🔞 NR - 15 Minutes

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"8:15! It's time to go!" I call through our chaotic house. "NOW!" I yell louder when I get no response. "Hello? Anyone?" I call again after getting no answer again.

Minutes later, I hear the rumble of two pairs of feet stumbling down the steps quickly.

"Holy shit! Stop! You're so annoying!" my 16-year-old daughter, Dallas, curses at her younger brother.

"Excuse me?" I question Dallas's language.

"He's being annoying!"

"Since when did we use that language in this house? Especially with your younger brother! What world are you living in?" I try my hardest not to raise my voice too much because I don't want to stress the family out, plus, it's too early in the morning to be yelling.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out." She runs past me to the kitchen to grab her backpack off a kitchen chair.

"I don't care if you use language with your friends, you're 16, but absolutely not allowed in this house until you turn 18. Under this roof, any age under 18 is considered a child. Now let's go, we're going to be late." I urge Dallas out of the front door.

"Greyson, where are you?" I ask into the house in search of my son.

"Here Mom." He pops up from behind me and rushes out the door after his sister.

"NATASHA!" I scream, looking for my wife.

"Hey, no need to yell." Finally, Nat appears at the bottom of the steps.

"Since when were you the last one out of the house?" I tease her.

"Since I clearly have the most responsibility with this family."

"Are you kidding? You're joking right?" I can't help but laugh like she made a joke.

"Forgetting anything?"

"N-No?" I pat myself down feeling for my keys, phone, and whatever else I need.

She holds up my wallet with a smirk. "The correct answer is yes. We gotta go, come on."

I accept my wallet from her and usher her out of the house, closing and locking the front door behind me and getting into the driver's seat of the car.

"Ready for tryouts?" I ask Dallas about the soccer tryouts she's about to go to.

"No. I'm so scared."

"Hey, you're great at it. Better than most kids. You'll make the team. I bet you'll even make varsity," I state, attempting to make her feel confident.

"I don't know, Mom. High school soccer is different than middle school soccer."

"And you've been playing all your life. Go in with a positive attitude and you'll do great, I promise."

"Okay..." She hesitates then stays quiet the rest of the ride. We all stay quiet for the rest of the 5-minute drive.

"Alright, we're here! Dallas, good luck. Stay positive, stay focused. Grey, have fun at your robotics meeting, Dallas will show you where it is if you don't know." I say bye to the kids and watch them walk into Dallas's high school. For some reason, Grey's club meeting is being held at the high school rather than the elementary school but it makes it easier for us so we don't complain.

I watch the kids disappear into the school together then turn to my wife with a smirk.

"What?" she asks when she looks up from her phone to see me smirking at her.

"We have fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes?"

"Yes. Now kiss me."

I lean over the center console and reach my hand over to her face, pulling her into me. I kiss her for a few moments before pulling away.

"Backseat?" I ask.

"Yes, please."

The car we own was pimped out by Stark so it has some cool features, one of them being one-way windows by the press of a button. So I press that button, which makes all the windows in the car one-way, and climb into the back seat with Nat.

"Less than fifteen minutes now," I comment when we're settled.

"Better get started," she urges.

She pushes me down across the seats and brings our lips together. I take no time to slip off her shirt and tug on her pant's waistline indicating I want her to take them off, which she does. In one quick motion, she lifts me up so I'm sitting up and pulls my shirt over my head then slams me back down on the seat with my arms above my head.

"Don't take your time," I order as I see she's moving slowly.

With my command, she unzips my jeans and pulls them down off my legs, shoving two fingers into me as soon as my jeans hit the car floor.

"Fuck baby..." I let out a low moan as she begins to pump in and out slowly.

She brings her other hand to my throat and squeezes tightly so when she releases her grip, the scream that was being held back is forced out of me. She trails her hand down my chest and I bring my hands from above me to her body, one hand exploring her, the other hand tangling in her hair. She lifts us up again, this time unclipping my bra and letting it drop to the floor, then once again slamming me back down.

She pumps her fingers faster and harder, curling them to hit my g-spot. At the same time, she brings her face down to my neck, kissing, sucking, and biting to leave little marks in places only she and I could see. Her mouth slowly makes its way down my chest to my breasts.

"Oh god. Shit. Oh my god." I close my eyes and whimper as she flicks her tongue on my nipple and rubs my clit with her thumb while still pumping into me.

I feel myself tighten around her fingers and the pleasure takes over my body.

"Oh, I'm so close," I moan into Nat's ear.

"Baby, not on the seats. Not here." She smirks at me even though I know this isn't meant to be a tease and that we seriously can't make a mess because our kids will be back soon.

"Fuuck." I hold back the best I can, as hard as it is because Nat's just that good.

I grab a tight hold of the back of her neck and bring her down to my face, kissing her roughly.

"Five minutes," I whisper out of breath.

She pulls her hand out of me to slow down for our final minutes. We make out the rest of the time, little hums and moans escaping between breaths. When we both run out of breath, she lifts away from the kiss and lays her head on my bare chest. I run my fingers through her hair and trace patterns on her back. We almost fall asleep but thankfully, I remember our kids should be back in just a few moments.

"Oh shit. Nat, we gotta get dressed. It's been five minutes, the kids will be back any second now." I gently push up on her shoulders and she quickly gets her clothes back on and I do the same.

We climb back into the front seats, Nat in the passenger's seat and me in the driver's seat. A minute later, in the rearview mirror, I see our two kids walking up to the car together.

"They're here." I point them out to Nat.

"Good timing," she adds with a smirk.

"Hi, Mommy!" Greyson exclaims as he opens the back door and climbs in.

"Hey Hunny," Nat responds to him.

"Hey Dallas, how did tryouts go?" I greet our daughter as she climbs in on the opposite side of the car.

"Oh, good. I just made varsity soccer. No big deal," she brags with the biggest smile but the most modest tone of voice.

"Hey! That's amazing! We're so proud of you! I knew you could do it!" I praise her.

"Thanks, Mom!"

The car ride home was a comfortable silence, Dallas tired from tryouts and Greyson focused on the dino book he left in the car a couple of days ago. I glance over at Nat sitting next to me, looking out the window then take a quick look in the rearview mirror at our kids and smile, just happy to be here.

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