🔞 Cravings Pt. 2

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After buttoning up the jacket of my suit, I head downstairs to leave for work. As I reach the front door, there's a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

"Scar, I have to go," I try.

"It's the weekend," she smirks.

"It's Friday."

"Week. End. End of the week. Friday included."

"Okay. We'll talk about it when I get home. I can't be late."

I wrap an arm around her waist, a hand on the small of her back, and press our lips together. She instantly melts into the kiss but I pull away after the first long hum.

"I gotta run. Love you."

"Love you too."


It's been a long day. All the work that I've done is getting overwhelming and I just want to go home. Right now, I'm in a meeting. A meeting that's only making my day worse. For the most part, when I'm not arguing, I'm sitting silently with my forehead resting on my fingertips.

"Okay, go home," my boss commands.

With that, we all pack up our briefcases and leave. When I get to my car, I take a moment to breathe. I have never been so exhausted and ready to go home in my life.


Walking into my house, I go straight to the bedroom. I drop my briefcase by the door and take my hair down from its messy bun. Scarlett walks in as I sit on the bed.

"Hey, hun," I breathe tiredly.

"How was work?" She kneels in front of me between my legs.

"There are too many words to describe today." I gently massage her scalp while she unbuttons my suit jacket.

"Try." She pushes off my jacket, tosses it to the side, then starts on my belt buckle.

"Okay. Um. Tiring. Stressful. Overwhelming. I don't know."

She pulls my belt through all the loops and it drops to the floor. "Was it the meetings?"

"Yeah. All they were doing was arguing. We didn't get anywhere."

"Hm." Scar unzips my pants, pulls my undershirt out from being tucked, and starts unbuttoning it. "I guess that means more meetings on Monday?"


She pushes off my shirt, dropping it to the floor next to her. I let her hands roam my bare skin. Instead of going for my bra, she stands me up, pulls my pants off, and sets me back down. She kneels in front of me and further spreads my legs, sliding her hands up my bare inner thighs.

"What're you doing?" I breathe.

My wife reaches a hand up to my chest and pushes me back so I'm forced to lean back on my hands. When she presses her tongue against my stomach and her hands are toying with my underwear's waistband, I force out a breath.

"Seriously, what're you doing?" I manage to ask.

She pulls her tongue away from my skin to say, "Getting you going." She takes another lick then asks, "Is it working?"

"I'm not giving you that satisfaction."

"Don't have to. You'll give it to me in a different way."

"I highly doubt tha... OHH!" Scarlett's hand slips past my underwear at the same time she nips at my skin.

"Yeah, baby. Do that again," she husks.

"Make me."

"Challange accepted."

She finally just pulls my underwear off and tosses it across the room. Without a word, she dips her fingers into my center earning a low moan from me. She steadily pumps her fingers in and out while her tongue explores my abs, savoring the taste of my skin. Her mouth travels up my body but stops where my bra covers. She groans.

"Take this shit off. I want what's under it."

I oblige and throw it away from us. "You know, you're still clothed."

She smirks up at me then strips down to nothing. Before she has the chance to kneel down again, I stand. Taking her tits in my hands, I push her back until she hits a wall. She instantly moans against my lips that were connected to hers the second we both stood. I hold the sides of her neck and her hands grip my ass as we makeout. I eventually move my lips down to her neck, licking, sucking, biting her skin. I'm busying myself with her throbbing neck that it takes me a few minutes to realize the extra moans in the room are coming from me. Scarlett's leg has been pushed between mine, her thigh methodically rubbing my pussy in all the right ways.

To help the process, I join in the movements by grinding against her thigh as well as her rubbing me. I stop kissing her skin to release my moans and groans and heavy breaths. I have to push through the pleasure to continue standing. I hold on to the back of her neck to stay upright and her leg bends more so I can grind against it. Suddenly, my lower body seems to spasm and my clit hits her leg causing my legs to give out. Scarlett grabs my waist to prevent me from falling.

"Come on, let's use the bed. It's there for a reason." Scar supports me as our tangled bodies go back to the bed. I lay down, my arms above my head and my knees leaning together weakly. Before Scar climbs onto the bed, she taps my knees. "Open," she instructs and my legs automatically spread themselves like I have no control over it.

She crawls between my wide-spread legs and lowers herself to continue making out. One hand flies to my cunt and the other reaches up to intertwine her hand with mine above my head. Her fingers go in and out of me, occasionally wiggling when she goes deep. My mouth hangs open with Scar's only a mere inch away. Our breaths are hot and wet. By now, we're both beaded with sweat all over our naked bodies.

The longer she passionately fucks me, the more the pleasure comes over me. I tighten my grip on Scar's hand.

"Okay baby, I'm getting tired," Scarlett whispers. "Give me something."

I nod, trying to form words. "Yeah," I breathe. "Just..." I take a second to buck my hips into her hand that hasn't given up on my orgasm yet. "Just another minute. I... I'm so close."

She uses her thumb on my clit to draw it out faster. She applies pressure and I can feel myself getting closer.

"Yes," I whimper. "Just– Right–" Before I can finish my thought, it happens. My legs shake and my body spasms under my wife. She pulls her tired fingers out of me the second my cum covers her hand.

Scarlett collapses on top of me. I let out a humph under her when her weight hits me. I loosely hold onto the sides of her ribs, her arms over her head to rest next to my face holding the sides of my jaw. She lovingly rubs my jaw with her thumb, both of us exhausted.

"So, what are we gonna try next week?" Scar asks softly.

"How are you already thinking about next week when we just finished?"

"I'm needy."

"Let me sleep on it, then?"

"Fine. You have 'till Friday." Scar pecks my lips then relaxes on top of me.

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