she was. I've learned a long time ago that it's no use to argue with her," I chuckle as I walk off the platform and let myself drop.

I land next to Callie and unhook myself from my parachute. She barely looks at me, just walks away towards the mission location. I follow close behind. On the walk, Steve instructs where each of us is going.

"Natasha, Clint. You two take the eastern side. Callie, you take the back," he finishes telling us.

"Wait, what? You're sending Callie alone?" I immediately jump in.

"Yes, she can protect herself. We need her in the back with her abilities. No one is more capable," Steve tries.

"Nat, I'll be fine. Stop worrying," Cal assures me sternly then runs off ahead of the group to where she was assigned.

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