NR - Callie Banner Pt. 3

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Bruce's daughter has been around for almost a year now. After the mission in Cuba a while ago, Callie approached me in the meeting room with some information I wasn't expecting. She told me that she has feelings for me and how her Hulk has never let anyone but her dad bring her back to human form. After that conversation, I did a lot of thinking. I've been attracted to her since day one but until recently, I wasn't sure if I was just attracted or if I had stronger feelings.

A couple of months ago, I finally had a talk with Callie and expressed that I shared mutual feelings. Callie didn't hesitate to ask if I wanted to build something. Of course, I said yes and we've been dating since. Dating someone who turns into the Hulk anytime their heart rate gets too high isn't easy. We've had the occasional makeout but nothing serious in fear of her turning. But that doesn't stop me from wanting more with her.


"Tonight is going to be amazing," Callie squeals as she shimmies her skintight dress over her curves.

"I'm excited." I bite the tip of my thumb to conceal my smirk. "Are you going to tell me what you have planned?"

"You're cute."

"You're a pain in my ass," I joke, pulling myself together and standing to face her.

Callie checks her phone. "Shit!"


"We're gonna be late." She takes my hand and drags me out of the compound, actively avoiding her father on the way out.


Callie throws the SUV in park and shuts it off. "We made it." She smiles.

"The marina? So... what? A boat ride at sunset?"

She pouts. "You sound like you hate that."

"Aw, baby." I reach over the center console and grab her hand. "If that's the plan, that would be perfect."

Her smile returns. "Luckily, it's more than that."

She leads us out of the car and up the marina. At the far end of one of the docks, there's a good-sized cruise ship with 3 levels and multicolored LED lights on each level. When we board, she leads me to the second level where we're seated at a dinner table. We enjoy some small talk and laughter as we eat our fancy meals. Afterward, we head to the lowest level where people are dancing and drinking. I keep an arm wrapped around Callie's waist mainly to make sure she stays calm with all the ruckus.

For the most part, Callie and I stay towards the edge of the crowd pressed up against each other and trying not to get intimate.


The cruise ship pulls into the marina and Callie and I rush off to the car as quickly as we can. We didn't have one single drink yet we're both laughing as we stumble against each other. Callie drives back to the compound. When there, I pull Callie to her room. The second out feet step into the room, our lips are locked. Somehow, I manage to hit the soundproof button. We rip each other's dresses off and go to the bed, Callie crawling between my legs.

"Callie," I whimper as she kisses a hungry line down my body.

"Mhm," she hums.

"Are you okay? Don't push yourself," I breathe.

"I'm fine," she whispers back. A moan is forced out of me when she takes the hem of my underwear in her teeth and lets it snap against my gut.

I can hear her heavy breathing as she kisses my inner thighs. Then she stops. Her forehead is resting on my thigh and when I look down at her, her body is squirming and her fists are almost white because of how strong her grip on the sheets is.

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