🔞 NR - Makeup Sex

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"How the fuck do you always find something to complain about?!" I yell at my long-term girlfriend.

"Because there always is something to complain about!" Natasha shouts in response.

"Christ, I don't even know why I try anymore! It's like all my fucking efforts go down the drain whenever you want them to! One second we could be fine and the next, we're fighting!" I almost start laughing because of how upset I'm getting but I hold it in.

"Oh well then here's an option. Try harder! If you really were putting in this much effort, we wouldn't be fighting right now."

"Okay, I'm going to pretend you didn't just tell me to try harder. I'm literally the only one that puts effort in anymore! I can't remember the last time you did something nice for me when you didn't want something from me!" As we scream at each other, I pace the room and Natasha watches me while leaning back on our kitchen counter. Pacing helps me not blow up more than I already am.

"Oh really? I could list a bunch! But I thought this fight was about how I complain too much? Or did you choose another argument to start, like you always do?"

I whip to face her. It is taking everything in me not to make our situation worse. And her comments aren't helping, but she knows this. "You're on thin ice, Natalia."

"You just can't seem to go a fucking second without starting something, Callie!"

"Because you can't go a second without pissing me off! Jesus fuck, I didn't think expressing how I felt would start this shit!"

"Oh, so now I'm the toxic girlfriend?" Nat chuckles in frustration.

"You know what, you're starting to fit the part!" I angrily blurt out.

She scoffs. "Well, if we're going down this road, you're just as toxic!"

"Oh please," I scoff, rolling my eyes at her.

"You start fights, and for what? What could you possibly be getting out of this?" Natasha stands up off of the counter to project her voice at me. "You always make me out to be the bad guy when most of the time, it's you! It's always you Callie! You're the bad guy! You're fucking up this whole relationship!"

"You'd better watch your fucking mouth," I hiss, stopping in my tracks.

"What? Can't handle it?" She asks innocently. "Then don't start fights you can't finish," she snarls sternly.

"God, I'm so sick of your voice!" I snap. Suddenly, I'm done fighting with words. "Why don't you come over here and put your mouth to better use?"

Natasha looks at me for a moment, her eyes filled with anger, her jaw tight. I stare at her while stepping back until my back eventually hits the wall behind me. Finally, she slowly makes her way over to me, stopping a foot away from me. My eyes inadvertently flick to her lips briefly. The tension between us is high. It really makes me want her.

When I think she's just going to storm away, she swiftly takes a step forward, slamming one hand around my throat, the other grips my waist, and presses our bodies together. Her lips graze my ear, she breathes into it. I know she would never hurt me but her rage keeps the firm grip on my throat until my breathing hitches. She slowly releases her grip, calmly dragging her fingertips down the center of my body. She doesn't hesitate to pull my shirt off over my head and immediately unclip my bra. Not wanting to be the only exposed one of us, I do the same to her. When our tops hit the floor, we let our anger out.

She drags me by my sweatpants waistline into our bedroom. Before we reach the bed, I yank her lips back to mine, shoving my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues aggressively fight for dominance, our bodies fight to be on top. Eventually, I give in, for now, letting her throw me onto our bed and rip the rest of my clothes off. She impatiently gets undressed before crawling between my bent legs. We hungrily make out and explore one another's bodies, panting and moaning into each other's mouths.

Finally, Nat trails her fingers back down my stomach and straight into my core. "Oh fuck!" I scream as she pumps fast and hard into me, already hitting my g-spot and rubbing my clit.

She's going so hard, my body violently rocks underneath her with her pumps. As she fucks me, she kisses my neck, sucking and biting to leave dark hickeys all over my neck and chest. I think she's getting fed up with waiting for my orgasm because she shoves her fingers knuckle deep as hard as she can, wiggling her fingers inside of me. The pleasure immediately takes over my body and I don't have time to process anything before I'm cumming all over her hand. She glides in and out of me for another minute until I decide our night is nowhere near over yet.

I pull on her hair hard, carefully throwing her to the side of me and getting on top of her. She has no choice but to come out of me, licking her hand clean of me before exploring my naked body once again. As much as I want to kiss her lips, we're too out of breath so I can't. I start at her jaw, placing slow warm kisses down her neck to her breasts. My lips gravitate to them, taking one tit in my mouth and flicking my tongue on her nipple between sucking on it.

One hand grips the back of my neck, the other squeezes my ass as I slip my fingers into her. She closes her eyes and her mouth gapes open when I hit her g-spot. I let her scream under me as I fuck her with the rest of my strength. She doesn't last long against my hand before she's tightening around it. I rub her clit and she immediately releases onto my hand.


"Holy shit," Nat pants between movements when we're finally just making out. We're both exhausted, we got a few long rounds in.

We now lay bare between the sheets cuddled up to each other. "Yeah, wow. That fucked me up," I chuckle in response. There's a bit of silence between us now. Probably because of our fight and some of the fucked up shit we said. It wasn't a tiny fight we can just get over. I take a deep breath before saying anything. "I'm sorry about our fight. I didn't mean any of what I said. I just said them in the heat of the moment. I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Cal. I hate when we fight. Especially over stupid shit."

"Me too. By the way, you're not a toxic girlfriend. You're the best." I kiss her neck since that's the only place I can reach and she tightens her grip on me.

We eventually fall asleep since it's late and all the fighting and fucking wore us out. But at least we're okay now. That's all that matters.

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