Phone a Friend

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On the stage of a fan event, Paul Rudd, Chris Hemsworth, and I stand in front of three different podiums in front of a large crowd of fans. We're waiting for the event to start.

"Where's Cal?" Paul asks about my wife who isn't here.

"Home," I tell him.

"She's missing out."

"Yes, she is," I smile.

"Alright let's get started," Anthony Russo starts. "The first round is 'whose line is it anyway?' We're going to read a quote from a movie within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all you have to do is tell us who said it and in which movie."

"Just tell us who said it. You don't have to say which movie, okay?" Joe cuts in.

"Okay, let's try the first one," Anthony continues.

Joe picks up the card and reads the quote while it pops up on the screen next to us. "I'm sorry. I took it too far. I meant trash panda."

Chris presses a button that announces his character's name. "Quill?" he tries.

The answer shows up on the screen as Peter Quill from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Next, Anthony is reading the next quote. "We know each other! He's a friend from work!"

Paul slams on his button over and over again, earning laughter from us and the crowds. "That would be Thor... from Ragnarok."

He gets it right so Joe moves on to the next quote. "I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking."

None of us really know so the Russos try to help by telling Paul it's from his first crossover movie. When we don't get it, Joe asks the fans to help, so they yell out the answer: Falcon.

"Scarlett, you should get this one," Joe starts as he prepares to read the next quote. I perk up. "That's not a question I need answered."

I pause for a moment then turn to the screen. "That's not a question I need answered," I read from the screen. "Is it me...?"

With great enthusiasm, Joe points to me with a smile. "Yes, Scarlett!"

"Boom!" Anthony bursts.

"She-She's been in twelve movies," Joe adds. "I told you, I don't want to join your super-secret boy band," Joe reads the next quote.

"Wait, that's Robert," I immediately call as I hit my buzzer.

The answer comes up on the screen as Tony Stark, meaning I was right.

"He just kicked your ass full-size. You really want to find out what it's like when you can't see him coming?" Joe reads.

Paul immediately presses his buzzer. "Wasn't that... Tony Stark said that about Ant-Man."

As the answer pops up, we find out Paul is wrong.

"Oo, Howard Stark," Joe says.

"Oh right," Paul tries. "Of course! In the scene where Micheal Douglas is young and yeah, of course! The first Ant-Man. I've never seen the film," he finishes with a laugh.

"Alright, great job." Joe tosses the card behind him. "That's the end of round one. Now we're gonna go to round two. Are you ready? This is called 'Avengers Phone a Friend'. This is a challenge round. Let's see who can get a fellow Avenger on the phone the quickest. So get your phones out now," Joe continues and we all get our phones out to prepare. "Fastest one wins. Are you ready? Three, two, one, call an Avenger!"

"Any Avenger?" Chris asks.

"Any Avenger!" both Russos shout.

As the men on either side of me scroll through their phones and attempt to get a hold of our cast members, I already know who I'm calling. It's an easy choice and an easy win. I find and click on my wife's contact and put it on speaker, holding up the microphone to the phone.

"Oh, Scarlett do you have someone?" Anthony eagerly asks when the ringing can be heard through the room.

I just smile and a few seconds later, I get an answer. "Hey, Scar. What's up?"

The crowd blows up and the Russos cheer for my win in the game.

"Hey, just... saying hi."

"Well, hi," she lightly laughs.

"What are you up to?" I casually ask.

"Uh, nothing interesting. Just house chores."

The crowd continues to make some noise in the background so I figure I should tell her she's on speaker before she says something she'll regret. "By the way, you're on speaker for the fans."

"Oh! Hi, everyone!" The fans shout and cheer on response.

"We would've been ripped to shreds if you didn't answer so thank you for picking up."

"Of course. I always answer you."

"Well, I should let you go."

"Okay, it was great talking to everyone!"

"It was great talking to you, Cal!" Paul calls.

"You too, Rudd."

"Wait, why didn't you pick up when I called?" Chris tries and the whole crowd and the Russos blow up in laughter.

"Okay, bye! Love you guys!" Callie says, ignoring Chris' question.

"Love you!" Paul and Chris call.

"Love you, hun," I smile into the speaker before ending the call.

"Well, it looks like we have a winner of this round!" Anthony announces.

"It doesn't feel fair," Chris complains.

"Why? Because I got an Avenger on the phone and you didn't?" I tease.

"Because she's your wife. She's bound to answer your call."

"Well, apparently you tried calling her..." I try not to laugh.

"And she didn't answer," Chris pouts.

"Tough luck," I tease, earning laughter from everyone in the room.

"The scores have been counted and we can reveal the winner of the Marvel mega quiz is..." the sweet British lady starts. "It was a draw between Black Widow and Ant-Man."

I smile hugely at Paul and he drapes his arm around me. We all say thank you to the fans and walk off of the stage. I happily walk out the back of the building where I'm greeted by our dark blue Rolls-Royce in the parking lot with my wife in the driver's seat. She agreed to pick me up instead of me calling for an Uber.

"Hey," I smile, leaning over the center console to kiss her.

"Hey, how was the rest of the event?"

"Good, fans missed you. Chris is butthurt that you didn't answer his call."

"Aw, poor little Hemsworth. He'll get over it," she laughs, pulling out of the parking lot. "If you tell him to try calling me again, I'll answer this time."

"He might be too upset with you to do that but I'll offer it."

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