⚠️ Killed in Action Pt. 3

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Warning: angst
I stare at my hands under the running burning water of the sink. I've blanked out again. "Babe?" I hear Scarlett's muffled voice coming from behind me. "Honey, are you alright?" In my blurred vision, I see her reach for the faucet then rip her hands away. "Jesus! That's hot!" She turns off the water for me but I stay completely still. My mind isn't here. She places her hand on my lower back, making me flinch and snap out of it.

"Are we watching that movie or?" I ask before walking out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, I've been looking forward to it." She happily skips into the living room with me and plops herself down on a couch.

The second my ass is in a cushion, she cuddles up to me, lifting my arm over her. Scarlett chose an action movie. I wasn't involved in the decision because, quite frankly, I don't care. The first 15 minutes of it is bearable but there comes a scene where the main character gets shot at and the sounds of gunshots make me grip the arm of the couch tightly. I'm holding on so tight, the veins in my arm bulge out. Scar's hand eventually makes its way under my shirt on my stomach. It takes everything in me to not make a scene and just ride it out. The rest of the two-hour movie feels like it'll never end but it does.

"Good choice, Scar. Time for bed," I quickly say to her and try to get up but she stops me.

"Hey, forgetting anything?"

"Right." I peck her lips and scramble away before she can keep me on the couch.

She comes into our bedroom shortly after me. I'm already getting ready for bed. "Hey, can you?" I gesture at my left leg. Although it's been quite a few months since I came home, my conditions are still big issues. My leg has only gotten worse, though. Last month, my doctor told me I need to start physical therapy to keep the movement in my leg. It's pretty messed up.

Scarlett nods and comes over to me sitting on the floor in Spandex and sports bra. We've been doing this for a while now so she knows what to do. I lay down on my back and let her do my stretches and light movements. I recently got "upgraded" to a leg brace instead of stiff wraps. She knows to be careful with the brace, she mainly avoids touching it, only holding my heel and knee carefully. We do this for ten minutes.

"All done." She carefully places my leg on the floor and helps me up. I stay half-naked, not feeling like getting dressed, and climb into bed next to my wife.

I'm about to get comfortable when there's a thud and crash. I jump and scramble out of the bed, swiping my black switchblade from its pocket on the underside of the nightstand. I crawl to the corner of the room and crouch with the blade protecting my chest. I breathe heavily but quietly.

"Woah, Callie! What the hell?" Scarlett stands on the other side of the room as me. "I just dropped my phone," she tells me but I don't move a muscle. "Callie, it's okay. You're safe." She hesitantly walks over to me. "Please give me the knife," she pleads, stopping a few feet away from me and holding her hand out.

After a minute of staring at her, I switch the blade back into the knife and hand it to her. She puts it on my nightstand and sits cross-legged in front of me. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

"What happened? What's going on? You've been different since I got you back. Talk to me."

"I-I thought I was getting attacked," I sniffle to her.

"What happened out there?"

"Maybe next time." I kiss her head as I get up, taking her hand to lead her to bed.

"Are you okay to sleep together?" Scar asks as we're getting comfortable under the sheets.

I just open my arm out to the side for her so she smiles big at me and comes into my arms. She lays her head on my chest and her hand on my abs, our normal position. She falls asleep quickly but like always, I can't even close my eyes.

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