🔞 NR - Virgin Pt. 2

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The scariest part about kissing Callie, even if we're just slowly making out, is the fact that I am a virgin. I've never done any of this before and Callie has. She has so much experience and then there's me... with none. I'm worried I won't be good enough or she'll think I'm too amateur for this. But if she thinks that, she's definitely not showing it.

Her hands rub up and down the back of my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair every time she goes up. Her other hand rests on my thigh, not moving too much. We're still in the awkward position of sitting next to each other. Her skilled lips move in perfect motions. I just do what she does, just like when she told me to "follow her lead". I don't really know where to put my hands so they rest frozen on her waist.

Callie pulls away slowly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're not moving. You're like a statue," she chuckles lightly.

"I just don't know where to put my hands. I don't know how to do this"—I gesture between us—"properly."

"Well, for starters, you can touch me. I won't burn you," she smiles and my face heats up with embarrassment. "Just follow my lead, seriously. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Don't feel pressured to do something just because you think it might make me happy, okay?"

"What if I touch you wrong? Is that even possible?" I almost laugh but I force it down.

"You're cute," she chuckles. "But with me, there's no way to touch me wrong. I like being touched." Her smirk fills my stomach with butterflies. "Want to switch positions?"

I nod so she lovingly lays me down and gets on top of me. I'm not a complete idiot so I know some things. I open my legs so she can get between my bent legs. Before she lays down, though, she seductively pulls her shirt off. My eyes bounce down to her literally perfect abs and my eyes almost pop out. I've never seen her like this since we've been nothing but friends. I wish I did, though. Now that she's shirtless, I find it even scarier because it's her skin I'll be touching rather than her clothes. She notices my nerves. Without even saying anything, she takes my hands that were laying at my sides and puts them on her body. One hand on her lower back and the other on the back of her neck. Finally, she bends down to me.

Being under Callie is unparalleled. With my hand on the side of her jaw, I can feel just how sharp it is every time her mouth opens against mine. My fingers end up sliding under her bra strap and Callie pulls away after I leave them there for a moment. I start to think I did something wrong.

"Do you want it off?" she asks huskily.

My heart skips a beat. Who wouldn't want that? I swallow heavily. Her eyes scan me.

"You can say yes if you do," she smirks.

"Y-Yes," I respond, my voice cracking.

Without another thought, she's completely... absolutely... topless. It makes me question why she's with me out of all people. She's clearly done all of this many other times and she's my first. Her confidence is attractive. I fight the urge to stare at her chest but she cuts my view off by coming back down to kiss me, a bit more intense this time.

After a few seconds of her lips smashing against mine, her tongue swipes my bottom lip. I instantly give access by parting my lips against hers to allow her tongue to enter for the first time. I let out a hum at the feeling of her tongue carefully exploring my mouth. As much as I want to touch her, I don't dare move my hands from the nape of her neck. I don't want to seem too eager and miss my chance to kiss the one person I've wanted to kiss.

As we make out a little faster, she moves her hand that was rubbing my stomach to one of my wrists. She urges me to slide my hand down... to her chest. With slight hesitation, I slide my hand down her body and simply rest my hand on her breast, her hard nipple in my palm. My heart is beating out of my chest at the thought and feeling of her breast in my hand.

Out of instincts that I didn't know I had, I rub her breast with my thumb, and, to my surprise, she lets out a small groan. Liking what I just heard, I continue rubbing her. Her small groans turn into light moans the longer I do. At some point, I accidentally squeeze her tit but play it off like I meant to when she releases a louder moan into my mouth. I fight an oncoming smile. Her sounds tell me to not stop playing with her so I continue rubbing and squeezing to earn moans that are like music to my ears.

I can feel our lips growing tired from moving against each other so Callie moves to my neck. She slowly kisses down my jaw and neck. I tilt my head to give her more access and tell her to keep going. That and my tiny moans that leave my mouth should tell her how much I like what she's doing.

I'll give it to myself, I'm getting good at this whole kissing thing. I've started moving my hand up and down the back of her neck and continuously playing with her breast. We don't do anything but make out roughly. Callie leaves a few hickeys with my permission, of course. When we finish, she pecks my lips once more before getting off of me to collect her clothes.

"I'm sorry I didn't get undressed," I say as she's pulling her shirt over her head.

She turns to me with a sad look and sits on the edge of the bed next to me laying down. "Nat, no. You don't have to get naked for me to enjoy it. That stuff takes time and if you aren't ready, I'm not going to force you."

"But you were halfway there while I was fully clothed."

"And I'm happy to be the only one without clothes. I don't mind."

"Okay." I continue staring at her.

"Was that a good first time?"

I sit up and rest my arms around her shoulders. "I am so glad it was with you. I wouldn't want it any other way with anybody else."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"I've wanted to do that since I first met you," I admit.

"Me too," she smiles.

"Will this ruin our friendship?"

"I don't think so. And if it does, we'll just stop. But I think it'll be okay."

Callie lays us down to cuddle with my head on her chest. She holds me close as we quietly talk about our normal stuff. Being best friends, and maybe more one day, we can find anything to talk about.

I get caught up in my thoughts about being under her. The way her skin felt. How soft her lips were against mine and my skin. I meant it when I told her I wouldn't want my first time to be with anyone else. She didn't force anything and we went my speed. I love that about Callie. She's patient and caring, no matter what. I just hope this won't be the end of us in any way. Now that I had it, I want her like that all the time.

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