⚠️ NR - Ransom Pt. 4

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Warning: angst, depression, slight self-harm

Help is at the bottom.
Little A/N at the bottom:)
In my room, I stand in front of my full body mirror with the hem of my t-shirt between my teeth as I carefully tend to my abdomen. It's been almost a month since I came home from Hydra's base but my stab wound keeps getting reopened. I dab rubbing alcohol on it and wince as the burning sensation surrounds the open wound.

There's a light knock followed by, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I respond, quickly tossing the bandage packaging in the trash after covering it. Just as Nat enters my room, I let my shirt drop.

"Come here." She taps the spot on my bed next to her and I gently lay next to her, being careful with my stomach. She turns her body to face me but all I'm able to do is look at her. "How are you?"

"Good. Yeah. How are you?"

"I've been thinking..."


"How we haven't had a date in a while."

"Well, no. We haven't."

"What're you doing tonight?"

I pretend to check the watch that's not on my wrist. "Nothing," I smile.

"Perfect. We can go out and then..." She trails her fingers down my body, tugging on my shirt's hem.

Before she has the chance to undress me, I quickly jump out of bed. "I just have a few things to do beforehand. I'll find you when I'm done," I say quickly as I rush out of the room leaving Nat alone in my bed.

I watch in slight shock as Callie runs out of the room. I notice she left her phone on the nightstand so out of instinct, I snatch it. I have no reason to go through it, I'm not like that. But Callie just has entertaining things on it. More entertaining than my phone and Cal always lets me use her phone whenever I want. Her lock screen is a picture of me kissing the edge of the screen. If I were to put my phone next to hers, the picture of her on my screen would make it look like we're kissing. I unlock her phone and my heart melts like it does every time I use her phone. Her home screen is an adorable picture of us. It's a candid that Wanda took of me laying with my back to Callie between her legs while we look at a phone in Cal's hand and we're just laughing, our smiles wide and pure.

As I stare at her home screen, completely lost in our smiles—more her smile—an incoming text from her best friend, June, pops up. It reads, "Please talk to me baby". My heart skips a beat. It's not the "baby" that got me, I know those two have an affectionate friendship. It's the knowledge that she only calls Cal terms of endearment when something's going on. Like something bad.

I hate myself for being nosy but I can't stop myself when I start. I scroll through some of Callie and June's texts. Callie's responses are simple, mostly only a few words. I find that strange for her. She's good at knowing what to say most of the time. I find a message from June that reads "That looks bad:(" and before it from Callie "Here" but there's nothing in between. The only explanation I can think of was Callie deleted whatever was there. I frown a little as I shut off her phone and put it back on the nightstand.

I want to ask her about it but I don't know how to start that conversation. And I don't want her thinking I'm going through her phone like that. Before I can conjure up a conversation, Callie walks into the room.

"Hey," I greet her with a warm smile.

"Date time?"

"Yeah." I join her as she walks back out of the room.

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