NR - Shower Concert

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I'm in a small group of my friends, making small talk, laying across a couch in the living room.

"I'm like, boom. You looking for this?" Rhodey finishes his War Machine story to Jane and of course, her face stays blank.

"Oh, is that...?" she finally tries to add to their conversation but clearly struggles.

"Yeah, it's the War Machine story."

"Oh stop it, Rhodes, that story never gets a reaction," Tony teases him, earning laughter from everyone in the room.

When the laughter dies down, he refutes Tony with a smirk. "You know, you don't always have to be a dick."

"Yes I-"

In the background of the conversation, I hear a muffled tune but it doesn't sound like a radio.

"Wait Tony shut up." I quickly sit up sideways on the sofa, looking in the direction I think the sound came from.

"What is it, Nat?" Tony asks, annoyed because he hates being shushed.

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Thor asks for the group.

Before I could respond, the voice comes again. This time much louder and everyone turns their heads.

"If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya
And if the sky falls from heaven above
Oh, I know I had the best time falling into love"

"Who is that?" Jane asks for everyone.

"She's really good," Steve comments and we all agree with him because, damn, she's good.

We figure it's a girl just by the way the voice sounds. Plus, we all know none of the men here would willingly sing and if they did, they wouldn't sound good.

"Well, there's five girls here that would sing like this, and two of them are right here. So it could be Wanda, Carol, or Callie," Tony explains.

We go silent again, listening.

"And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever
'Til forever falls apart"

"Who's that singing?" We all turn our heads to the room's doorway to see Carol.

"Well, it's not Carol," Tony comments.

"Wow. We had no idea Stark," Rhodey sarcastically says then turns to Carol. "We don't know. All we know is it's one of the girls. Now it's just between Wanda and Callie. Any ideas?"

"I do. I saw Wanda right before I came in. She was leaving with Vision somewhere."

"No way." I can't hide my shock and amazement that my girlfriend is the one who's singing that well.

"If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya
And if the sky falls from heaven above
Oh, I know I had the best time falling into love
We've been living on a fault line
And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever
'Til forever falls apart"

We all admire Callie's singing until the end of her shower concert.

10 minutes later, she skips into the living room and right up to the back of my couch.

"Hellooo!" she happily sings to the group with her adorable grin.

It drops when she looks around at everyone staring at her with smirks.

"Guys, what?"

I turn my head up at Callie. "Babe, I didn't know you could sing."

She immediately blushes and looks away.

"You guys heard that?"

"Well, you weren't exactly being too quiet," Tony chuckles in response.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother anyone."

"Are you kidding? You sounded so good!" Jane compliments.

Cal looks down at me as if she's looking for me to agree and I obviously do. "You sounded amazing singing in the shower."

"Thank you, Nat." She leans down to give me a small hug.

"Next time let me join you," I whisper in her ear as she's pulling away so she doesn't have enough time to recover.

Inspiration: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe

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