NR - Coming Out Pt. 1

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Small A/N at the bottom.
"Mom, can Paige come over today?" my 18-year-old daughter, Dallas, asks.

"Ask your mom," I tell her, not wanting to parent right now.

"But she told me to ask you."

"Seriously? Okay. Then yeah, sure."

"Yay! Thanks!" Dallas runs back upstairs and half an hour later, the doorbell is ringing.

"Dallas!" I call.

"Coming!" she responds from upstairs, rumbling down the steps a second later.

I glance up from my book and notice Dal. I stop her before she reaches the door. "Dallas, come here for a second."


"Come here."

She groans but obeys, stopping in the living room's doorway. "What?"

I scan her outfit of a tight crop top and jean booty shorts with her hair up in a messy bun. "You look nice."

"Thanks. Can I answer the door now?"

"Is Paige your girlfriend?" I ask bluntly.

"Mom!" Dallas yells at me.

"You didn't answer my question."

"No! She isn't."

"Do you want her to be?"

"I-No." She quickly leaves the room to answer the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Romanova-Atwood!" Paige greets me with a sweet smile. I've always liked Paige.

"Hi, honey."

The two girls quickly go upstairs to Dallas' room so I jump off the couch to find Nat. I find her in the backyard lounging by the pool.

"Nat, I think Dal likes a girl," I whisper when crouching next to my wife's chair.

Nat perks up at this, taking her sunglasses off and looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"That girl Paige she has over. Dal was all dressed up in a... revealing outfit. I asked straight up and she was weird about it."

"Well, let her have her privacy. That means no mind-reading," Nat smirks.

"Oh, I don't need to mind-read to figure this one out."

"I think you're reading into this too much."

"We'll see."

"Your mom was an Avenger?" Paige giggles.

"Yeah, I wish she still was. That'd be cool."

"It's still cool, I don't know what you're talking about. So have you like met the Avengers?"

"Yup, all of them. We see them every month. Uncle Clint comes over a lot more often though."

"That's so cool! How come you never told me?"

"Never came up naturally I guess," I nervously chuckle.

I anxiously fiddle with my phone in my lap as we talk. I don't know why I'm so nervous. But something about Paige being in my room is so scary. But it's not like she's never come over before. She's been over plenty of times. Something changed between us and I don't know what.

"So, your moms are Black Widow and... Vertigo? Oh my god. Vertigo has crazy powers, right?"

"Yup. She never really uses them, though."

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