⚠️ NR - Cheated On Pt. 1

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Warning: angst
After being on a tiring mission for a little less than a month, it's finally over and we can go home. I'm with most of the team. Nat, Wanda, and Steve stayed behind. Nat wasn't feeling well so Steve said she couldn't go and Steve stayed behind because Fury needed him for something else. As for Wanda, I have no clue.

"Great work guys," Tony congratulates us on our flight home in the Quinjet. "It's not every mission that we're able to come home early!"

I tiredly pump my fist in the air just to humor him as I sit against a box on the floor instead of a seat on the wall. I rest my head back and close my eyes, focusing my mind on my desire to see Natasha. I know she'll be overjoyed that we're done earlier than we thought.


The Quinjet isn't shut down when I'm already trudging out of it. Because I did take some hits, I'm forced to limp lightly and hold my stomach as I search for my girl. I leave my bodysuit enabled on me because I don't want to go to my room to get changed. I need to see Natasha.

I look around the whole compound, even looking in some places twice but I can't find her anywhere. She isn't in her room or mine, not in the training room. When I've finally checked all areas, I make my way back to my room to just get out of my suit. As I limp down the hall, I pass Wanda's room. Her door is slightly cracked open so with the intent of saying hello to my best friend, I peek in to see if she's there. But what I'm greeted by is not what I was expecting.

"What the fuck?" I growl, throwing open Wanda's door all the way.

Right in front of my eyes, Natasha, my long-term girlfriend, laying between Wanda's bent legs. Wanda's hands tangled in Nat's hair while they suck face. When the door slams into the wall, they immediately jump, Nat scrambling off of the shirtless Wanda to grab her own clothes. Seeing enough, I quickly turn on my heels and storm out of there.

"Callie, wait!" I hear Natasha call me from behind but I don't care to turn around.

I run straight to my room. The second my bedroom door closes, I lose it. I generate a wisp ball and throw it as hard as I can into the wall next to my bed. Fucking Stark made my room basically indestructible days after I came home from Hydra's control. He knew I would have a mental breakdown every now and then and try to destroy my room. It only makes me angrier that I can't break my walls.

"Fuck!" I scream, throwing wisp ball after wisp ball into every wall around me until I feel lightheaded from using my abilities too much.

When I run out of energy to make wisps, the sadness sets in. I crumble in the middle of my room, dropping to my knees and hiding my face in my hands. I sob loudly, not even caring if anyone hears me. When my legs go numb from sitting in my position for too long, I cross my legs on the floor and continue crying. I'm too weak to get on the bed.

After a while, I hear a knock on my door.

"Go away," I sniffle.

"It's me. Can we please talk?" Natasha pleads.

"Yeah. Like I said, go away."

"Callie, I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. It was such a stupid mistake."

As she talks, anger fills my body. I wipe my tears and impulsively stomp to my door, swinging it open. Standing incredibly close to the doorway, I'm met by a puffy-eyed Natasha.

"If you think coming to my room and crying in front of me is going to make things better, you are so wrong," I tell her strictly, walking away from her into my room. I don't want to risk being close to her if I lose control of my abilities.

She steps in after me, closing and locking the door behind her. "Callie, I'm so sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't mean shit, Natasha!"

"It all happened so fast-"

"Right. Because while I'm out risking my life to keep you safe, you're here, shoving your fucking tongue down Wanda's throat! No, I get it. You couldn't wait a month for me to come home. I understand, I do. Your girlfriend leaves for less than a month to save the world so you repay her by fucking her best friend."

"We didn't have-"

"Does that make a difference? You still cheated! And I don't need to know the details but if you didn't get the memo, we are done. Over! Broken up!"

"Please, don't do this," she tries, stepping closer to me but I step back.

"No, get the fuck away from me, Romanoff! You're free now, go tell Wanda. I bet she'll be overjoyed," I spit as I push past her and out of my room to blow off steam in the training room.


"Hey, got a moment?" A voice asks from my bedroom's doorway but I don't care to see who.


"Well, I'm coming in anyway. I haven't seen you in months."

I finally sit up, confused at this person's words. A lot of my anger and sadness go away when I see Carol stepping in with a smile. She sits on my bed next to me and I immediately hug her tight.

"I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you," I say into her.

"I missed you so much. I heard about what happened with Nat and Wanda. I'm so sorry, Cal. Who needs them anyway?" She giggles as she pulls out of the hug, earning a genuine smile from me.

"It was two months ago, it's better now. But you're right. Who needs them? I don't," I chuckle.

"That's the attitude! Hey! We should go out tonight! I don't get here often and I would love to spend some time with you."

"You know, that sounds amazing, Carol. I'm so down."

She giggles as she pulls me off my bed and towards my door. "Oh shit, you mean right now?" I laugh.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

She pulls me out of the compound by my hand. On the way out, I pass Natasha in her room. She looks at me like she's about to come up to me but I break eye contact. It pains me to avoid and ignore her but it's for the best. Carol brings us to a nearby bar where we get completely wasted. We laugh at really stupid things and talk about random shit that makes sense to us but from an outsider's perspective, I'm sure we make no sense.

At the end of the night, we're forced to call Tony to pick us up because we can't even walk. I invite Carol to stay in my room for the night, so she does. We snuggle up to each other all night. For the first time, I fall asleep with a smile.

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