🔞 Romantic Getaway Pt. 2

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"I'll do all the hard work."

Scarlett's soft lips connect to mine in a passionate kiss. Since we're already there, I don't hesitate to press my face harder to hers, slipping my tongue into her mouth. We let out small hums at the feeling of our tongues gliding past one another. I gently grind between her bent legs, our naked bodies sliding against each other. She keeps her hands on my back, holding me into her.

I lift from her lips, flipping my hair out of the way, and move to her neck. I kiss her neck hard. Unfortunately, I can't leave marks because of her work. I kiss down her chest eagerly. Keeping one hand under her jaw, I continue down her stomach with my lips. She releases a full moan when I place a kiss on her gut. I smile against her skin and come back up to her lips, holding her jaw as I hungrily make out with her. With my free hand, I walk my fingers down her body. She whimpers into my mouth in agreement when I tug on her underwear's waistline.

I slide my hand in, slipping my fingers into her. She instantly screams, now unable to kiss me back as I pump into her. She digs her nails into my back the harder I go.

"Yeah, that's it, baby!" She moans when I curl to hit her g-spot.

Her whimpers and moans match my fast movements in and out of her.

"CALLIE FUCK!" She screams into my ear when I start rubbing her clit.

As I breathe heavily against her skin, I pump hard and fast into her dripping wet cunt with all my strength. Scarlett's mouth gapes open and her head tilts back in pleasure. Her back arches as she closes in on her upcoming orgasm. Her body rocks underneath me, her tits bouncing against mine.

One more hard slam of my fingers and she cums all over my hand. I slow down, gently gliding in and out to end our time. When I pull out, I lift myself enough to lick my hand clean of her before collapsing on top of her, my head resting on her sweaty chest. She weakly wraps her arms around me, our body heat keeping our naked bodies warm.

Too tired to talk, we let ourselves fall asleep for the night.


I wake before my wife so I get out of bed to make her breakfast in bed. When it's all made, I come back upstairs to my wife already sitting up in bed waiting for me, fully dressed.

"Breakfast in bed?" She asks.

"Only for you, my love."

"You're too good to me."

I peck her lips then start my normal morning routine, letting her eat her breakfast.

"Are you going to work? I thought you had the day off," Scarlett asks when I walk out of our walk-in closet with my suit in on its hanger.

"Uh yeah. Just a quick stop but I can't go in in something casual."

"Hm," she nods.

"I'm going to start looking into our trip," I tell her as I make my way around to her side of the bed. "Do you have any places you want to go?" I lean over the side of the bed, hovering over her.

"Surprise me."

I smirk and she grabs me by my tie, pulling me into her. "I'll be back," I groan when I pull away to leave for work.


Hours later, I arrive back home. I grab a snack and settle in my home office to start researching our romantic getaway. A while into my search, my wife walks in and sits in one of the chairs across from me at my glass desk.

"How's it going?"

"Good. I've looked at France, Italy, Iceland."

"Any favorites?"

"I'm feeling Iceland. Northern lights if we time it perfectly."

"That sounds beautiful."

"Sometimes I forget we're a millionaire family. This shit will be expensive," I lightly chuckle.

"I'm sure it'll be worth the cost," Scar smiles while getting up to sit sideways on my lap in my swivel chair.

She watches my MacBook's screen as I scroll through places to go and visit sites for hotels and other basic travel necessities. Throughout our research, we occasionally come across a location that jumps out at us that we just need to go to. We make a list of locations so we can do further research later. After a long time of location searching, we get hungry for lunch so I bring my laptop with me to the kitchen to eat.

"I like our list. I think this trip will end up pretty fuckin' amazing, babe," I say with a mouthful of sandwich.

"When are we leaving?"

"When can you?"

"When are you thinking of leaving?"

"Scarlett, I don't know. That's why I'm asking when you're able to," I chuckle.

"And that's why I'm asking when you're thinking of leaving. So I have an idea of when I need to tell them ahead of time."

"Good thing this conversation went nowhere."

"What about within the next few months? Is that too early?"

"Come on, it's me you're talking to. I can make anything work," I wink.

-3 months later-

"I'll be back," I tell my wife following a kiss on her cheek.

I rush out the door and head to my casino to finalize plans of my absence with my employees.

"I'm not sure how long I'll be gone since things could change. But if we're longer than what I originally said, whoever is put on schedule will be paid extra. I'm just a call away if you need me but try not to need me," I explain to a small group of my workers in the back room.

Everyone voices their agreement so I give a basic rundown on how exactly I want my business to be run when I'm gone. Finally, I'm able to go home to prepare for my wife and I's long upcoming getaway. We leave next week and Scarlett already started her break from work yesterday. We got lucky. I happily skip into our mansion and immediately walk up to Scarlett.

"What's up-" I cut her off by grabbing her face and pulling her into a passionate kiss. She instantly melts into it.

Without breaking the kiss, I drag her to the kitchen and hoist her onto the counter. "I can't wait to get away with you," I breathe between the motions.

"Imagine doing this but in Brazil," she smiles then shoves her tongue down my throat.

"So romantic." I kiss her harder.

When we finish making out, we continue packing for our trip, being extra careful that we don't forget anything.

-One week later-

"Uber's here! We got to go!" I call to Scarlett as I'm barreling down the steps with both of our suitcases.

A minute later, my beautiful wife appears at the bottom next to me in one of my hoodies. I bring our stuff to the car waiting for us outside while Scarlett does whatever she needs to do inside, joining me when she's done. Finally, we're on our way to the airport to the first destination of our long-overdue romantic getaway.

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