⚠️ NR - Hostage Situation

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Warning: angst
I run into the room knowing if we wait any longer, we'll miss our chance. As I'm getting up, Natasha attempts to grab my arm to stop me but I rip out of her grip.

"Callie! Look out!" Steve yells but before I can process his instructions, a knife is being swung. It strikes me across my bicep. Barely a second later, another is being sliced through my stomach.

"AGH!" I yell, pushing past the pain to attack the man who just knifed me.

Blood drips down my body as I get into combat with him. I swing at his face with my good arm, making intense contact that sends him stumbling to the side. Without hesitation, I kick his stomach and he crumbles to the ground. I continue to beat him up until he's bleeding out on the ground.

When I've done my job, I weakly trudge to the hostage room and call for help for them. When I get the radio call that we can leave, I go to leave the room but my body goes weak.

"I just... I just need to sit down... For a second..." I breathe to myself as I sit down in a nearby chair and immediately blackout.

"Callie, come in," I instruct into my wrist's radio. When I get nothing, I try again. "We need to leave. Come in. Now."

"Shit," Tony mumbles.

"She was headed for the hostages. I'll find her," I tell the team.

"You're not going alone, I'll tag along," Clint tells me as he's running up behind me since I'm already running away.

We practically sprint to the hostage room. When we get there, I swing the metal door open, greeted by no one because the hostages were already picked up.

"Maybe she left with the hostages," Clint thinks out loud as we do a sweep of the smaller rooms connected to the main area.

I'm opening my mouth to respond when I walk past a window on a door and get a glimpse of a blonde. I stop in my tracks and look in. Sitting unconscious in a chair, my Callie. I burst through the door and immediately drop to a crouch in front of her.

"I've got her," I tell the team through the radio then turn my attention back to Cal. "Hey, wake up. No sleeping on the job," I try to joke as I try to wake her up.

When she doesn't, I scan her body and notice the blood seeping through her bodysuit. Knowing her suit's probably the only thing keeping her from bleeding out, I'm forced to ignore my instincts and not check her wounds.

"Christ, what happened?" Clint asks as he drops to the ground next to her chair.

"Don't know but we'll find out soon enough. Let's get her home," I tell him as I'm standing up.

"Should you be lifting her?"

"She should be fine. Those damn Wakandans really know how to make a suit," I assure him. He nods and backs away to let me lift her in my arms. I carry her limp body bridal style to the Quinjet where I lay her across the seats with her head in my lap.

When we get home, I carry her to our room, carefully laying her on the bed and grabbing our first aid kit. I disable her suit for her since she's unable to do it herself and it quickly reveals her half-naked body. My heart drops when I see the large gash in her stomach and the smaller slice on her bicep. She gradually opens her eyes and some of my anxiety is eased. It quickly changes to frustration though.

As I patch her up with stitches and bandages, I scold her. "What the fuck Callie?"

I wince every now and then as my girlfriend gently tends to my wounds and heavily scolds me about being so stupid and reckless.

"You could have died! What if you did? What would I have done? I have almost lost you so many times! That stunt you pulled today, never again. You don't always need to be the hero. We're the fucking Avengers for Christ's sake, let us all Avenge."

She focuses on fixing my body but I do nothing but stare at her as she goes on and on.

"You're being an idiot. And I will not sit here and play the nice girlfriend after you almost just got yourself killed becau-" She suddenly stops mid-sentence when she catches my loving gaze.

I take her shaky, bloody hands in mine. "I'm sorry," I say genuinely even though I know I'll do something like this again.

"This is hard enough and you don't make it any better by running into enemy fire and nearly dying." She quickly looks away and tries to get up but I stop her.

"Baby, look at me."

She locks eyes with me again. "You're never going to stop, will you?"

"No. And you know why?" She shakes her head. "Because I need you to stay alive. I'm okay risking my life to make sure you make it out. And I've come back every-" I'm cut off by her hand slapping over my mouth.

"Shut up! You'll jinx it!"

I carefully take her hand off my mouth with a laugh. "Sorry, won't happen again, Agent Romanoff."

She glares at me as she gets up to wash her hands of my blood. "You have a little something here." She circles her mouth to gesture mine. I rip my phone out to see what she's talking about.

"Jesus, Nat!" I yell at her in the bathroom when I see a literal bloody handprint on my face.

She comes out smiling with a wet washcloth. Taking my jaw in her hand, she cleans my face. After that, she lightly wipes the blood from the rest of my body before getting changed out of her suit.

"You're hot," I comment when she's in her comfy clothes.

"And you're a pain in my ass."

"I'm okay with that. You have a nice ass." I smirk at her but she just rolls her eyes even though I can see the tiniest smile tugging on her lips. "Come to bed, I'm tired."

"Okay, but we can't cuddle." She lays next to me in bed but doesn't snuggle into me.

"Babe," I complain, extending the 'a'.

"Babe," she mocks me the same way.

I pout and fold my arms over my chest to be dramatic. "I hope you know you'll have hell coming your way tomorrow if we don't cuddle."

"I can handle a little hell. Where do you think I came from?" She rolls to her side to face me, cupping my face. I continue to pout at her until she presses our lips together.

"And I can't even roll over to harass you," I mumble when she pulls away. She chuckles under her breath while lovingly tapping my upper chest.

"Goodnight, I love you," she slurs as she instantly falls asleep on her side with her hand on my chest.

"I love you too."

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