🔞 Hooking Up Pt. 2

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"And action!" The assistant director calls for us to start the scene.

I'm standing over a desk trying to be confused, waiting for Callie's cue. Close to five seconds later, she gets it and leaps over another desk, landing in front of me. I point my gun at her head. We stare at each other for a brief moment before she attempts to grab my weapon but I stop her, hitting her in the head with the handle of it. She then steps back from me and makes movements with her hands. After effects, it'll show her making a ball of her wisps and throwing it at me. I stumble back since her ball is supposed to have hit my stomach. I recover and try to come back at her but again, she uses her abilities from a few feet away to choke me to my knees.

As I'm falling to the ground, she slowly walks up to me. I look up at her when she's standing before me. Callie's then ordered to switch to using her hand on me so she kind of gently slams her hand around my throat, applying some pressure. She looks down at me with a straight face and a tight jaw.

Oh fuck.

I remain on my knees in front of her with her hand around my throat for a few minutes until we're called off the set.

"I hate you so much," I say to Callie as we're walking to our chairs to watch the final scene of the day.

"Aw." She smirks back.

"You know you don't actually have to choke me, right?"

"Oh really? I didn't know that." Her smirk becomes a small grin.

"I'll see you in your trailer after this," I whisper as I'm getting up to film my last scene.


I leave the main set early because I got bored of not acting anymore. I make my way to my trailer, immediately getting changed into sweatpants and a tight tank top. I think about today's scene. I'm proud of myself, I think I did well today. I step out of my bedroom and into my kitchen to fill a glass with water.

"You should really start locking your door," I hear Scarlett say from the doorway of my trailer.

"But where's the fun in that?" I joke.

She walks up to me, getting me against the wall of cabinets.

"Did you forget about the window?" I ask, glancing at the small window exposing us.

She doesn't respond, just hooks her index and middle fingers of both hands in the front waistline of my sweatpants. Walking backward, she pulls me into my bedroom. I don't even bother closing the little bedroom door, I just rip her shirt off and throw her onto the bed. I take mine off as I'm crawling between her legs, smashing our lips together. One of her hands goes into my hair while the other runs down my back, stopping just at my pant's waistline. I know she likes it so I start to gently rock my body, grinding to hit her in the right teaser spots. She hums quietly under me.

Her hums grow to quiet moans when my right hand explores every inch of her thigh. I tease her by grazing over her core every time my hand goes down. I break the kiss eventually to begin kissing her jaw carefully, placing loving kisses down the side of her neck. When I reach her chest, I kiss harder, leaving a couple of hickeys on the top of her breasts. The hand in my hair grips the back of my neck tightly. I then move one hand under her bra to toy with a breast, flicking her nipple between grabs.

"Oh yeah," she moans loudly.

When I'm busy kissing her body and grabbing both her tits with both hands, I don't notice her unclipping my bra and tossing it to the floor. She then gently pushes up on my bare upper chest. We sit up and she unclips her own bra for me, tossing it behind me to the floor. When we're both completely topless, I shove her back down. I sit on my knees between her bent legs on the bed still and she reaches both arms up to grab my breasts. She squeezes, earning a decently loud moan from me. She then slides her hands down my body, stopping and tugging on my sweatpants' waistline. I smirk down at her and slowly climb off of her to take off my pants. Before I crawl back onto her, I grab her leggings to ask for permission to take them off. She gives it by scooting to the edge of the bed and taking them off for me.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now