⚠️ NR - Cheated On Pt. 3

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Warning: angst

A/N at the bottom

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A/N at the bottom.

"Agent Atwood, you're needed in the living area," FRIDAY informs me.

I toss my book off to the side and obey my orders.

"Glad you could join us," Steve greets me when I walk in. "Let's get started."

I half-smile at him and take my rightful seat. Natasha shoots me a brief smile. I return it and focus back up to the front of the room where Steve is standing. It's been a little over half a year since everything happened—her cheating—so my hard feelings have died down a bit. Only to the point where we can be civil around each other and not have a screaming match when we're in the same room. But I'm not going to get back with her, we're not that civil.

"We have less than three hours to get to Germany. Hydra is terrorizing a small town and since we are the only ones capable apparently, we were called in," Steve explains. "Mission briefing will happen on the jet. Go get ready."

We all leave the room to get prepared. I head towards my room to get my suit. My nerves are through the roof because of the subjects of the mission. Obviously, I have a past with Hydra. Those feelings always resurface when we go on missions that involve them. On a normal day, I would turn to Wanda or Nat if we were together but not since they got together all those months ago. I've been alone since then. Well, alone except for Carol but she's across the universe most of the time.

My suit bracelets sit in their case on my bedside table. I grab the bracelets, slip them on my wrists, and head for the hangar. There, I'm met by Tony.

"Are you wearing pants?" he asks, giving me a once-over. I'm in Spandex and a hoodie over a tiny tank top that might as well be a bra.

"What? Oh. Yeah," I lightly chuckle. "You know I don't wear much when I need the suit."

"You know, for a moment there, I didn't even think about your suit."

"You thought I was going on a mission without pants?"

"For a moment."

We share a small laugh and the rest of the team joins us. I catch Natasha's gaze. She does the same thing as Tony, giving me a once-over. But in this case, I know she's checking me out rather than wondering if I'm wearing pants. We file onto the jet and start our flight.


"We're jumping in one minute. Everyone get your shutes if you're using one," Steve announces.

As always, the only ones who don't grab a parachute are me, Tony, Steve, and Thor. Steve and Tony jump first followed by Thor, Clint, and Hulk. I stand at the edge of the platform.

"Are you okay?" Nat asks from behind me.

I don't bother to look at her. I just say, "Yup." and jump.

The second we're all on the ground right outside of the town, we get into combat. Hydra soldiers with all sorts of weapons attack from all sides of us. I fight my own group of soldiers while everyone else does the same. Wanda not being here with us, I'm the only one with abilities like us on the mission. Unfortunately, that means the team depends on me and my powers way more. This only adds to the stress and anxiety of being in a battle with Hydra.

In the middle of my fight, I hear, "Callie!" I whip around briefly to see soldiers literally piling onto Steve in an attempt to take him down. His call for me is weakened by the effort. Knowing he's in trouble, I form a big blast and release it as hard as I can. The blast creates a humongous wave of blue wisps that span all the way to the edge of town. The wisps instantly kill off all the people I wanted it to kill off.

"I think you should lead with that next time," Steve heaves as he dusts himself off and collects his shield from the ground.

"Yeah, sorry Cap. One-time deal." He casts me a small smile which I return.

The next moments feel like slow-motion.

As Cap and I hold each other's gaze, in what sounds like a muffled yell, Natasha calls my name. "Callie!"

I turn to see what she's yelling about but before I can ask, I catch a glimpse of something shiny high on a building. I squint but my curious stare is cut off by a sharp, loud bang followed by Natasha grabbing a tight hold of my shoulders and shoving. She shoves me so hard that I nearly fall over. I hear what sounds like Tony's blasters then nothing at all.

When I turn back around, I see Nat standing where she pushed me away from. "Nat?" I ask slowly. I get no response.

"Nat?" Clint asks now, stepping up to her, same as me.

I trudge over to her, tired from using my wisps so much for the final blast. Her eyes have a faraway look to them. The next thing that happens is she collapses to the ground.

"Natasha, what-" I catch her midfall and bring her down to the ground with me. I kneel next to her and survey the situation. That's when I see the blood. It seeps out of her mouth in one steady stream from the corner of her mouth, soaking her Widow suit with a deep crimson, her hands now red from where she holds the side of her stomach.

Nat's breathing quickly becomes shallow. Tony swoops down next to us. "We have a mission to complete. Callie, you and Nat take the jet back. I already called for another."

"Tony–" I start.

"No. Go home. Get help. We can do this without you. The hard part's over."

I don't say anything, silently giving in. After another minute, Tony urges us to leave again, so we do. I carefully lift Nat into my arms. She doesn't have the strength but she holds a hand over her bullet wound, the other dangling at her side. I jog as fast as I can through the mostly-dead wheat field surrounding the town and into the forest where the Quinjet should be. The longer I run, the heavier Nat gets but thank god for being a partial supersoldier.

I reach the jet a few minutes later. Our SHIELD pilot lowers it towards the ground. He never lands but he's low enough for me to hoist myself and Nat into the plane.

"We're in. Let's go," I breathe to our pilot.

He starts the flight home to the compound. I hope Nat makes it.

Also, I'm really curious. How did you discover me? Was I in your recommendations or something else? I'm just curious:)

Have a lovely day/night, whatever it is for you ❤️

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