NR - Gone Pt. 2

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A/N at bottom:)
The mission was hard but not impossible. We got home the same night with a successful mission and Tony wants to throw a party in celebration. I have ten minutes until the party starts. In my room, I sit on my bed. I'm completely dressed and ready for tonight but I refuse to get up. My date earlier got me thinking about Callie all over again. My emotions are taking over.

There's a knock on my door before it opens slowly. "Hey, 'Tash. You ready? The party starts in ten– Oh, Nat."

Clint rushes over to me. I didn't even know I was sobbing until Clint has his arms around me and I'm no longer silent. I sob into him.

"What's wrong?" he asks softly after a while.

"I miss her. I miss Callie so much."

"Oh. Me too, Nat."

"It should have been me on that mission."

"Absolutely not."

Having nothing else left to say, I stay with Clint for a while. We're late for the party. I instantly go to the bar to get a drink. I get the strongest alcohol the bar has and sit alone. That is until a familiar voice rips me out of my thoughts.

"You look great," Taylor flirts.

"Oh, hey. I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing here?"

"Remember my photography? It gets me into a lot of places."

"That's right. I guess I should have expected it, then."

"Is it a problem that I'm here?"

"Not at all."

"Great." Taylor orders a drink and sits on the barstool next to mine. "But don't worry, I'm not here for work. I came because I figured you, an Avenger, would be at an Avenger party."

"Well, you figured correctly."

Taylor and I talk through most of the party. It's nice to have a familiar face that isn't one of the Avengers. The team only reminds me too much of Callie, especially Wanda, so it's sometimes hard to be surrounded by constant reminders of my dead... whatever we are—were—at this point. Eventually, though, the main party is announced over but obviously, the Avengers don't leave yet. We all hang out like we always do.

I get a notification on my phone from FRIDAY. I've programmed her to send me messages rather than talk over the loudspeakers for certain things. This happens to be one of them. I excuse myself from the group and leave the room quickly.

"FRIDAY, what am I looking at?"

"Sorry to interrupt, Boss. But you have a visitor in the foyer. It's urgent."


Sometimes I wish I didn't make my AIs so realistic because FRIDAY straight-up ignores me. So, naturally, I make my way to the foyer of the compound. I find someone standing with their back to me. They're wearing a baseball cap, black hoodie, and gray sweatpants so it's impossible to tell who they are. But, for some reason, my heart picks up pace. As I make my way over to them, they take off their hat. Her dirty blonde wavy hair falls out and I stop in my tracks. A tear falls.

I gasp. "Callie?"

She turns around. I lose it. I don't cry easily but I burst into tears and run up to her. I practically knock her down with the force of my embrace.

"Hey, Stark," she mumbles into me.

"How are you here? I–I thought you–"

"Died? Yeah, I know. I know when the government thinks I'm dead. But I'm here."

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