Cast Presentation Night

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After a long day of filming, I'm finally set free so I rush to my trailer to prepare for tonight. I'm really excited. It's our monthly cast presentation night. It's always fun to find out what everyone's going to make theirs about, especially Tom Holland and Lizzie Olsen. I quickly change into super comfy clothes; just grey sweats and a tank top, and sit at my trailer's kitchen booth with my laptop to review my own PowerPoint.

I check my watch and see I have just about five minutes to get to the conference room where our night is being hosted.

"Just on time, Cal!" Mark Ruffalo comments as I walk into the room of my friends.

"I'm always on time!" I scoff jokingly.

"No, you're not!" Literally, everyone in the room says at the same time.

I give the room both my middle fingers and scan the room for my best friend. When I see her sitting on a couch, I lock eyes with her and smirk.

"No. Callie. No," she tries but she knows nothing will stop me.

I skip over to her with a wicked smile and stop a few feet away from her.

"Hi, Scar."

"Stop it."

I can't stop myself so I take a single step back then fling myself sideways onto her couch, half of my body landing on hers.

"OH my god!" She grunts from under me.

I giggle and readjust my body so I'm laying on my side with my head resting in her lap. She places a gentle arm around my waist and the other plays with my hair.

A minute later, Robert Downey insists he goes first so he begins his presentation. His presentation is about him ranking the movies he's been in from his personal least favorite to favorite and why. The person to fight everyone to go next is Paul Rudd.

"I couldn't think of a topic so this one's for you, Callie." He smirks as he's starting up the computer and I perk up just a little.

"I'm going to be talking about how to avoid being late."

Everyone in the room giggles but I just smirk and roll my eyes, resting back onto Scarlett's lap. His presentation was good, at least it wasn't full of insulting me. In fact, I take a mental note of some of them, just in case.

After a few more people, I jump off Scarlett's lap. "I'm going! No one else can go. My turn."

I get everything set up and my title slide shows.

"These are some of the reasons I think my character, Vertigo, could easily beat any of the Avengers' asses. With or without powers," I announce, earning chuckles and a few eye rolls and head shakes.

I click to the next slide. "Okay. Well, let's start with Captain America. Remember my first day here? Yeah, I literally took you down easy peasy, so that's done. Next, Black Widow. Same thing, my first day here. Yes, she was much more difficult but I eventually did win our hand-to-hand combat and we all know my abilities would've worked. Wanda. Well, this one might be me being cocky but I think our abilities would clash but Vertigo's would slightly overpower hers. Iron Man. He's just a guy in a metal suit. No super soldier or anything so I don't think Vertigo would have much of an issue taking down that old man." By the end of my speech, everyone's laughing and I feel good so I step down and flop back down to lay on Scarlett again.

For the last presentation of the night, Lizzie Olsen steps up to "stage" and her title screen appears.

"Why Scarlett and Callie should stop messing around and start dating already," Lizzie reads off the screen with a smile.

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