⚠️ NR - I miss you.

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"Okay. Flowers, chocolates, teddy bear, card. I think we're good." I list the things I need to myself before rushing out the door to the car.

The 7-minute drive is short but it feels longer. When I arrive, I take a shaky deep breath and collect my thoughts, then climb out of the car. I take my time to walk down the dirt path, clutching the gifts in my clammy hands.

"Hey, Nat... I brought you flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear, and a card. I know I should start giving you different types of flowers other than roses, they pile up, I know." A tear travels down my face as I talk.

"I couldn't find any other animals, they only had bears. I hope that's okay. And I know the card is cheesy, you know I've never been good at cards."

The knot in my throat grows and soon enough, I can't stop the tears. I fall to my knees on the icy autumn ground, putting everything but the bear down, and squeezing the teddy tightly. I cry into the stuffed animal until I run out of tears to cry. The bitter air freezes the tears on my face quickly so I'm forced to wipe them away with the hoodie I'm wearing, Natasha's hoodie.

"I miss you, Nat." I spin my engagement band on my finger, my eyes filling with tears again.

"Everyone back home misses you too. We all wish you were here. I wish you were here. Oh, the things I would do to feel your hug right now. I wake up every morning in our now-empty bed, always expecting you to be here. At dinner, I keep trying to make you a plate but everyone has to remind me you aren't here to eat with us. On movie nights—I don't even bother going anymore—but when I do, I just sit alone and silently cry because all the movies we watch remind me of you. I can't do anything without thinking of you. I miss you so much." My voice breaks as I talk to her, every part of me wishing she would respond.

"One day, we'll be together and when we are, we can have the life we were so close to living."

I wipe the final tears from my face and steady my breathing. I stare at nothing until I feel at least a little bit okay again. Multiple buzzing in my pocket makes me jump a little. Texts from my friends.

Clint Barton: Hey, movie night starts in 20 mins. Want me to come get you?

Wanda Maximoff: Hi Cal, how ya doin? Why don't you come home? Movie night starts soon. Tony said you can pick the movie! Need a ride?

Carol Danvers: I'm coming for movie night tonight! It's been a while since I've seen you. I miss you. Hope to see you soon.

Peter Parker: Can't wait to see you at movie night! Miss ya.

Steve Rogers: Hey kid. Will you be coming to movie night? Haven't seen you all day so I hope you come.

As I read the texts, a bump in my throat grows again. I don't answer anyone and just put my phone back in my pocket and turn my focus to the reason I'm here.

"Everyone wants me back. I know if you were here, you would tell me to go to movie night but I just want to stay here all night. With you."

A final text comes in and I pull my phone back out.

Tony Stark: Movie night. You pick.

Then a second text.

Tony Stark: Miss you.

Once again, and for the last time, I burst into tears. Memories of me and Nat flood in, each more painful than the last. The pain in my chest intensifies so much that it feels like someone is stabbing me over and over again and I'm just not dying. My phone keeps buzzing but I ignore it. It takes me a long time to recover from crying but eventually, I do.

"I guess I should go now. I'll come back really soon, I promise." I lift myself off the ground, leaving the roses, teddy bear, and card. I take the chocolates with me because I know that would be considered littering if I left them.

"Happy anniversary, my love." I kiss my fingertips and place them on the freezing headstone of my fiancé.

"I love you, forever," I whisper, slowly dragging my fingers off the top of the stone as I turn to walk away with a heavy heart and eyes full of tears.

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