NR - Pregnant Pt. 2

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I lay in bed, too tired and weak to do anything else. I haven't gotten up in days. Nat's not home, she's been shopping and running errands for me. Last week, she officially retired from the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. because of my pregnancy. I was overjoyed. I cried.

"Honey?" I hear from downstairs. I guess Nat's home.

I'm about to call back when my stomach suddenly starts to grow upset... again. I immediately scramble out of bed and into the bathroom, hunching over the toilet and throwing up.

"Hon- Oh, baby," Nat cuts herself off when she walks into our room and hears me throwing up.

She rushes over to me, grabbing my hair and rubbing my back, kneeling next to me. I throw up until my body physically cannot take it anymore and I go limp, crumbling in her arms. She holds me close.

"How do you feel?" She whispers in my ear.

"Weak, tired, sore."

"You're doing amazing." She kisses my head and lifts me, carrying me back to bed. "Are you hungry at all? I brought home stuff for dinner."

"Not really," I sigh sadly.

"Hun, you haven't eaten a real meal in days..."

"I know. I'm just not feeling it. I'm sorry." I start to tear up, my hormones taking over.

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for."

I don't know why but I burst into tears. Nat knows I'm just an emotional wreck because of the pregnancy and that it's nothing she did. She just takes me in her arms again, letting me sob into her. When I finish crying, I don't even have to tell her I have a headache for her to grab the bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water. After downing the drugs, Nat sets us up in bed, letting me lay with my back to her between her legs and head resting on her stomach. She gently runs her fingers through my hair as I drift off to sleep.

I peek down to see Callie fast asleep so I carefully reach to the side table for one of the parenting books I bought as soon as she told me she was pregnant. I've been reading them every moment I can. I want to be the best mother I can be to our kid.


Callie and I sit in the doctor's office for her very first ultrasound. My wife grips my hand tightly as the sweet woman begins. We watch the screen anxiously as she moves the device around on Callie's stomach.

"There's your baby," the doctor points out.

"Oh my..." I start to tear up at the sight of our baby on the screen.

Callie glances at me and gives my hand a squeeze, rubbing it with her thumb to comfort me. I lift our hands and kiss her hand, keeping her hand against my lips.

-20 weeks of pregnancy-

"Agh." A loud groan from next to me causes me to whip up from sleeping.

"Honey? Are you okay?" I ask frantically, switching on the light in a panic.

"Yeah," she moans in pain. She winces again. "Fucking hell," she curses, clutching her growing stomach and rolling to the side.

I instantly jump out of bed to fill a glass with water for her and grab painkillers. I return to her and crawl back in bed, putting the stuff on the side table. She rolls back over, clearly in so much pain. I open my mouth to tell her to take the painkillers but she cuts me off by grabbing my hand tightly when another wave of pain hits her. Her grip is strong but that doesn't bother me.

"Nat, it hurts so much," she cries.

"I know, honey. You're doing so well. I'm so proud of you," I coo, letting her crawl into my lap and holding her close to me.

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