NR - Halloween Costume

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Request: Anon

Happy Halloweenie!
"See anything you like?" I ask my kid for the millionth time. Halloween is just a weekend away so my family is out shopping for costumes.

"I dunno," Greyson whines.

"Okay. It's okay. You will," I assure him following a squeeze of his shoulder.

Nat and Dallas are searching in a different area than me and Grey. I think Dallas is going out with her friends and now that she's sixteen, she wants to dress up... more like an adult. That just seems like Nat's thing, the whole "dress to impress" deal. So I'm walking around with Grey in the smaller child section. He barely looks interested in the costumes we're passing.

"Hey, how about this one?" I touch one of the costumes that's just a black jumpsuit with white bones of a skeleton.

"I dunno."

"Okay..." I see another costume. "How about a firefighter?"

"I dunno," he pouts. Suddenly, his face lights up and he rips out of my grip. I follow him until he freezes in his tracks at the other end of the aisle. "Mom, I want this," he squeals, standing in front of Belle's dress from Beauty and the Beast.

"You want the dress?" I ask, just to clarify he isn't talking about the Beast suit costume right next to it.

"I want this one, Mommy!" he squeals, grabbing onto the dress.

"Okay, hun. Are you sure?" I ask, only because I know how kids these days and his age can be and I don't want him to get hurt in any way.

"Yes," he grins.

"Okay, hun. Let's see if they have your size." I drop down to a crouch next to him and start going through the rack of dresses. I find his size—or what I think would be, I'm not good at this stuff—and tug it off the rack. "Let's go buy it," I smile and he giggles as he hugs the dress in his arms.

I text my wife as we're making our way to the counter to pay. Greyson has the biggest smile on his face when I hand him his new costume after I hand the cashier my money. Shortly after we pay, Nat and Dallas find their way to us. Nat tried to explain to me what Dallas got but I didn't want to hear it after she said the words "more grown-up". I pile my family into the car and head home.


"Okay, let's see it!" I happily call Greyson from the living room. He insisted he knew how to put on a costume and that I wait out here. He likes the suspense, I guess.

"Close your eyes, Mommy!" he yells back. So, to humor him, I do.

"They're closed!" A few seconds later, I hear his bare feet slap the wooden floor and then silence.

"Open!" he squeals from in front of me.

I oblige and smile big when I see my son in his Belle dress. I don't even have the words to explain how good this makes me feel. I feel like I succeeded as a parent. I count this as a huge win; my son feeling like it's okay to wear a dress.

"You look so good, Grey!" I finally exclaim. He squeals and runs out of the room screaming "Momma!" over and over again until I hear Nat's voice saying, "Wow, Hunny! I love it!"

Grey suddenly reappears then sprints up the steps, most likely to show his big sister his costume. Nat follows a second later but stops to smile at me sitting on the living room floor.

"You really made him happy," she says.

"That was the plan."

Nat comes into the room, sitting on the floor next to me with her hand in mine. "What're you going to be?"

"I don't know. I didn't think about it."

"Do you want to know what Dallas said to me earlier?"


"She got really excited. She said we should dress up as the Avengers. I told her you and I didn't have to dress up like them since, well, we are them. Then she went on to say we should wear our suits."

"And did you happen to mention that I don't use mine anymore?"

"I did not. Must've slipped my mind," she smirks.

"Oh boy."

"I told her we'd wear our suits."

"Oh. Boy," I repeat, more annoyance shining through my frustrated laughter. "How is that dressing up? We aren't pretending to be anything else. Isn't that the whole point of Halloween?"

"I don't think that's the whole point of it."

"For the kids it is. That and candy."

Nat chuckles. "Yes, I guess that's true."

"But I'll wear my suit. One night only then it's going back into hiding."

"Thank you," she smiles, leaning over and pressing our lips together.

We kiss slowly for a minute until we hear "ew, gross" and we rip our lips apart. We turn to Dallas in the doorway.

"That's scary," Dal mumbles.

"It's Spooky Season," I smirk. "That's the whole point." I turn back to Nat and, just to torture Dallas, smash my lips against Nat's, already shoving my tongue into the kiss. Dallas almost screams and I hear her feet pounding on the steps as she runs away.

I pull away from Nat, both of us drowning in laughter. "God, I love Halloween," I laugh.

"Let's make this into a game. 'How many times can we scare Dallas before the thirty-first'."

"One point already. We're good at this."

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